Reason number 477466 why BB is still the best souls game

Reason number 477466 why BB is still the best souls game.

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Bloodborne and Demon Souls are the only good souls games.


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Just don't kill your kids lmaoooo.

Sex havers are something else.

BB doesn't have any allegories to abortion, right?

Im so fucking tired of games being a soapbox for lsoers who can't touch women so they virtue signal politics with the 200 test levels

I really think I'm just done playing games now. It just keeps getting worse and there's literally not a single game announced outside of God of Soi 2 (5(8)), which could go either way since Soilog isnt director anymore, but their trailer showed a black girl as a "jaw drop" reveal to end the trailer so I think that says a lot about how it will go

woah... this game truly is more relevant now than when it came out... TOO BAD PCF@TS WILL STILL NEVER PLAY IT LMFAO

I'm not an American but can someone explain to me how being able to get an abortion is a "human right"?

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More relevant now ten years later and STILL pc babbs never ever! Enjoy normie ring pckeks

Abortion specifically, enh, not so much, but it's absolutely and overtly exploring themes of reproduction.

I thought game journos were the biggest chads out there. Especially the female ones.

You perform lots of very late term abortions in the game

>but it's absolutely and overtly exploring themes of reproduction.
Well yeah, but I couldn't think of any actual abortion ones.

>Children's lives are precious.
>Except when guns are involved.

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Bloodborne is not a souls game.

How is it relevant? The great ones want to keep having kids to continue their legacy. If maybe they mean the child of Kos should have been aborted due the cruelty it faced, I guess they could make an argument there. Fortunately the person you play as ends their suffering. Also you kill the baby that was born at the end to end the nightmare, so unless the author means babies = nightmare alien beign born to warp reality solely to continue the great one's legacy, I think they missed the point of the game.
It isn't, they just want to kill babies legally. I know some are just rooting for it so they keep more rights in general, but I think those people can't see the forest for the trees.

The closest I can think of is Mergo having been stillborn, and its a big Pro-Abortion meme is that places with Anti-Abortion laws they will go after and punish women who have miscarriages. Huge stretch and so these people are pretty retarded.


Thats exactly what they are discussing this very moment. The main point is abortion is held within right to privacy

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and thats a good thing

I always assumed that women would prefer contraception like the pill or condoms (or both) to going to a clinic to have a living thing forcibly removed from their bodies, but with all the fervor around this lately, I'm starting to think women actually like killing them, possibly as some sort of rebellion or something.

>Retards always phrase it as a baby killing fetishism instead of individual rights and privacy.
>But get assblasted when you call gun deregulation murder fetishism instead of individual rights and privacy.
The language is dishonest on both sides. You're as absolutely moronic as your opposition.

Nobody here was talking about guns until you brought them up schizo.

I really dont get how anyone could be for federal mandates. When has the government done anything right? They can now quite literally annoy their state governments until they get better conditions for their baby murdering than daddy gov would ever offer.
The jews are right about goyim.

I mean, I don't want newborn babies being killed. If that same baby grows upto an adult and breaks into my house to rape/murder/steal, then I don't see what's wrong with defending myself, possibly ending their life if it came to it.

oh my god imagine bringing up a game just to shoehorn some politics into it

Slow news week. Also, these people don't like games. They all want to be political correspondents for some retarded reason.

Assuming that's a real article then it's just like on Yea Forums, using the pretext of a video game discussion to shoehorn in a political discussion instead.

Nah. The thing about this place is they're purely reactionary. If this shit didn't exist, then no one would be discussing. The only reason we do discuss it is commiserate with other like-minded people who are tired of the clown world. Yea Forums is not writing these articles. They're not making this content for the entire internet to see. They're not on twitter and facebook doing this shit. They're simply here, reacting to the shitshow.

>he couldn't tell me what 1+1 is, so he isn't really a human life yet :)
Just use protection, it's not difficult.

>protection works 100%
wrong, also i'm a vasectomy baby and i really wish my parents aborted me

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>economy going to shit
>housing market fucked
>shortages continuing
>looming threats of mass immigration
>wage gap increasing
>everything just kind of shit in general

>a-a-ah,,,,abortion! That'll distract them!

Read the comments there on Kotaku cause of you

Wish you didn't post this garbage holy shit I hate bloodborne fanboys

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As someone who loves Bloodborne, I agree.

The game does contain a lot of birthing imagery and plot points centered around babies, but imposing any coherent meaning on it is definitely stretching credibility.

I genuinely don't understand how aborition is even this big of an issue, whichever side you fall on. Aren't there 1001 different forms of birth control, that you can use not just before but even after sex to prevent pregnancy? Where the fuck are all these babies that need to be aborted coming from?

Make birth control free. Give kids better sex education. Everyone wins. It doesn't make any sense to me

>expecting people in 2022 to be responsible
lmao even

it's weird to because there are even morning after pills, don't know the rate of success tho

>women are given legal ability to do thing
>feel that now thing is completely ethical and should be done whenever
>thing is reviewed, now being removed
>an effective "right" (aka the ability without the government shunning you) is now gone
>what could be next?
That's pretty much the train of thought.

abortion should be allowed so retarded people have time to fix their mistake before it comes out

Sony should release bloodborne on PC in support of women's rights!

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It's less about having abortions and more about having that backup plan if it were to come to it. When push comes to shove (aka when birth control does fail), most people end up just saying fuck it and keeping babies.

Yeah, my parents were the same but they weren't able to even have one child and raise it, let alone another, abortion would have solved me being a vasectomy baby.

Why would you want people who clearly can't function like responsible adults having children? Let them abort, hell encourage it, beats the alternative

Nothing is stopping you from killing yourself right now if being alive is that miserable for you, retard.

but then me mum would be sad ;(

Jesus, I miss the 1950s...
Women's lib was such a fucking mistake.

Alright fair. Don't make your mum sad

Reminder that negroids use abortion and white people use contraception. Banning abortion will only result in more subhumans.

What about rapes and unwanted sex/pregnancies? Should women not have the right to their own bodies? Who would want to live with a constant reminder of past traumas and also, why raise an unwanted child if you're goi g to do it poorly or not give it love? Just yank that shit out and have a kid if you want or when you want to instead.

We're talking about a country that has people pay for healthcare and lets the poor that can't afford it die or fall into debts lol. I do agree with your point tho.

Bloodborne is the most perfect game, please don't associate it with trash American politics. Kthxbye

This. Having kids at 16 because you're a retarded kid yourself is probably the worst outcome. Become an adult and learn a few things about life before your actually make a decision like that.

Any time you try to tell a woman they can't do anything they seethe.

Well, imagine if they chose to raise them instead. Would they have made good moms in your opinion?

It's like 1% to 3% of abortions are due to rape and/or incest. The rest are just 'lol not ready, can't afford, or it would affect my life', etc. There is like 4% that would affect the health of the mother, which I'd also consider an important factor too. Personally I think cases of rape, incest, and health concerns should be given special attention and allow the mother to make the choice herself (albeit I think abortion is still wrong). That said, the other 93%-ish of cases don't get an excuse imo.



Tranny game

not abortion but the fact that the nightmare slain popup doesn't show up until mergo's crying stops could be considered infanticide

I played it after 2 years of getting shilled on it being game of the decade and ended up liking it less than the first Dark Souls and even Dragon's Dogma. Game is linear as fuck and content starved even with the DLC and it somehow manages to have the most retarded fans for any of these games except Dark Souls 2 enthusiasts which I am convinced are mostly trolls.

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Just sterilize them

Too many strict laws prevent it from being a viable solution(for good reasons partly). Also, foster homes are not great places, trust me.

Fine with this if it comes with sterilization.

>Make birth control free. Give kids better sex education.
the same fundamentalists that are against abortions are also against these

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>being callous and edgy on the internet is a new phenomenon
now post a picture of a pitbull puppy

Oh yeah, and this too for cases when the mother is okay for putting her life at risk for the baby. It's a tough ethical decision.
I think the problem is that it's hyped up really high by the fans. It's still a great game imo, just not a 10/10. I'd give it an 8.5/10 personally just due to some of the late game stuff and the chalice dungeons being most of whats left for optional stuff (assuming you didn't miss areas in your first playthrough).

How about we start aborting the mothers?

Okay, fair point, stats-wise. But I tend to believe that instead of being a bad mother because they're immature or whatever reason, let the women who wants abortions do so and have kids if they want to eventually. That solves the problem of raising kids poorly that will most likely repeat the same cycle.

>Should women not have the right to their own bodies?
Men don't, why should women?

If it's any consolation, all of the women in that image were targeted and forced to delete their accounts out of shame iirc.
Obviously not, but something clearly went wrong somewhere down the line when you have women making "jokes" like that about a human life being terminated. It's like abortion is this cool hip thing now where having one gives you cred among the rest of your mentally ill friends.

You don't have to be fundie to be against abortions or a shitlib to be for them. Me? I just hate niggers and abortion has prevented something like 20 million little nig nogs from existing, it all just comes together. As a rule only trashy people who shouldn't be having children have abortions. Damn things should come with mandatory hysterectomies and then it would be perfect.

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