Playstation has sold 19.3 million units so far.
Playstation has sold 19.3 million units so far
>Less than the Xbox
Also here are the exclusive game sales
*of the PS5
nah I'm god with my PC n4gvj
>DeS, Return and Ratchet are all Flops
Oh no no no no, guess this is why everything after those became multiplat
>both Q3 & Q4 decline from the previous year's Q3 & Q4
>when it should be gaining momentum in its second year
It's unironically over
>4 mil
>didnt update TloU2 Sales numbers
man, how hard did that shit nose dived after the 1st week?
>Haven't updated tlou2 numbers
What a fucking bomb LOL
The story leak really contributed to that drop off i think.
>Xbox trannies still coping because their "market gain" is a fucking flop
Time aligned, PS5 (19.3M) is trailing behind PS4 (22.3M) and Switch (19.67M) During the same time after release.
uhh Yea Forums kept telling me PS5 sales were much higher than both of those already was I lied to?
Launch aligned is a dumb metric desu. The PS5 has had 2 Xmas holidays during that time while the switch only had one. Most console sales happen in that Q3 period
>PS5 (19.3M)
And how many of those are shipped number or in-hand of scalpers, never make its way to the real users?
you understand this means PS5 is doing worst than Switch then? right??
but, lets ignore Switch. PS4 vs PS5, 5 is trailing behind 4.
Sony really fucked up royally with PS5 release Schedule
>The absolute state of TLOU2
You know, I really think they could have made an another AAA game just by marketing budget of that alone
Active PSnow users
No shit, can you even imagine? Every single PS5 sitting in a garage is a PS5 not encouraging a PS+ subscription or is losing out on potential digital sales. And that shit REALLY matters. I know it's impossible to track, but Sony genuinely got fucked over hard with the scalper market that formed around the PS5.
I want to see the number AFTER their new rates plans are out, August will be an interesting month
All of those looks really, like seriously bad. But I don't really see anyone talking about this. Not even salesera. Are these even real?
at least 25% of which are on scalpers' warehouses
>Not even salesera
Sales ERA left ERA
It shrunk?
He's clearly talking about installbase.
PS4 hit 117 million, thanks to increased production, up from 116 million - seems unlikely the Switch will ever reach it now
Physical is fucking dead. Sony is making more money from DLC than Digital game sales + Physical. Holy shit.
Why do they bother posting this if they don't fucking UPDATE it?
The only difference between an AA and a AAA game is the marketting budget.
Its estimated to sell 20 mill in the fiscal year of 2023 user. That will put them above the PS4 easily
>seems unlikely the Switch will ever reach it now
>nintendo forecast to reach 107M by the end of March 22
>Nintendo Forecast to sell 10M units by the end of March 2023
107+20 = 127M .
127 > 117 you fucking spatz
We lost sonegros...
They probably wanna go all in on GAAS
It was limping at 116m for a fucking long time. Also the statement literally said ps4 sold 0.1 million the whole quarter. If this is increased production, I'm scared of what happens when they stopped.
PS5 has destroyed all demand for PS4. Only way to sell more of them is to drop the price to 99 bucks and bundle in Elden Ring/GTAV
Sony is a life status brand, it doesn't matter how much hardware it sells, get back to me when Nintendo has 100+ million subscribers to any of their paid services
Projected PS5 sales for the next fiscal year?
>the 116.6M numbers was released last year august
>literally took nearly 10 months to fill 0.4
This is…sad
>Playstation has sold 19.3 million units so far
That doesn't include any of the units they've sold in 2022.
Just saw you post this cope in another thread faggot. Ps5 games are selling like shit, there is no sugar coting it
You know the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022, right?
Zoomers don't know what a fiscal (anything) even is
>Ps5 games are selling like shit
according to this report 1st party sony games sold 14 million in january-february-march
holy shit you are delusional kek!!
It's over…
>14m isn't bad
user, remember when all first party sony games were doing near 10m on first week alone
I meant to type "all the units they've sold in 2022." That data is almost 2 months old.
Still way too much than deserved. Hopefully the chip shortage increases .
Duh, story was the only thing that moviegame had going on for it.
Does that include ps4 games?
I said ps5 games faggot. Look at the abssymal sales numbers of the ps5 exclusive games
I could have sworn, a while back that there was an report that showed most people were buying physical over digital....
>no update on TLoU 2 sales
The games software part also count MTX in it user
good fucking lord, digital game sales are pulling in 4x the revenue that physical is?
*Digital software user it also counts DLC and Microtransactions
so what happens if sony doesnt play ps6
Digitalfags are cucks, nothing new; they pay full price digital even. You were warned about being predatory. And no, this is not only on consoles.
make ps6*
They move all their stuff to PC and their subscription service
Today I will remind them
>it also counts DLC and Microtransactions
DLC and Microtransactions aren't counted as Add-On Content? Then what is Add-On Content then?
Are add-ons and Mtx two different things?
Nintendo has counted bundles since the inception of time, faggot. If anything it's honorable that Sony took that long to use the same trick.
Source? I mean the whole page
>returnal: 0.56
>demons souls: 1.4 after almost a year
>hzd: a years old game doubles after going to pc
and this is why they're going full pc, its free real estate
>Meanwhile PLA alone sold over 12m this quarter
the only good thing that happen from Sony is them creating Sarah Miller and kid Ellie
>Physical is fucking dead.
of course it is, you can download games faster than it takes some plastic shit to spin at 2000 rpm and if you buy games on day 1 the disc is worthless after a patch.
They weren't updated…Also this doesn't make the situation better one bit.
Horizon an GoW sales are from bundles, the jumps from one fiscal year to another aren't organic, as in they sky rocket so fast and the popularity isn't there.
Bundles aren't bad, but it can hurt the perception on how popular a franchise really is like it did with forbidden west.
4 million even at $40 a pop is over a hundred fifty million in raw revenue for a single player console exclusive. The Last of Us 2 was a tremendous success both critically and commercially.
when was this
>They weren't updated
this is a cope. They are up to date-the sales since then have been negligible
christ those are pathetic numbers. compare it with Nintendo. This is why Sony has to move to PC, because snoys dont buy their own games, they spend everything on Fortnite like the toddlers they are.
>They weren't updated…
because the numbers are so shit they're not worth mentioning
returnal vanished overnight along with deathloop
Yeah. That's why I said it didn't make the situation better.
and rift apart. there was one (1) pity thread up on Yea Forums.
projecting much, snoy?
>Horizon an GoW sales are from bundles
Are you sure?
That was never noteworthy until the sonnigger cope with sales numbers.
>and if you buy games on day 1 the disc is worthless after a patch.
This the most retarded post I've ever read.
no one can buy their fucking games.
good thing is that with a pc you can play most of the games on any of those consoles, and every other console ever released too
Those switch numbers are outdated user
>And no, this is not only on consoles.
it pretty much is. whats a game that PC dominates MTX in? afaik the top spenders for mtx are always consoles.
Back to your cuck shed, ESL.
That only is going to devaluate their games even more (just like xbox), they already are shit (just like xbox) so not even pcfags will be willing to slurp them and they slurp shit historically. Sony is fucked beyond believe, and I love it.
LOOK snoys DONT BUY THEIR GAMES TO BEGIN WITH. the vast majority of the audience doesnt give a shit.
I meant paying digital like retarded consoomers.
oh Im a retard I saw predatory and immediately thought of mtx
this is a recent change Gow and Hz1 sold 20 million before this change
Exactly, look at how little the PS4 sold and compared to the games, and then go back and do the same, the PS4 numbers rised at the same frame as GoW and horizon.
I hope PS loses the market top spot only so Everyone turn the back on them for being this much of an asshole