Nintendo Won
Nintendo Won
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Keep in mind that there’s likely at least one more big holiday title left, since Nintendo doesn’t go off just Pokémon.
bayonetta will be delayed till next year.
>June 10
More like June10do! lmao XD
>Mario Strikers
>It's just gonna be like all the other sports games where they release it half-baked and add free DLC later
Metroid... GONE
Here's that same list with all the cinematic movieshit taken out.
Ehh,, better than the competition I guess, though it's rather barebones.
Wow might as well sell my switch.
Nintendo already won in March
are these fanmade logos?
sonysisters... how do we stop them??? I'm starting to run out of copium I don't think I'll last long...
Advance Wars is fucking dead
I mean, the others aren't either, but fuck me you went full retard there.
Imagine the absolute shitstorm if a western movie game even tried pulling this.
>inb4 what about gameplay ratios
Walking down empty fields and hallways =\ gameplay. Don't be disingenuous and use Uncharted-tier reasoning.
Fire Emblem and Pokemon are all I need to be hyped.
A lot of these "cutscenes" are just the player going through dialogue bosses which is pretty standard for an RPG. You're not actually sitting there watching cinematic cutscenes.
I just replayed 2 on my GBA. Still holds up, and I probably won't buy the Switch version now unless there are some substantial differences.
>Sunbreak into Xenokino into Splatoon
Switchbros, we are FEASTIN this summer
The main reason to buy a new Pokemon game is the PvP retard. Pokemon is a PvP game.
But it's not a Fire Emblem game. I sincerely don't understand why so many FE fans are hyped for more shitty musou games.
It has Fire Emblem characters and story
No, you can tell GameFreak made them because it looks like no effort was put into them.
isn't sunbreak just an expasion? I thought it came out already.
Kill yourself, Doug, you dog rapist
>being sat down and forced to watch dialogue boxes doesn't technically count as a cinematic cutscene, therefore it's okay to have them shoved down the player's throat endlessly, destroying any pacing that a gameplay enthusiast would demand in a video game
>wordswordswords is now legitimate game design
Bayonetta 3 is gonna get delayed or cancelled. I'm calling it.
Nobody said it was good game design. It just makes no sense to call text boxes "cinematic movieshit". It kind of makes you look like a retard.
>spinoff sequel
>second sequel
>another sequel
>more sequels
That's just splitting hairs. There's no difference between the game playing out some fancy marvel capeshit-inspired cutscene, and parking them in one spot and forcing dialogue down their throat. They're both equally bad, and any gameplay lover would froth at the mouth at the mere implication that the game was gonna try and have a story. I'm not here for a story, I don't want a damn visual novel. I want GAMEPLAY. I gravitate towards Nintendo games because they're supposed to not follow the cinematic movieshit audience. Seeing words and dialogue and cutscenes everywhere is just a gigantic betrayal of that trust.
>Mario Strikers
>Not cinematic by "your" standards
This isn't including the losing animations, the home and away intros, Megastrikes, and Kritter's animations
man i do not give a shit about any of these games
Strikers just seems like more sports shovelware, and it has a ton of other problems. The over-the-top and unnecessary animations are also bad, but I think it's got bigger problems.
I only care about bayo 3. hope it comes with an amiibo or some shit for her new look
Haha based!
Shit/Could be okay/Shit
Good/Good/Could be okay
Shit/Could be okay
The Yakuzas really did a good job at making Nintendo completely soulless after they murdered Iwata.
They really don't even pretend to care anymore
>tfw kirbo game got instantly forgotten due to ER
Jesus christ I don't want any of those. The fuck is Prime 4?
oh no, not sequels to games people enjoy.
It's been this way since at least the 90s. Stop being a fucking retard and try understanding what the words you use actually mean.
Retarded posts like yours are the reason I still occasionally come here
Yes, games have had major issues since the 90's. Cinematic """"games""" like Final Fantasy have existed for a long time, that doesn't magically make them good. That's just you trying to argue using an appeal to nostalgia.
What, should games purposely have bad frame rates as well, to "emulate the past"? I guess a stable framerate wouldn't invoke enough nostalgia!
>hope it comes with an amiibo
I just want my goddamn advance wars
>movie shit
>Warriors game
>cinematic movieshit
Even retards can't believe how fucking dumb you are
You know in the back of your mind something is wrong. Come on admit it. You know.
How many QTEs and cutscenes and special attack animations do I have to sit through, before I'm actually allowed to play the game?
>tfw the first Bayonetta literally started out with a glorified cutscene that pretended to be gameplay, but had zero impact whatsoever
>followed up by a gigantic and boring tutorial
If the game is trying to have a story, then it has too much story. All Fire Emblem games and all Warriors games are guilty of this, including Hyrule Warriors which fell into this exact same trap.
> look at all these electronic toys I own
Not pictured but I'm also excited for the following on switch
>Live A Live
>Metal Slug Tactics
>Shredder's Revenge
If it was a proper FE musou like hyrule warriors then I'd be excited. Both FE musous have been souless
For the story. No one gives a fuck about gameplay this time.
Shut up, Carmack
how do people still reply to this mentally ill sperglord?
Nobody tell this guy about all the laserdisc games that were in 80s arcades.
Jeez user you can't just go around being that based
Whats funny is that Elden Ring and Kirby raped and murdered Horizon Forgotten West, I dont think I have ever seen a game dissappear from the zeitgeist as fast as that one did.
You can argue about it, but you can't argue against it. I bought a Switch because I don't want just another Playstation or xbox, where they only care about the heckin feels and emotions and other cinematic aberrations being shoved into the industry. I could not care less about a game trying to be deep and movie-like. Video game characters shouldn't talk or show anything even remotely similar to an emotion, because that's just time wasted. My gameplay experience should be a 100% interrupted stream of fun video game action, and if you need a "break" from it, you can always press pause. The game doesn't need to force breaks on you via dialogue dumps or exposition.
You mean the bad ones that were only fun once, and then lost their luster? meanwhile I can go back and play Gradius or R-Type and still enjoy it.
>There's no difference between the game playing out some fancy marvel capeshit-inspired cutscene, and parking them in one spot and forcing dialogue down their throat.
Well the difference is that one is cinematic and the other is not.
Not sure Bayo will be this year
Platinum is desperate for ONE game to put them back on the map. They've been on a total dry spell since Nier.
Wow John Carmack sure seems like a man of culture!
How is it not cinematic? It's not gameplay, and it's actively contributing to the death of gameplay. Anything that isn't gameplay is contributing to the death of gameplay. Music, graphics, voice acting, hell the industry would improve if we just went back to the 80s in terms of aesthetics. I know I'd rather play Super Mario Brothers than ever touch a modern movie game.
astral chain did well.