Deep Rock Galactic

How's that season leveling going? Currently on 26.
Opinions on the new secondaries? So far the most reliable is imo the engineer's.

Attached: drg.jpg (1200x1200, 437.31K)

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Very unimpressed with the gunner secondary.
Even with the "good" overclocks I can't think of a reason I would ever use it over the Bulldog or BRT when they can both cover single target burst damage and crowd control better.
All it has going for it is being able to shoot through oppressors.

meh, it's a fun gimmick, but a gimmick alas. the mole OC can be rewarding

Magic bullets NT hardly compare to covering a W with electrified stunning trails.
What does brt have? Electro minelets? Nobody uses those.

I'm taking it slow and easy this time around. Only around level 13.

I dig the Rival additions. Game generally feels a bit harder now, even on lower difficulties.
I've literally only tried two secondaries: scout's x-bow and engi's laser. Latter is awesome, former underwhelming as hell.

Level 3
I don't really have a motivation lately to play this game

Skill issue.

I don't really see a relation, i got over 600 hours at this game, beaten previous season and had all overclocks before adding new weapons

Pretty fucking well. I didnt have time to do EDD this week and did it just now.
Theres not a single better waveclearing combo in the game than NTP and Hellfire with Electric Field in T5

Attached: edd.jpg (1920x1080, 508.86K)

>What does brt have?

63 and going pretty well. Each of the weapons vary a bit but that's going by Overclock. Engies so far is the most far with either Magma Overclock acting as additional area denial and fire proc while the OC to blow up platforms or extend the range of the laser works pretty well. I like the versatility with Scout's and Driller's feel like a fun combo tool whenever a bug is on fire or frozen. Gunner's is okay, Mole surprises me with the damage added in and Hellfire softens up groups quickly, need to experiment more.
coilbros, we fucking won

*the most fun* I mean

any tips for the Shard Diffractor?
I don't have any OCs yet and I'm struggling with how to effectively use it. I'm running 12212 btw.

if you try and run it as aoe you are going to have a bad time
go full single target damage or use your 2 actual aoe secondaries

How do you guys build the coil gun? I see everyone running the same build with this gun (22223) regardless of the oc but wanted to ask since i haven't had time to test things out

>if you try and run it as aoe you are going to have a bad time
why would that be the case? it melts waves and for single target you can use executioner LOK, works well in my experience

what a joke OC
the ammo waste on interrupted beam is retarded, I'm basically forced to not take extra ammo from mag size mod because against regular dreads I would be wasting 25 ammo on each activation, even though boosting doubles your ammo consumption
and compared to hyprop, non-magsize build even does slightly less total damage, accounting for weakpoint bonus
and there's also the factor of having to spend couple of ammo on regular beam before boosting, because you can only boost after you've already started firing
so, take either of the ammo OC's and 21121 if you want to use shard for elimination, the total damage of these OC's is virtually identical and you get slightly more total damage compared to magless OB, ABC also provides higher RoF so you deal 30% more dps compared to green OC and get back some of the dps lost from OB, unfortunately you still halve your dps compared to OB and the time to empty a mag is 5 seconds, which is a full second longer compared to OB with mag mod and 3 seconds for magless OB
ABC also has the ammo wasting mechanic so it can be considerably more inefficient compared to green OC if you're unable to magdump consistently
with these builds you also get slightly higher total damage compared to hyprop, even higher if scout is using IFG thanks to the t5 mod - perhaps works with turret arc as well
dazzler module doesn't appear to be working against dreads, pretty sure the icon in the webm is from driller's wave cooker


it's 22123, the reason being your shots leave behind a damaging trail which always does the same damage regardless of your charge level, so you use low charged shots against waves to spread a bunch of damage over time effects and it's very cost effective, obviously this is best paired with a primary weapon that can manage to deal good single target damage because the coil gun sure as shit won't

it's fun
its main strength is area denial in the form of trails, you can literally spam shock trails everywhere with triple-tech and magnetic flow mod
the other good build is hellfire for igniting bots and shit
mole is a silly gimmick and not viable outside sniping scouts, the damage is pathetic in unmodified terrain and only really starts getting noticeable when you prepare the terrain, but that's as retarded as it sounds

Attached: 1634034094844.webm (908x446, 2.98M)

hellfire doesn't do a very good job at igniting bots since they just fly out of the trail

but it does? shock slows them down and regardless they stay still during their movement, for example when they shoot rockets

that means you have to wait for them to perform a move where they don't move around a lot

skill issue

Why don't you faggots fuck off to the generals, where this shit belongs? And why is no-one deleting these shill threads? Man, this place is fucked.

Use the OC that lets you shoot 3 times and the mod that lets you fire without a full charge, now you can instantly create 3 corridors of electro and slow to CC any crowd while you finish them with your cannon

taking the electric trail means you make the trail smaller and less potential ignition and you can't just depend on them staying still to shoot rockets while you have glyphids on your ass
also Hellfire doesn't seem to work very well against Caretaker's Appendages, doesn't light them up

it was good until it got hard nerfed

still ignites patrol fags just fine
shock is much better than radius mod
hellfire also provides radius by itself

have you tried using the stubby and t5a? the electro bonus dmg is massive

what's the damage type of the default coilgun trail?

sure but I'm specifically talking about elimination

I think its fire damage but I might be wrong

2.5 fire damage per tick, 0.2-0.25 second tickrate

all dreads have resistances to Electricity and OG Dread is immune to Electrocution
I wouldn't bank on that status against Dreads

fire, no heat build-up

that's gonna be around 55 damage from 5 seconds default trail
pretty dang good

>phase bombs from a killed nemesis can pop cocoons

yep, trail + shock will kill a grunt from full

btw what's the damage per charge bar for Coil Gun?
from the ammo usage i guess 25%-50%-100%?

Just got the new animation with the fireworks.
Guy joins my game as a level 58 one promotion only engi and also apparently is above level 72...
Kind of don't want to use it anymore just like the pet lootbug one...

Attached: eyy.jpg (1920x1080, 444.96K)

because it's completely worthless compared to bc

ifg works and it shreds

>banking on having a competent scunt

Attached: scout gaming.webm (984x558, 2.93M)

just have submissive friends
my boywife always throws ifgs when I ask him to, and he know he'll get abused big time if he fucks up


cute buzzword, what's next, wojacks? anything but actual argument, right?

just play the game is the argument, you actual tranny
you can cheat in any game, unlocking stuff is part of the fun
letting people do what they want is what enables modding

again, dilate

letting people do what they want is a quick way to ruin a multiplayer game. Would world of warcraft be any fun if you could edit you save file and give yourself the best loot and mounts? or league of legends and getting the best rank? are you retarded?

those are competitive multiplayer games, dummy. this is a single player game with a co-op option. did you also have a problem playing games in the 90s because cheat codes existed? eh, probably a zoomer anyways.

deep rock galactic was a competitive multiplayer game the moment they added a season pass, sorry kid. nice cope though.

why are you giving it attention

special little snowflake can't handle being a bit of criticism or what?

Why do you guys keep saying the driller secondary is lame? on-demand thermal reactions is fucking great and it fixes one of your major downsides which is a lack of single target DPS.

4chain is contrarian

The shock bolts virtually immobilize big enemies and great for wrecking shit like dreadnaughts and bulks. you can tie down a whole bulk and blast em.

Isn’t hellfire specifically a 2m fire radius?
>over a second to kill a fucking swarmer
>with a default almost nonexistent radius
Why did they think this was ok?

hellfire is affected by trail radius mod

A lot of people have neither the resources or time spent to have the good OC's so base if off bare bones stats in low difficulties where everything is viable and kills everything so since the temp shock is not instant death it is shit compared to something that is.

I primarily play driller and I doubt I will use the other two ever again. Anyone talking about using the plasma pistol for clearing mactera's are also the brainless drillers who do not emergency tunnel to force death traps for flying swarms on the fly and have shit general direction and positioning to know which way to keep going for an emergency exit.

It is massively superior to go sticky flames or cryo and spec for surface frost and then create a crematory tunnel or frrozen tube while being untargetable from spitters etc. I have saved dozens of runs doing exactly this while the team fucks off on their own is and is overwhelmed.

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The coil gun is not really conducive to being made full single target or full crowd control It will pretty much always be able to do both, which means it's best paired with a similar primary.

O-oh my...

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fucking sick of modern vidya sjws reducing sex appeal