Is Starbound really as bad as people say it is?

Is Starbound really as bad as people say it is?

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It deserves every criticism.
I don't think any other game has disappointed me Starbound. It had so much fucking potential.

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Tons of wasted potential and something that was supposed to be an evolved terraria ended up being eclipsed by an ever-growing terraria.

Techs became shit and the fun ones were nerfed

Procedurally generated monsters ended up lame

The worlds were essentially empty and since you just went to them for a very few materials you would strip mine what you needed in seconds and leave.

Loot was unfun and 99.999% shit.

The story was weirdly shoehorned in and not very good.

It had decent bones but so many questionable gameplay choices. I just wish there had ever been a reason to "settle". I never felt any motivation to build anything in this game other than to organize storage or for crafting, and the "dungeons" you would find were huge wastes of time.

No, its worse

>Tons of wasted potential
This is the main reason people hated it actually.

Funny fish.

It's so bad that people pretend it's good to fit in

Cute fessh

It has a little bit of enjoyable content but it deserves to be shat on, all the other posters are correct. Greatest disappointment ever and such a missed opportunity for a good game. Led by one of the most insufferable, incompetent devs ever.

Post more cute and funny feesh.

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Say no more, fish for ants poster.

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They look like harlequin babies wtf y'all talkin about.

Mods fix it but it does not justify paying for it.

Vanilla is awful, and is only improved with mods.
If you're one of those types who think if mods are required to make a game good then the game is shit overall, then don't bother.


You telling me you wouldn't fuck a Harlequin syndrome cutie?

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It's so bad some phone posting autist keeps making the exact same thread about it

yeah it's quite bad, but for some reason it was a bit fotm that lots of people (myself included) got tricked into playing by people I can only assume were playing some kind of joke on me

On the chance this becomes a long thread, I wanted to let you fine anons know that I was the guy looking for a certain piece of fanart of a Avali being held at gunpoint and I found it.
Here you go. Though I feel like a psychopath for liking this pic so much I wanted to share it all with you.

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Its only purpose is a base for mods, vanilla starbound is nothing but a disappointing failure.

Plants are way better tbqh.

I got into it recently so I didn't have any baggage about it or its previous versions
Put 400 hours into vanilla, then installed frackin, now at 457 and counting
It's really comfy and the building mechanics are better than terraria as well as having tons more options for decorating
The different races are all very interesting, though sadly they gutted lots of the lore for each

it's a good game in it's own right. Terrarianiggers just wanted terraria in space and all the shit that makes terraria suck shoved into starbound.

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Nah it's just boring full of wasted potential. That's somehow worse than it being straight up a shitty game.

>tendie has a terrible opinion as always
Flipouts to simpleshits.

one of the few games where the beta was somehow better than the finished project
not even mods could save it

>all the weapons are gay ass swords and spears instead of being setting appropriate
>enemy designs equally suck and are gay looking cartoon sprites
Honestly why even make a space game if there's little to no futuristic design? It's not like melee weapons can't work in a future setting because Surge exists, not that hard to create tools and repurpose them to break bones and take limbs.

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This thread is constant and annoying.
But yes it is.

never seen people shill against a game this hard and just flat out lie about things.

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I like how youre using phone posting as an insult as if someone who just sits at their computer all day on this god forsaken site can in any way act superior to anyone.
Sent from my Iphone 12

One of the worst parts was just throwing out environmental systems entirely. Cold was a hazard you could build around, laying down heat sources so you don't freeze to death and finding gear to increase cold resistance. You could build a base on an ice planet and keep it warm as a retreat from the cold before going out exploring again.
Then they throw it all out for Equip Tech X to not die in Environment Y at all times.

Why'd you soend to much time looking for this?

>all weapons are swords and spears
That's just untrue, user.
You also have daggers, pistols, machine pistols, assault rifles, sniper rifles, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, magic staves
And that's just vanilla

Everything ranged is tied to the shitty energy bar that drains incredibly fast.
>magic staves
Now that's real fuckin' gay.

is there any mods that turn this game into a space bounty hunter game

Really unappreciated series, the near-future aesthetic was kino as well as the dark future that you don't even get a burial when you die in an exosuit, it combusts and melts you into a pile of bloody sludge to stop looting.

Ok but that wasn't what I was addressing, you said there is no weapon type variety and I pointed out why that's wrong

Is it really worth making this thread again?

Not enough porn and elden ring threads in the catalog for you?

It's a cock tease of a game. You can see the potential in it, but they don't actually go anywhere with it. It's beyond disappointing.

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Okay I should have been more specific that the only effective weapon types are generic as fuck swords and spears that don't look setting appropriate at all. Yes I know there's those robots stuck in medieval society mode but they could have been a lot more creative.

No, I want actual video game threads that lead somewhere. The OP doesn't care about the initial question. These are always thinly-veiled Floran and Fatfag bait threads with the occasional person griping about dead puppies.

There is nothing left to talk about with Starbound, especially not with that OP. Jesus at least the porn bait threads have new images.

Go dilate somewhere else or make a new wojak thread then autist.

>start game
>do tutorial
>can't finish tutorial because randomly generated starting planet doesn't have required materials to finish tutorial

>thread sucks
>why don't you want a video game thread?
>this isn't a video game thread
>fuck off autist
*cracks open a beer* yepppp today was a good day *sips*

all you need is core fragments and they're super fucking easy to find? You don't even have to dig for them just loot the mines
I dunno what to tell you, guns were the bread and butter of my first playthroughs. Getting a shotgun that also launches grenades, or the vintage scoped rifle from the arena that shoots piercing bullets. Ranged mogs melee HARD in this game

It was unironically better in the alpha, when it was just a buggy Terraria ripoff. That fact alone is astounding

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Tutorial planets are all the same?

well I read through the thread and still don't know if I would like the game or not. If you think people that didn't follow the dev cycle care how it used to be and what a disappointment it was to you, you're retarded. We just want to know if the game is fun for a first-timer or not.
Is there anyone who played it for the first time recently that can give some decent, unbiased input?

>ending a statement with a question mark
Fuck off back to twitter, dumb roastie.

It's alright if you ignore that terraria exist but 90% of the criticism comes from fags that think terraria has no faults but still need 1000 mods and a map editor to "enjoy" terraria

I have a cock and balls between my legs retard.

You can enjoy Terraria vanilla though, mods are just extra layers and aren't necessary to unfuck the game.

I've never ever installed a mod in terraria and never will. You cucks with your calamity and thorium and whatever can go lick a cactus.
I've only ever had fun with starbound past 1.0 with mods however.

no, it's so good in fact i insist you buy atleast 10 copies.


who the fuck gets into starbound recently? you have had plenty of input from people who were hyped and people who weren't and most seem to think it sucks. of all games to get into right now, why this failure?

go ahead and buy it, you definitely won't be disappointed at all bro

The fuck am I gonna do with 10 copies of an abandonware game?

>We just want to know if the game is fun for a first-timer or not
It is. You might not feel like replaying it a second or third time, but there's plenty of cool things to discover if you explore enough. 400+ hours in and every now and then I still stumble upon something I've never seen before

Why are you even asking this, OP? It's a game everyone here has played, or should have played, you included. You have no excuse not to torrent it and come to your own conclusion.

Are you underaged or just stupid?

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That's a pretty cool human. Too bad nobody looks like this in game as humanity is all convicts and bums living in wood shacks.

>thinking actual women post here
lol. lmao

I don't think it's that bad at all.
I actually like Starbound a whole lot, and I had a lot of fun with it when I played it.

Keep in mind that I last played it in 2018 with 3 other bros and we all had a pretty good time. The story is stupid and unfulfilling, and the means of upgrading through each 'tier' of the game is uninspired and uninteresting. If you don't care about the story though, then just go exploring, build some shit and come to your own conclusion.

My advice is to dabble around in the vanilla aspect of the game a bit, and then get the Frackin Universe mod, since that adds a whole lot more depth to the game overall, between new races, racials, stuff to build and craft, etc.

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FU makes the game far, far worse. bad advice.
