You are doing your part, right Yea Forums? Don't be a cheating faggot with addons.
Addons were one of the contributing factors to the downfall of wow.
I dont do that gay shit
Now they just need to ban like 95% of players with ultimate clears because they paid for boosts.
If they want me to stop using XIVAlexander they should fix their dog shit netcode
you should kill youreselve
No one who isn't a streamer is getting banned lmao why are these people so fucking retarded
You didn't beat any Extreme or Ultimate
>Sign form saying you won't use the modifications or else get banned.
>Use the modifications
>Get banned
>Addons were one of the contributing factors to the downfall of wow.
A major factor.
I've loved XIV's stance on them.
I use ACT for DPS measuring only and nothing else. Encouraging or allowing the use of add-on bullshit would be such a mistake. I hope they crack down on it more. I don't give a shit about your titty mods, but any content add ons/callouts/HUD changes/etc, no.
>running around with an ultimate weapon or ultimate title is no longer a sign of skill. It's a mark of suspicion
>you get sent to an actual jail and a GM talks to you
Oh fuck that's actually kind of cool, do other MMO's do that?
Wait so people who live near the servers are cheating?
They are streamers, what did you expect?
FFXI does.
Its mostly a JP thing I think, a hold over from when MMOs were more roleplayed while playing.
I like it though.
Geographic Privilege that leads to systematic cheatism.
qrd? what was the cheat
holy fucking based
FFXI did it as well, GMs had their own set of glowing armor and would pull you to a physical jail location.
I remember when Absolute Virtue mishaps were going on a GM pulled an entire linkshell (guild/FC) into jail together. Imagine 30 people crammed into that room.
Youre considered cheating if you;
>Use ACT
>Turn tank stance on
>Use 1-2-3 combos
>Walking out of giant orange floors
>HUD changes
>Parse logs
>Using duty finder
>Reduce ping
We're elden ring now level bad now.
back in EverQuest, almost every zone in the old days had an inescapable room nicknamed the Catbox that GMs could teleport you to if they needed to.
streaming with addons like a retard
Try actually reading my post
>arthars is in yoshi p jail
Final Fantasy and MMO, name a more iconic duo for pointless forced drama
This is how a game can die - trigger happy GMs.
From the other side, anyone shitting on dilators (raiders) and Ultimate/savage raiding, is my friend. We do not need more devtime spent on less than 1% of the playerbase. Game would improve without savage/ulti
>the functionality of CTmod and Bigwigs from 2006-era WoW is considered "cheating" by Japanese devs who still think the PC88 revolutionized the UI
So this is the power of the Japanese WoW-killer, huh
based square enix and killing their own company so we dont have to suffer with another low effort trash like final fantasy xvii
please destroy your company faster please so that i can drink from delicious tears from shitty brats who think japanese developers are worth anything
Surprisingly based comment user, people vastly overestimate how much addon culture absolutely fucks MMOs. Seething autists won't understand this, but it's true.
if the wow devs considered it cheating the game would still be alive
I got sent to jail in Ragnarok once, though it was in a private server
what did you do
Runescape once
>based square enix and killing their own company so we dont have to suffer with another low effort trash like final fantasy xvii
please destroy your company faster please so that i can drink from delicious tears from shitty brats who think japanese developers are worth anything
Its not a JP thing. They used to do that in Ultima Runescape and Everquest, basically all the OG Kino MMORPGs
cry about it faggot
genshin did everything xiv did but better
>Trigger happy
nigga shut the fuck up
They want people to use their brain instead of blindly following what an addon tells them to do.
you're so fucking bad at the game quit making dogshit excuses
It's more because it's unfair for console users, japs want a WoW clone but also have to put it on their shitty jap consoles
people are saying remove the PC version when it's the shitty PS3 that gave XIV so many limitations
>TOS says it's against the rules
>Repeatedly remind people it's against the rules
>Everyone knows it's a don't ask don't tell situation
>Stream yourself to thousands of people while using mods that are against the rules
I don't think you understand the term trigger happy.
not even the same type of game
fuck you gacha faggots are so goddamn retarded
cry about it
who cares? ff11 did not have any ''difficult raids'' and thrived, please fuck off to wildsta-oh wait haha
WoW is the only MMO where using addons is acceptable and not against the ToS.
Absolute virtue.
In Ultima Online, at least in the T2A days, a GM would teleport you to an actual in-world jail. So you'd be stuck in jail and other players could come call you faggot and laugh at you. The GMs had red cloaks (Counselors Blue, Companions Yellow, Seers Green IIRC) so if you saw some random person pop up in jail with a red cloaked GM you could run over there and listen to them get reemed and QQ. It was super comfy.
You guys are doing your part, right? This shit is exhilarating.
No fucking idea man i was 13
Back when world immersion and Roleplay was a bigger focus.
So now that streamers using ACT and all in their DRS, can I also report the people streaming their " Night clubs " on twitch since most of them are using mods to alter characters while playing DMCA music?
Different kind of difficult. Everyone could participate.
Ultimate has 0,4% participation rate
>banning a few streamers is gonna kill the game
Holy fuck you niggers are dumb
Well, we're niggers. What do you expect?
FFXI had a harder endgame and had addon problems. Long story short the game could not be windowed, people created a windower and life was good. Over time people added more on to it, ui options, more info, and slowly it became something that went far beyond just windowing the game and it caused a huge ruckus.
Shut the fuck up and never speak of FF11 again.
>Everyone could participate.
And how many actually did?
Ive only got 3 reports on my history, and one was because a guy had me on hella tilt, and I reported his ass for being a dick. But then I felt bad for letting internet shit talk get under my skin and I told the GM to forget about it when he contacted me, and that it was nothing worth punishing the guy over.
Its unfortunate that Windower is nearly required now, but its so old I think everyone who took issue with it has just resigned to their fate of accepting it, much like old wow players.
I don't see the problem with UI mods, anything else is gay though
WoW survived as long as it did because they used to do shit like look at mods such as Decursive, and say "Hmmmm, maybe we fucked-up with button salad and unfun stopwatch raids if this is what's needed, thanks players!", and slowly added community things to the core game. The Yoshi response is basically "UGH, you LITERAL CHEATERS have forced our hand, we think our UI is PERFECT, but if you're gonna CHEAT (CHEEEEEAAAAAT) *sheathes katana* then we MAY overhaul things... if you're lucky", Japanese devs historically throw a bitchfit over mods or anything that implies they didn't do a 100% perfect job. Considering how GShade namedrops XIV exclusively, I'm surprised they haven't done something subtle to fuck with it, or fuck with the users
Addons didn't magically allow people to clear AQ40
Blizzard does not add community mods to the core game.
Damage meters are an integral part of clearing Ultimates. For new players, they're an insanely strong learning tool for normal and savage/extreme. It's literally the most objective way to measure efficiency and how well you're playing, which is the conceit of Ultimate content.
FFXIV needs to offer this to players in the basic UI. Make it personal only. Make it unlinkable. Make it a ToS violation to somehow shove your parse into your party's face. But players need to see their own performance measurements to get better at the game.
I love FFXIV, but this stance specifically on parsers is completely stupid.