Should I get this or DS4?

Should I get this or DS4?

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Your pic related works plug and play with no third party software required

DS4 requires DS4 windows with some additional drivers. DS4 touchpad is also a huge meme and has to be turned off via DS4 Windows since it will control your mouse.

Also, some games just refuse to cooperate with a DS4 unless you use DS4 windows to make the game think it's an xbox controller.

DS4 uses DirectInput which is still supported by many emulators, game support is there but it's spotty and usually you'll need to connect it via USB for rumble to work, refer to the PCGamingWiki for specifics

I use a DS4 for PC only for years and it's great while using DS4windows. But it's dpad sucks ball and since I play a lot of retro and fighting, I already had to change the contacts twice. But I bet it's still a better dpad than whatever that cheap thing has.

I do think you need ViGem drivers from DS4Windows to get the controller to be detected but you don't have to use the program and its XInput emulation at all times

True, Logitech controller dpads are a mushy mess barely tolerable for even just playing Pokemon roms.

That controller is extremely garbage and not comparable to first party controllers

You have been warned

The thing in OP's image doesn't even have a d-pad. It's just four buttons attached to each other. You can press all four at the same time, nothing prevents that. D-pads should prevent from more than two being pressed down.

Speak for yourself, I've had mine for 12 years and it just werks.

>You have been warned

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For emulation some third option. Logitech controllers are sturdy but otherwise pieces of shit, and DS4 can be funky.
For Steam, DS4. If a game doesn't support it, click properties in library->controller->use steam input.

DS4 if you can. build quality isn't the best, but it works well enough if you don't game much using controllers to begin with.

Invalid opinion, obviously impoverished or third world

I'm a white man and I take good care of my belongings.

How many DS4s have you smashed in one of your crying fits?

What kind of recommendation is this?
>It's really good if you don't like controllers bro

South Americans aren't white bub. The secret is out everyone knows who advocates for this controller it's SA monkeys only. You are impoverished by default

Absolutely pathetic that you’re so genuinely scared of being called a Snoy that you would recommend a PS controller but then just shit on it for brownie points.

>Children literally don't understand what something being "serviceable" is

>should I get a $30 controller or a $60 controller?

It's a genuine question. Maybe the 60 one lasts twice as long as the 30 one.

I have both and prefer ds4. The Logitech one feels like cheap shit and I kinda regret buying it

>DS4 touchpad is also a huge meme and has to be turned off via DS4 Windows since it will control your mouse.
this retard has never even opened the software

likely doesn't even have a gamepad since steam can handle it too

neither, you should get an official xbox360 controller or a xbox one/series controller
you should only get that logitech controller if you're on a budget

PS1 dualshock + Brook PS2 -> Xbox One converter
Plug n play Xinput on PC, no drivers

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DS4 is the best
>gyro for gyro games
>touchpad for additional functions like screenshots, save state, alt tab, whatever

If that's literally the only choice you can make, get the logitech if you don't want to drop the money, but also buy something you can use to pad the back of it the cheap plastic and the fucking canyonous shoulders don't bruise the fuck out of your fingers(I stuck some cheap stick-on weather strips for windows on mine. Works pretty good.) Even then the deadzones are bad, the d-pad is horrendous, and the face buttons are pretty cheapo and fucked up though.
If you don't give a shit how much you pay, fuck the logitech trash and get the DS4. But you should probably follow other user's advice and get a 360 or boxone instead of you can.

This. I have ops ligitech one and xbox one and the ergonomics and quality are on another level on xbox one.

0/10 too obvious.

I know this is a taboo, but what controller has pressure sensors on the square X triangle circle buttons that can be used to play PCSX2 games on mac?

Logitech is great at first but has a really short hardware life. mine had its triggers become snaggy, buttons dont work all that much after 1 year and the part where cord connects to controller fell off

DS4 needs 3rd party software and may suffer input lag

id prefer Xbox One controller overall

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this shit's r3 and l3 suck giant balls

PS2 and PS3 controllers have analog face buttons, but I don't know if Macs have drivers for it
I'm not sure if they really even work in Windows

The Logitech F310 in OP's pic can be played, but DualShock 3 can't for PCSX2 Mac. (It can, however, be used to play OpenEmu games)
I wanted to buy another controller, but don't know which ones work.

Get anything over that controller. You deserve more than this trust me. It's a big, cheap, sad piece of plastic with loud shitty feeling buttons

There, I fixed the Dualshock

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why is the analog better at the top according to some people?

Literally the only 2 good things about it is that it is plug and play, works prefectly without any 3rd party programs and it has a solid wire connection so you dont pull your shitty USB mini connector out every time you move 1mm

Otherwise it feels really shitty to use

The top face position is reserved for that thumb's primary function
>left thumb: left stick (movement)
>right thumb: face buttons (whatever they do for that game)

I claw with my left hand, like the OK hand meme. The position on the DS controllers make the angle impossible to do so at the same time as resting my ring and pinky fingers on the shoulder buttons.

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Probably the only reason Yea Forums meme'd me into buying this shit, thanks i hate it.
If it breaks this year or if i notice the deadzone getting fucked i will find whoever shills this controller and rape him in the ASS, youve been warned.
I also bought the memetech mouse 402 and its been working for me and never double clicks for atleast a year

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What about pic related?
I'm looking to buy a controller after using a PS4 one for many years, I use their bluetooth dongle thing to play wireless on PC and Switch and the software is really nice. Is the controller good or a meme? I see a lot of people shilling for it

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ds4. don't listen to these winniggers crying about drivers. they need to install drivers for everything then cry when they have to do it for a controller

no thanks

you can use an usb cable or a battery pack

bro i haven't owned a console since the PlayStation 2. all the buttons on my DS2s still function perfectly, however, while this thing's R3 stopped working in less than a year, and the shoulder buttons have sunken in to the point where it's nearly hard to feel them being pressed. i'm going to assume the DS4 holds up better given its price point, but if not, then state otherwise.

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i guess i should have stated i was referring to the Logitech's build quality not being the best.

Just buy a normal xbox controller

i own the Xbox version, thing's real comfy to hold. this is my first 8bitdo controller, though; only time will tell how well it'll hole.

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If you bought the logitech 5-10 years ago, maybe it would hold up.
Now, not a fucking chance. It's trash. Like the other user said, one year tops - that guy who keeps crowing "it's lasted me over a decade!" absolutely had to have gotten one before they changed their build standards/suppliers for it.

I would if it lasted for atleast a year and longer, fuck paying for retarded peripherals that im only going to use for select few games i own. Theres absolutely 0 reason for most of the games out there to be played on a controller and thats including games released only on console.
Controller market was a mistake, fuck controllers, they suck most of the time
If companies didnt make a fuckton selling this crap we would actually get games with proper gameplay instead of shitty 4 button mobile trash and DUDE LETS PLAY SOME HALO!!!!!! -shooters that all play the same and the game cant be expanded upon because the fucking controllers dont have enough buttons to support anything more complicated and the sticks are not enough/not required for everything. The controller should be in a lot less favor by the game companies so that we can actually innovate our games instead of having everything be bounded by it.

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I'm interested in this.

>DS4 requires DS4 windows with some additional drivers.
Only for games made before 2019 or so. Works for a lot of games since late 2019 onwards, either natively or via Steam Big Picture.

Does DS4 pad work as touchpad for mouse control too?
If so, it's probably good for micro adjustment in games requires you to aim sometimes, like in Nioh games

mine died after 3 months
8bitdo is chinkshit

to anyone needing a controller - get the offbrand wireless xbox one on amazon for $20

>Only for games made before 2019 or so

So basically the only games that matter, right? Fucking zoomer piece of shit. Die.

I have the wired Pro 2 version with the back paddles and it's pretty great and fully customizable. Triggers are too sensitive so I suggest you use their software to increase the deadzone.

I really like my Pro 2, but the only thing I find annoying is the paddles aren't "unique" buttons and you can't use analog triggers and gyro at the same time
It's not often that analog triggers are really used anymore, but still

Maybe stop being a fucking ape and it'll last 5 years or more

just buy a normal xbox controller

>He didn't play Ace Combat 7, Devil May Cry 5, or Jack's game

I have the pro 2 and let me tell you, plastic is sturdy enough but the button quality is not ok, my triangle is gonna snap in half one of these days i swear
Dpad is dogshit, unusable for any fighting game, triggers are really sensitive, I put the thing on my leg and it recognizes an input...
I dont like the famicom buttons but thats just me, overall the controller is decent for the price, i got it for half the price of an xbox or a dualsense, and the config software is pretty kickass, and it works well for multiple devices.
If they release a Pro3 with a decent dpad i would buy it

I own the F310 and it works fine but the build quality is fucking terrible
you should only really get it if you're on a REALLY tight budget, otherwise just get a regular xbox controller

I have a Playstation 2 with no working controllers.
Does anyone have any experience with those PS2 to later generation controller adapters?
Or are there any good alternative controllers out there?

What are you talking about? I own ff310 and it's sturdy as hell apart from the d-pad.

i have one without handles in burger snes looks
it has a lot of issues

VERY stiff dpad
the shoulderbuttons you need to press down super hard for them not to stop registering when not holding them down enough (annoying as you keep dropping shields in darksouls for example)
people had diagonal issues
facebuttons are loud af
(i put in knockoff snes buttons i filed down the guiding nubs shittily by hand to fit, and they are better than the ogs sound wise and feel the same)

A shame.
As they look and feall really really nice otherwise
If it didn't had the shoulderbutton issue and a very soft dpad i'd recommend it. But that's not the case.


Games that require a controller == games that require you to be ape with your controller.
Theres no games that require a controller that dont also require you to smash buttons as much as you can, analogue sticks are a joke "requirement" and if you need analogue controls for a racing game or some sim, just fucking buy a wheel ffs.

>He thinks the products sold to gamer CONSOOMERs are built to last even 1 year. Youre not using your shit if you can make it last even 2 years.

t. doesn't play 3d platformers and adventure games
the racers i like to play are fine with an analog stick, while wheel might be fun and i have an old logitech one, it's not practical for me to get the giant unwieldly thing set up everytime, so I hardly use it.