Youre not good at FPS

youre not good at FPS

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>buy amazon mouse
>it shits itself in 2 months

yea i'm the fucking best im better than you at everything youre a failure

i play quake cpma and hl2dm. 1v1 me fgt.

This smells like console cope. If you aim with analog sticks, you're simply playing the genre incorrectly.

If you use a controller to game you have brain damage and you should kill yourself
KBM chads shit all over you

im pretty sure some faggot kid using a controller can play better than you on a mouse+keyboard. lol

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What are you implying?
These cheap peripherals aren't good enough?

post the halo infinite webm with the guy afk lol

Shit I can't find that one, hopefully someone else has it

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how do I get good at fps

step 1: play fps

>aim with analog sticks
The games aim for you now. Console zoomers are cheaters.

I bought a 10 pack of amazon basics mice intending to just churn through them and I'm still on the first one 2 years later. Maybe don't bang your manchild fists on your equipment and it won't break?

Watch the Dinkheller incident

Motion blur in FPS gets me motion sick so you're probably right. Whack how some games don't even let you toggle it.

They aren't playing shit. The game is playing for them. Zoomers and Gen alpha have 0 gaming skill.

Play a lot but also watch others and see how they play.
Sadly there are no good FPS games in the past 4 years as it all turned into BR stuff. Indie / older titles can be hard to even find a game depending on your region.

Leap is dead on arrival sadly.
Battlebit is decent but won't be out for ages.
Gundam Evolution, while being a Hero shooter like TF2 / Overatch, it was actually has very good FPS mechanics.

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Aim weapon at enemy
Shoot enemy until they die

practice aim

Games literally play themselves these days

not anymore, was at one time though
now I just get frustrated
sucks getting old
enjoy it while you can

How old are you?
I'm getting better with age. 28.
I know 35 year olds that would destroy zoomers in FPS games.

I would fuck everyone here as scout in tf2. no sentries please

I think he's implying that controllers are "superior", some sort of weird bait.

same here but since 2016

not without aim assist

depending on what you're playing, it usually comes down to map knowledge and positioning, rather than straight up aiming ability

I play every game with kb+m, fps, racing, music rhythm, 3rd person, turn based shit, anything. If game has bullshit like mouse acceleration with zero fix I will never play. Then you get shit like pic related where some devs deliberately fuck with your aim then kek when you find out it has fuck all player base.

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Pick a mouse dpi and stick with it, try to make all fps games have the same sort of sensitivity. Make sure all forms of mouse acceleration are off as that will fuck your aim the most.

Have the right mindset.
Have a proper mouse and not something like a G502 (although there are very good G502 players), but it's more about grip and how fast / accurate you can move the mouse.
Have similar sensitivity for all games.
Practice aim a little, but playing the game itself is more important, such as positioning etc.

32, as 15 yearold consolefag - I was ranked relatively high in Halo 2/3 back in the day (played with (and even sometimes beat) pros that were well known in the game), would also mop lobbies in Battlefield Bad Company 2 regularly on PC in my 20s... like single-handedly join losing (severely) teams and turn it around by the end with K:50+/D:0-2...probably not a real reference of skill, but w/e you get the point.
idk man those days are just gone for me. I stopped playing Apex about a year and a half ago after solo-queueing my way to Diamond II. Maybe it's just my hands/reaction-time and eyes. That and the player-bases of all these games are toxic as fuck. If you still got it at my age I'll be envious.

Unironically this
If a game's shooting mechanics require you to do anything more than this in the fraction of a second then it's just autism

>Aim at enemy
there you go

We are talking about FPS games user.
32 is getting on a bit but some of the best quake players are 33, 34 and a few friends of mine are 35 and are regularly shadowbanned on Call of Duty for being "too good".

so what you're saying is I've gone down the wrong path lol
just add another regret to the ever-evolving list
but shit, I hope you enjoy yourself

Not at all user.
BR games are far different to FPS games, even Apex. If you enjoyed your time on Apex then that's great.
>just add another regret to the ever-evolving list
No need to think like this. You had fun playing Halo 2 & 3, many of whom will never get to experience.
It's not too late, you have to have the right mindset and aim to get better. Just remember the average PC play is god awful at aiming and gets rolled in crossplay games (due to aim assist). The clips you see on YouTube of people range from the top 1-15% of players.

>at my age
The fuck are you doing. I'm only two years younger than you and I can play any reflex game better than I ever did in my teens/early adult life.

tracking your target perfectly without even touching your controller is the epitome of skill

can you guys please recommend me modern multiplayer FPS games? tries Quake Champions but it's dead as fuck

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>reach supreme rank in csgo few years ago
>take break
>now struggle in nova 2

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Why not g502?

It's down to preference in the end but the general opinion is the shape and weight of it. The sniper button is god fucking awful and "G502 clones" seem to implement it as well.

I only use controllers for emulators.
Everything else is keyboard and mouse, recently I played Psychonauts 2, destroy all humans, asassin's creed ezio trilogy and 3.
The idea that platformers or 3th person view games play better with controller is a meme, fucking ass creed uses trigger to sprint that's so fucking retarded, because triggers are pressure sensitive so if you let go of the button even so slightly it stops and it's not like racing game where you just slow down , no it fucking stop completely, I bet when they tested the game they received complaints about it because it is frustrating but decided to ignore them, not to mention holding down the trigger constantly cramps your hands.

Yeah that sniper shit it a meme lol

>tfw start to play cs:go again
>tfw hate adad because it's complete unnatural mechanic and not a single shooter besides cs has adad
>tfw there's literally not a single way to train adad

I hate this fucking mechanic so much. Would literally pay money for a adad script

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you are both genuinely retarded

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Please elaborate.

*console games

>sniper button

why not? why not take a hammer to your hands and just don't play the game at all
the only useful thing the g502 does is infinite scroll which unless all you're doing is browse this site and porn all day is useless in any other scenario

Fine. "DPI Shift Button", but every refers to it as the "sniper button".
Does that satisfy your needs?

ur a nigger and you smell like cum

The real question is, why are you using those instead of changing their keybinds?
>but every refers to it as the "sniper button".

No, the point is it shouldn't be there at all. It hampers your grip on the mouse to the point you have to change your grip style or hit the "DPI SHIFT BUTTON" accidently / constantly. Even if you unbind it, it's still there and annoying.

Play better games. Shit like Squad and Hell Let Loose don't rely on twitch shit. Play stuff like that and leave the kid games to kids. You'll have a much better experience. I couldn't even tell you the last time I heard a squeaker ina video game at this point. It's all about what you play.

No, I'm pretty fuckin' good. I used to suck, then one day I came home from swim practice and I was really good. Still am.

>play better games
>squad, hell let loose

How do you hit the DPI shift button? It is quite literally the same height and form as the rest of the mouse.

Are gaymer mouses a scam? I played CSGO on everything from 15$ office mouses to ebin gayman razors and my stats remained the same. I feel like if anything the mousepad is far more important

you're right, Apex Legends is a great game. What was I thinking. Gotta go, I just unlocked a post-op skin for the nigger medic, can't wait to show ym tans girlfriend.

They're kind of a scam. But kinda not. Having the ability to fine tune DPI through software is nice, and the size of them is nice. But you can usually still do well with a shit mouse.

Never said Apex Legends was a good game either faggot. It's dogshit as well.

Well, whatever autistic ass anime trash game you would rather him play is probably gay as fuck and judging by the stuff he likes to play, he probably wouldn't like it either. You don't have patrician taste, you're not special. You're just a contrarian faggot with absolute shit taste. Judging by what stuff he said he use to play, the games I mentioned are what he'd like.

You look like this

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Why do controller users still pretend shit like this doesn't exist?