The best playstation?

I might get attacked for this opinion but I found ps3 really comfortable, No loud sounds & no "pay to play online bullshit"

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how can the ps3 be best when it has no gaems?

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>The best playstation?
PS1, not even a competition.

Ps3 can play ps1 games


lol ps1 has no games since you can play them all on ps3 you retard

NTA but that's not how it works, dude. Doesn't matter if PSnogames3 can play ps1 games.

2 > 1 > 3 > 4 > 5

>Another system games that can be played on ps3 are ps3 games
Literal nogaemstation3 cope mechanism. Shut up faggot and go back to play Motorstorm.

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This is Yea Forums, you'll get attacked for having any opinion.

PS2 > PS3 > PS1 > PS4

The PS2 had the most defining games of the time and had such a deep swath of third-party games that were actually fun to play. It's difficult to argue against the PS2 being the greatest console of all time.

The PS3 and PS1 each had respectable libraries (despite the dead horse PS3 meme). I give the edge here to the PS3, as it had the advantages of backwards compatibility, online multiplayer, as well as simply existing in the future, from the perspective of the PS1.

The PS4 is where we hit some road bumps, as consoles began to make less and less sense versus a gaming PC, games became less fun, there were less console exclusives, and developers really began rushing out uncompleted, microtransaction-infested garbage.

I think it's too early with the PS5 to weigh it versus the others.

I accept your concession

>1 hour late reply after losing, let alone bringing a point as rebuttal

The Xbox 360 ran the vast majority of games better. And these were generation defining games like Red Dead Redemption and Bayonetta. Also the Dualshock 3 was kind of shit, build wise. I've never been a fan of the Dualshock in general but the PS3 iteration felt like a cheap chinese knockoff of the DS2. And yes, this wasn't one of the thousands of fake controllers that flood the market now.

I still buy and play 360 games but I'll find any excuse to not use a PS3.

DS2 is itself a very cheap knockoff of DS1 if you lived on murrica. Controllers were assembled at Mexico for cheap labor, must have gotten cheapened the parts too.

the xbox360 lost in the end with red ring faggotry and Kinect.

Based Opinion

>massive success in the middle of rrod tsunami
Flat out wrong. And IIRC the rrod could be avoided by applying thermal paste on the 360.

but the PS3 outsold the 360. also Bayonetta was only defining if you were a tranny. Fuck Platinumshit they suck ass now. DMC was always better.

Ps3 because it had Ricky Bobby

>but the PS3 outsold the 360.
>b-but muh sales
Now you're just moving the goalpost, faggot. Gen 7 was the gen that destroyed any sense of sales being a reflection of quality or having a correlation at all.

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Best bluray player from back then you mean

I can do everything and more a PS1 can do on a PS3, thus it is better. There's your obvious rebuttal

My PS1 runs my Hifi sound-system
What does your PS3 do?

It's controller sucked ass and it was underpowered compared to xbawks, so no

>I can do everything and more a PS1 can do on a PS3
>Can't run games with good performance
No, you can't. Your febble attempt of rebuttal is merely subjective since you're trying to use your personal experience as a fact when it's biased due to being personal.

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no lol that gen really only worked as a trifecta. you needed to have wii for obvious goat titles like mkw and wii sports, xbox for halo and gears along with wahtever other exclusives, then ps3 for mgs4 and resistance and flower..

no excuse not to have had all 3 by 2009. by the end of 2008 i was on my second xbox(not bc of rrod), had a special edition ps3, and a reg wii. as a highschooler on a 25 dollar allowance a week which i also had to spend on food if i were out or at school

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does the ps3 even have exclusives that didn't get ported over already?

MGS4. It really doesn't have too much; it's the system that made the no games meme a thing (now recurrent).

I've been thinking about grabbing a phat model and jailbreaking it, but with how few games it has, doesn't seem like a worthwhile decision to do that

If you don't have another hacked system as a legacy system, a fat ps3 is not a bad choice for what I've heard.

How is the performance bad.

>greatest hits

>Best console for me is one I can use as a remote to play my music

There's a few digital first party games that never got a port. Shit Tokyo Jungle and the original Fat Princess. Fair few other physical first party titles too like Motorstorm, Starhawk and LittleBigPlanet 1&2 to name a few. Hell I even third party, Like Drakengard 3

Play Bayonetta ps3. #ThePoweroftheCELL

Remember to play Bad Company 2 on PS3, bros

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What's that sci-fi FPS game on PS3 that everyone played and was apparently really great? Star something? There's like two confusingly similar titled games that start with Star. Are the servers still online for the game?

No, the Red Ring was a huge fuckup and all the launch systems are fucked.

But the Xbox 360 was around for 10 years after that. It's still a great console with a great controller and the best place for 7th generation multiplatform games.

Bayonetta 1 is a PS1 game?

I refuse to accept you're this retarded...

No U
PS3 can play PS1 games AND other games, making it better than a PS1. It's not hard, faggot.
Doesn't matter if acouple of games play like shit compared to other companies consoles. We are talking about the best SONY console.
Stop trying to move goalposts

PS3 is where it all started to go wrong. I plugged my PS3 back in today after many years because I'm going to play through the God of War collection. It's better than modern pozzed Snoy but that's not saying much.

Not him but the PS3 came back after the 360 did really well and won. PS3 started off without many games but then Xbox shot themselves in the foot with their Kinect bullshit and PS3 finally started getting more exclusives and good games.

>Better than Ps1

>Doesn't matter if acouple of games play like shit compared to other companies consoles.
Or most of.

>We are talking about the best SONY console.
>Stop trying to move goalposts
The irony.

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4 was where it started actually. PS3 had a wide range of genres to play outside of third person over the shoulder

Again, PS3 can do everything a PS1 can.

Again, except running its games properly.

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Even if it runs PS3 games sub par, it runs PS1 games fine, thus doing more than a PS1 already

A videogame system's worth is on its own library. And comparing ps3's to ps1's is comparing an ant agains a raging bull, respectively.

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You have two libraries at your disposal. 3 if you have a fat PS3. Are you dense? How is that goalpost moving?

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Goalpost moving is back I see. This is just going in circles

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>no u
Definetly going in circles.

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There's quite a few cases where NISA and Atlus were localizing a bunch of JRPGs and still hold the rights to the English translation of the game (English Text, English Dub) but the Japanese company had since decided to setup their own American division. Not to mention the companies that shut down or games the publisher wants to disappear like Sonic 06.

>PS1 had a staggering number of games but aged poorly because of limitations and the fact that the 3D era was in its infancy
>PS2 had a massive library of just about anything you could want
>PS3 amassed a great library by slipping under the radar while being the underdog, but over half of its worthwhile games ran slightly better on 360 or massively better on PC
>PS4 had some good games but all the cancer in the industry had metastasized so good titles were far and few in between
Prove me wrong. Honestly I think both PS1, 2, and 3 had something to offer and I don't fault people for picking one over the other, PS3 had some really unique shit and it's the first gen where I was a working adult instead of a vidya renter so I'm fond of the library I amassed.

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>No loud sounds
super slim sure. Fat and Slim, no, even if you throw in an SSD.

Disregarded entirely, consider unninstalling yourself from life.

>OP discusses best console
>Retard starts arguing best catalog
Why can't you read?

Suck my dick, you tremendous faggot.

Consoles are defined by their games. Don't tell me you assumed it was the hardware and hardware only?

PS3 has to piggyback on an actual good console to have any positives. The PS1 and 2 are the only ones worth owning.

adding in BC is dishonest when comparing console libraries.

Yes and PS3 can play all the previous consoles games. It's not hard


>retard going at it again
PS1 games aren't PS3 games by any metric but delusion, so far yours.

Yeah, taking them into acount as something beyond nice extra feature only became a thing recently. Maybe as cope for not getting games in the first or so year of the system or the gen 8 "shift".

lightningsnoykeks…should I go for it? I’ll probably put cfw on it

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Yes but a PS3 can play them, again this isn't what has the better catalog. It is what's the better console. You are adding your own retarded restrictions

I can't honestly look back and say the PS3 was the best, maybe the PS2. Most PS3 games I try to go back to, on console not an emulator, run like pure unadulterated shit. Someone brought up RDR1 earlier, look up the 360 vs PS3 version of the game it's sad. Another childhood favorite, Army of TWO 40th day, on the PS3 is borderline unplayable. Worse than or equal to Shadow of the Colossus' PS2 release