She deserved a better game
She deserved a better game
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all pokemon games are boring and the same, so who cares?
She deserves a nice warm load
She's 10 years old...
Exactly, stop making Gameboy tier shit
So? There's nothing wrong with a 10 year old getting a nice warm load of delicious curry.
What does it mean if i want her to step on me?
>She's 10 years old...
I have no clue.
Gloria and Marnie are the hottest pokegirls
Maybe if Gloria were the default blonde
>Posting a pic where she would likely step on me
It's just for research purposes obvs.
Me on the left
Pls stop
Die, pedo
that's fucking hot
Imagine Gloria bullying you
Only Gloria is allowed to kill me.
>Tfw Gloria will kill me by suffocating me with a bag over my head
Why even live?
Do Brits really?
>Tfw no ballbusting Gloria gf
Yes. We do.
That would be unfortunate.
Imagine being bullied by Gloria so hard that you start to enjoy it
How could anyone enjoy this?
is doing this actually dangerous? When I was a student I once paid a cute chinese student to ballbust and spit on me. my balls hurt for 1 month after that.
Marnie's girlfriend.
How could someone NOT enjoy this? Holy shit thats hot
Who cares, children are a spook.
I hate that retards made her Scottish. Galar is just England.
>UK = England
If they wanted to give her a dumb accent they should've made her scouse.
my wife
deserves my nice warm load
i want to put a load in after user
Rowdy lass...needs correction...
I love the shitty accents every galar character has in the gacha.
i've wanked to the lass, feels good innit, would love to fuck her in the arsehole
>tfwywn be feminized and cucked by Gloria
>tfw ywn be feminized into gloria
>Tfwywn be feminized by Gloria into a lesbian Gloria clone who feminizes others into Gloria one recruits
>Ywn be mind broken and gloriafied
Why are we here, just to suffer?
Why do cuckfags ruin every thread?
>Getting cucked by cuckfags
Someone should commission Gloriafication art
>Tfw no Gloria gf to brainwash me into a gloriaslut
Imagine the footjobs haha
image ruined by ass/waist being too wide
and are those breasts? yikes
the game deserved a better female character
Implying teen girls don't have wide ass/waist ratio.
lol are you balls still ballshaped? i thought they break after such as retardation
chicken chan deserved more attention then shitria
she even got her own card and chicken didnt
take a look at the OP image again
I imagine her without clothes and her hips still look wide.
What are these, burkhinis?
Feminism is cancer
It's kinda funny how they became more conservative as of late if you think about it.
They just do whatever men hate
Serious question, us their any doujins where she's written to talk all funny and the like?