Play Japanese game

>play Japanese game
>the church and God are evil
Why is this always the case?

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Japan likes to remind themselves about how false gods can twist religion into something bad like how their own religion of Shinto was twisted into justifying the atrocities of WWII.

Omg rick and Morty reference

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to be fair God is a cunt, his son is alright but thats because he's half human

Feudal Japanese societies outlawed all forms of christianity and mercilessly persecuted anybody who practiced it. That deep resentment towards the religion is still harbored in many Japanese today which is why so many villains in Japanese media are analogous to Christian sects, if not explicitly them.

I am glad we dropped two a-bombs on them

Aum Shinrikyo

He isn't the real god and Dragon Quest the biggest jrpg there is has always had the goddess be good

>YHVH is an average bald german man
I get that they had to choose "something" as the physical representation but was this really the most masculine thing they could come up with?

Because its the obvious truth, if you're too stupid to realize it then stop playing these games

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Japanese lacks of faith you can see that in movies like godfathers Tokyo but also in Japanese culture in general that’s why the massive suicides and the population drop

Because religious followers and gods make for cool antagonists. What more reason do you need?

>I agree with the opinions of anime characters. If you don't align with these juvenile tropes, you shouldn't be playing the game >:^(
low-functioning autism.

Because the Japanese entertainment and art industries are dominated by left wing schizos just like everywhere else, their culture is just different enough for you to overlook it or genuinely not notice

I mean, it makes sense coming from a pedophile.
Get persecuted fag lmaooo

>be IRL
>the church and God are evil
Why is this always the case?

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Unintelligent people will see it as some r/atheism shlock. Truth is, fighting God simply represents the higest stakes that can be reached in a story.

>Worships a kike
LMFAO. Literally jews original golems... Always bootyblasted because Muslims have become their masters new fav lapdog. Bark for them goyim maybe massa will take you back

most retarded stakes*
>le omnipotent being has one crucial weakness... the power of our team's friendship! we can do it together!
nice plot bro

Because Japan sees Christfaggotry for what it is: Judaism for goys.

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baka gaijin religion bad
shinto gud

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Well, missionaries did not make good first impressions pre WW2. Part of it was certainly interpreters, but the culture at the time was not big on ultimate obedience to an unmerciful and vengeful God. The bible is very clear about how evil and jealous God is, and yeah... Japan isn't about it.

You don't go to church, stop larping.

>faction is evil because.. IT'S EVIL
but unironically.

>You must go to church to believe in God!
That's just, you know, the church's opinion.

user without faith repent!
Let the lord clear you from your shitposting tendencies

I don't, but it's only because the churches I've been to are evil.

nagasaki had the highest concentration of christians in japan

Because organised religion is generally evil, nepotistic, greedy and gone away from the ideals of the religion they pretend to have, keeping up appearances to suck money out of the real devout people.

>not vehemently hating God is being a believer
cope, dumbass

Retarded weeaboos worshipping these bugmen thinking their anime cartoons and games are le heckin wholesomeroonie when Japan is one of the most Satanically rooted countries of all. Sad!

Based. You're like cattle, christcuck.

Name 11.3 games.

It's worth noting that Japanese media even when it does have villainous gods usually still has an undercurrent of spirituality being good. And it's far more common to have religious power structure misusing or misrepresenting the will of God.

And let's remember videogame writing isn't usually known for its deep philosophical nuance and often leans on shock value for big iconoclastic reveals.

Angels and LAW are dumb.

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It's funny, when they don't really have any arguments they just go "a-a-anime poster". The guy is right. Religion is being afraid of the bogeyman, but for adults. Cope seethe and dilate.

>still has an undercurrent of spirituality being good.
It's undercurrent is always
>we're all gods and God is an "evil tyrant" keeping us enslaved in a "prison planet / simulation, etc" to hide our true power from us so we must all realize our own "god status" to unlock our "god powers" so we can fight God
It's always a variation of that, gooks are more Satanic than any other group of people.

>the religion I was raised with just happens to be the one true religion!
Always cracks me up.

Speak for yourself. Was raised atheist and became christian

>says this while being a satanist because he grew up watching satanic japanese cartoons for children

I see, satanism BAD because your One True Religion said so.

Dragon Quest usually has the church be good. The only time I can think of that it wasn't, it was a ruse, and the real God was cool all along. It's possible DQ is just big enough that doing the opposite doesn't come off as tired. Or maybe they're just bitter about how early missionaries treated them. Just look at how many anime series are just metaphors for nukes.

Yes, only by trusting in our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ for sacrificing Himself to cleanse us of our sins can we be saved. The belief that you are or can become a god is true Satanism and I suspect will be the Antichrist deception. The Japanese cartoons for children you love so much has prepped you to fall for that terrible lie.

They were probably trying to make YHVH look foreign and divine while still maintaining the "man was made in his image" plausability.

Guess the upbringing that focused on not being retarded also fell through... I feel for your parents

literally just lazy writing by trying to be as edgy as possible

>MUH kike propaganda
Go die for Isreal

I find it hard to believe anyone would post something like this unironically.

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t. seething fudge packing freemasons

You have to understand, the japanese nature of divinity is absolutely nothing like the west's. The idea of an omnipotent god is ridiculous to them. They fully comprehend that omnipotence is paradoxical and illogical and if an omnipotent being existed, no evil would ever exist, and therefore the god of abraham etc. is very much a finite being by simple demonstration. Therefore, they perceive a finite being claiming to be infinite, and ruler of all, and this is laughably arrogant, insane, tyrannical, and all around foolish. (Even the greatest shinto god Amenominakanushi is not omnipotent, though it is unparalleled in power, ancient and wise beyond human comprehension, able to move all the heavens with its will, but still finite and will one day die.)
Therefore these churches, proclaiming infinite might, infallibility, et cetera are just the mad agents of a mad tyrant at best, or active conmen abusing the minds and hearts of good people at worst.

>Le fedora
Go pray to your skydaddy for a functioning brainstem you gargantuan waste of oxigen.

You are a child of modernity raised in cynicism and irony. To tell you the truth, you wouldn't recognize something authentic and sincere even if it was put in front of you.

> To tell you the truth, you wouldn't recognize something authentic and sincere even if it was put in front of you
>Worships an Arab
Absolute state of kikestians

Because its true

Need more games with islam as evil tho

>if an omnipotent being existed, no evil would ever exist
Evil/hate is unknown without joy, love and happiness. If you couldn’t comprehend what evil is you would never understand what good is. Simple as that. You would never ever have the frame of reference.
If god exists why would he remove lessons from your life? I never understood why people would assume a god would prevent all misfortune. Without misfortune you would learn nothing. You want your children to face adversity, even if it’s only a little

Too close to reality

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Yeah all the stillborn children and people killed in unlucky accidents sure learned something.

Why should he add lessons in the first place? Why can't it be all happiness all the time? Is your God a sadist? I know he is a pedophile because he keeps getting children killed and his followers are notorious for fucking little boys

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>know he is a pedophile
>says the tranime lover

>6 year old gets cancer
>Yeah so basically god is teaching her a lesson for sinning

>Haven't posted a single anime picture
>Hahaha tranime hahaha my kike God is the best even though he kills children for no reason
Might as well go rim the nearest rabbi you kike worshipping faggot

That picture though is not of a consanguineous borne disorder. But you are correct, Consanguinity in general results in severe health problems, the most well-known is Mucolipidosis IV which results in the body unable to break down waste products in the cells, causing the cells to die.

>Evil/hate is unknown without joy, love and happiness. If you couldn’t comprehend what evil is you would never understand what good is. Simple as that. You would never ever have the frame of reference.
I have never been starving, yet I can effortlessly understand why I would never want to be starving. I can imagine starving and all the horror it would be.
Humans are capable of extremely advanced extrapolation. Even granting the notion that you MUST have a degree of experience to understand it, you would only need VERY small scale evils to understand every scale of evil.
There is no real advantage to the understanding of evil with having cancer in a world when you already have hayfever. And yet, we have cancer.

I've struggled with the question and still do. Fact is, God loves the innocents so if anything the belief in God is the only thing that should make it a little bearable.

>Without misfortune you would learn nothing.
An omnipotent being can make you learn anything. Why the extra steps?

Free will

>Masquerade Violation