The SOUL Zone.
The SOUL Zone
>cata revamp
hell no retard that's the projectile vomit zone
Why does every single zone need to have a circle?
is this an mmo or minecraft?
Battle royal
user, WoW was never soul.
They poop from there
You are wrong, zoomie
>post cata stvietnam
what do they eat?
bear ass
As lifelong horde player, I'm only familiar with stv.
Stranglethron Vale...Home
The Barrens was good too.
never played classic back in the day, but how pissed were horde players?
outside of the undead zones the alliance zones were so obviously the first places they worked on and had 10x the effort put into them
you know when they say they liked the barrens they must have some serious stockholm syndrome
>cata revamp
>deadwing pass, the most nothing zone
hes right
take off the nostalgia goggles
Stranglevale was overrated. It was concentrated EXP and had some good drops, but the "world pvp" was just retarded griefing.
Human starting zones were whatever. Deadmines was good, but that's all.
Undead had the best starting zone.
Not all post Cata zones were bad
yeah stonetalon is the best zone in the games history
Playing 1.12 wow for the first time right now and Stormwind is the least soulful city BY FAR. The most soul is in Undercity.
Also Mulgore is the best starting zone without a doubt.
I wasn't an alliance person, but their zones had some incredible music
Where os the source of that river that flows in between Elwynn and Duskwood and then into Stranglethorn? This is not how rivers work
the barrens was for the memes and good times, you literally cant and wont ever understand.
Forgot it was a cata map, but going to deadwing pass by accident because of running away from mobs and finding high level enemies & karazhan was cool
>bro what if we have every zone be a jarring, different colour to its neighbors
>bro what if we make straight lines and literal boxes of mountains separating them
>bro what if we never fix this after the whole world gets flying capability and can see the pure jank
Stop playing a game that does not respect your intelligence.
>redridge not included
Elwyyn forest, westfall, redridge and Duskwood is the best 1-late 20s route in Classic/Cata era of leveling in my opinion.
sounds based asf
Outside of the graveyard issue Barrens was a fine zone. You know, an actual savannah that felt like an actual zone insteado of some tiny sandbox, and it had everything you needed lvls 10-25
you think thats bad? should have seen the world from above before the cata revamp
This is cata. Not vanilla.
What am I seeing here?
jesus I promised I wouldn't play WoW again, not even an alliancefag but for me it's Westfall
Duskwood is spookier than any forsaken zone
You fight actual intelligent humanoids in the human leveling zones with motivations for why they are there and hate you.
In the orc, tauren and troll leveling zones, the only humanoids you fight are stone age tier people who only attack you because they are territorial.
Rest of the time you are killing animals hoping they drop their buttholes as a non forsaken/blood elf.
Last day of Nostalrius.
>you think you do but you dont
actually turned out to be true
maybe, doesn't change the fact that most of then ranged from bad to heinous though.
for me its nelf zones
[Bear Steak] and [Red Apple].
>Teldrassil, Darkshore and Ashenvale go from being a comfy starting zone journey to possibly the worst zones out of all of the cata revamp
Blizzard's Nelf hate really was just ridiculous
When you fuck up every single thing possible and take the most hand off approach then yeah, it would turn out to be true. Every single issue with Classic is either Blizzard's not doing anything or actively sabotaging it. And noone knows why.
Nope. Nostalrius was full with people that loved vanilla and had a good time
WoW Classic is full with meta players who only play classic like it's a new content update.
Imho Nostalrius was the best mmorpg experience of the 2010s.
so... you thought you did but you didn't
Nostalrius was unplayable you donkey. Kronos is where it was at.
Anal [Wrecking Ball] [For the Children].
Are there even any comfy nelf towns left in the game?
>were the blood elves before TBC
>about 90% of Alliance players were either human if they wanted to min-max, or Nelf if they were faggots that like elves
>some of the worst players, still to this day
The hate is much deserved. Before Belfs, they had a reputation for being shitters.
All these private server faggots are still mad that Nostalrius was awesome.
yeah im sure releasing the game with unfinished talents and retarded itemization and no layering so you would have to wait 5 times longer to complete a quest would have magically fixed everything because its totally not the players fault they want to min max everything
nochanges is what killed the game
>private server boogeymen like the game more than retailbabs
>WoW Classic is full with meta players
This always happens when streamers, youtubers and other fomo retards get involved. People that play private servers are playing because they like the game and not because it has 2M viewers on twitch
Thats not barrens and all the zones around it.
STV was shit
>but muh ganking lowbies xD
Don't give a shit about that faggotry. The quests were shit and gay. Trolls are gay.
Barrens is peak vanilla
>Nostalrius was unplayable you donkey.
Nost PVP was straight up unplayable with 12k players running around, but nost PVE was perfection I think it hovered around 4k with a good faction balance. I don't normally like PVE because I like being able to kill my competition while grinding out in the world but PVE gave me a good taste of what an actual good population was.
>All these private server faggots are still mad that a private server was awesome.
Kronos had some dogshit scripting but K3 was waaaaay more enjoyable than China's Hope
This the Post-SOUL Zone nigga
>it was different just was okay!!!
Reminder despite the only major thing anti-Classic fags can bring up, starting on Naxxx patch was also true for Nostalrius
>Nostalrius was awesome
>literally selling gold and gear
yeah okay
The worst enemy is the one you cant kill aka your own faction stealing your fucking tags
Who thought it was a good idea to have 1 tag per monster?
>just group up bro
Now you get even less quest drops that have korean tier rates and you get less XP on top of that because fuck you
Still way better than classic.
>muh minmax
You fucking troglodyte. I am talking about 4 initial servers per region and then later shitting out 10 more when, surprise surprise, people actually want to play the fucking game, resulting in megaservers, I am talking about batching, I am talking about initial 4 phases, and when community called them retards, they swapped to 6, I am talking about zero enforcing of faction balance, I am talking about unrestricted faction transfers, which, again, resulted in megaservers, I am talking about rampant botting and gold buying, I am talking about not doing anything with boosting. And then TBC came with its own issues.
You retarded subhuman niggers who are incapable of playing 20 year old MMO made for toddles can't see the forest through the trees. If you can't find yourself a comfy guild that has fun everywhere they go, it is not fault of the community but your own.
You posted the worst possible map
OP is a fag
Horde zones were always better if you ask me.
Alliance zones might have had more "effort" put into them, but that effort just manifested as long-ass fetch quests and lore taking priority over game design. When it came to the Horde quests they just dumped towns in the center of each zone, stuck a flightmaster in there and like 20 kill quests for players to do and called it a day, but that laziness makes for WAY better gameplay. Like just fucking try and tell me zones like Desolace or STV weren't a million times better for Horde.
private servers are bigger
was in vanilla too
you dont want the game to be released all at once and you dont want it to be released in parts and when its released in parts you bitch and moan about no content in the phase. what the fuck do you want?
>faction balance
depends on the players. no sane person would roll a horde on a majority alliance server and that leads to more minority faction players switching. has been true since forever and blizzard can only do so much about it. do you want them to hand out boosts?
>botting and gold buying
same as any private server and retail?
just face it the game was always shit. you are one of the few people who havent realized it on the very first month
Yeah that sucks but at least I can reason that the materials are at least going to my own faction. I could end up PVP'ing or raiding with that guy, or something he sold the mats to, later.