Which covenant do you belong to Yea Forums?
Which covenant do you belong to Yea Forums?
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Todd is god
The only one of these hacks who has ever made a good game (Kojima with MGS1 and 2)
I join each one and do nothing for them.
All of them except La Creatividad
Clan Kojimbo for life.
I belong to the Knights of Nomura, the VersusChads
>Top tier
Hideo Kojima, Gaben
>Mid tier
>Todd Howard
>Low tier
Miyacucki or whoever the fuck that faggot is.
Kojima > Gabe > miyakino > todd
miyazaki > todd > kojima > fat bastard from austin powers
Gaben. You get to sit around doing no work but somehow get money.
Yoshi P's
Kojima is God!
Kojima is the one that makes good games
I'm a Todd, how can you kill a Todd.
I belong to the Fox's Covenant.
All of them except Todd
Myazaki didn't break new grounds with video games or invent anything. Hideo Kojima actually invented the stealth genre.
Hate to admit it since the disappointment that was Fallout 76, but I'm still part of the Todd Squad.
Uhhh based??
David Cageiacs RISE UP
Miyazaki > Kojima > Gaben > Todd
>Top left had good ideas & directed good games, got brain damage from huffing his own farts for too long & now makes 2deep4u games.
>Top right used to push his company to make revolutionary games & game engines, now only prioritizes profits & VR.
>Bottom left was/is a competent programmer, but incompetent manager, always oversells his company and really has only made one good game the past two decades. Consumed by greed.
>Bottom right had a revolutionary vision for his failing company, led them to make generation defining games, but has stagnated. His company is now only known for the same formula, neglecting their past IP's.
I used to almost worship Valve, but nowadays there's no truly great game studios.
Before ER miyazhacki, but now it's no one.
kojima and gabe
other are in it for the money, fucking hacks
Todd > Miyazaki > Gabe > Shit > Kojima
all of those people have made some truly iconic games, except todd howard. his games are fucking trash and i hate them so much
The first stealth games came out almost a decade before Metal Gear.
>worshipping developers
Todd hasn't made anything good in 11 years
yo dude same valve was great.
neither has valve, but they made counter strike and l4d so i forgive them
My soul has been split between the three that make actual games.
The one who made The Covenant Dance. youtu.be
Todd. Only a degenerate would choose anyone else.
What the fuck are you talking about? Skyrim came out 5 years ago.
Todd and Gabe. The other two are irrelevant.
Todd is the only right choice
Pretty sure all his games are iconic, you little obsidian tranny
Fat neck + chiseled jaw what a chad
Miyazaki no question
>Todd is a fucking liar and only puts out shitty overrated gamnes
>Gabe is 2nd, but doesn't make games anymore
>Who cares about MG
i dont care for obsidian either but nice try lol, fallout fucking sucks
Let's see what I gain from each of them:
>Koji-san: meta narrative, incomplete sagas, bromance
>Todd: lies, lies and fantastic adventures
>Gab: obesity and money
>Miya-sensei&san: a life of ups and downs, some days will be repetitive, feet
I choose Todd.
Better question, which would you choose as a sugar daddy?
>that pic
I don't get it, I did the shrubbery quest but the boss only got stronger.
though they called me a heritic, i still answered his call
Kojima and Gaben. the rest are hacks.
I guess Todd, and Kojimbles is somehow too autistic for me. Don't like Gaben or shitty game guy.
>Castle Wolfenstein exists
>fag claims japo "invented" stealth genre
Reddit 2: The Faggening
of course he didnt make jack shit. but in a market where everyone's making horse shit, copy and pasting is probably the most original thing you can do