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ok how u know?

what would skooma taste like bros?

t. catranny

They're the best if you want to go unarmed.

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Why post Khajiit visage when Nord speaks of self?

lizard hands wrote these

I wish female khajiits had more human looking faces. As it stands now they literally look like house cats. So unless you're into beastiality than there is no coomer factor to them. What a waste.

Attached: cat_girl.jpg (1500x2100, 502.6K)

Best Unarmed Race

>thinks this has coomer factor
>claims he isn't into beastiality
user, I...

>speaks in 3rd person like an autist
>banished by society
>addicted to drugs
i hate khajiits
t. orsimer chad

I can play as big floppa though

What Khajiit are supposed to look like is determined by moon phases of their birth in the lore, so you could have housecats, tigers and anime style catgirls in the same family.

Why do they call it a race when its a totally different species

Argonians and Khajiits are the faggiest races in Elder Scrolls.

Imagine playing as an actual fucking pet, kek.

they're elves user

Orcs are LITERALLY the feces race

I agree. Nords > Imperials > Altmer > Dunmer

Rest can fucking die in mines.

>We're getting another nigga game over Elswhyr

Cats are the best.


>Dunmer not in first place
>Altmer not in second


graphics and art style dictate a lot of what makes furfag races look good in games. Honestly would be more horrified to stare at the pic you posted for hundreds of hours than whats in OP's pic because IMO, its trying to a bit too hard to strike a balance between the two. Idk, maybe its the eyes that are a bit too big.

Why can't you use Khajit and Argonians as crafting materials?
This is fucking bullshit.

>He doesn't know about the gorrilla race or slug necro race
Opinion disregarded

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>nords first
You’re just inserting your /pol/ obsessed with “the aryan” race. Nords are retards who cuck and wingman to other races and worship the eleven pantheon. Nords are only good for their women.

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Khajiit were the best. Claws were hilariously broken and it stacked with gloves of the pugilist.

mello yello

Can confirm, nords are the prettiest looking holes.

I don't visit /pol/trash. Nords are humans though and I'm human.

dude wtf

I'm not thinking about it that deeply. All I know is that I can't get a boner when the beast race looks 100% like an animal.

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Sload are better than the katshit. Necromantic slugs vs Jamaican cats is no contest.

They're so boring. The only real racial bonus they get is for unarmed damage which is completely fucking useless in skyrim.
They should have had 25% fire weakness (flammable fur) but have 15% faster movement speed and attacks (catlike reflexes)

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my ranking best to worst, thrown together just now

They're savannah in origin not jungle you coffin fucker that's the argonians.

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Khajiit are the defacto cat-people race in fantasy because of TES and it would be lesser without their inclusion. There is nothing wrong with liking, playing, or fapping to Khajiit.

Attached: Khajiit warrior female butt sneak sword smallres.jpg (800x455, 61.66K)

>generic viking-style race is 'top tier'

Their race form is based on the moon's phases. If you don't think that's the bees knees you hate fantasy.

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>nords that high
>imperials that high
>orcs that high

Would you marry and impregnate a Khajiit?

Like you don't want khajit fur lined boots and matching cape. Argonian belt with matching scabbard holds no interest for you.

Imagine walking through a city and seeing a pretty khajit. You go up to it and invite out for drinks, bring it home and make it comfortable, then bash its brains so you can make a throw rug.

Who wouldn't enjoy that? Everyone loves throw rugs.

i like warriors

You're a faggot schizo

Has Bethesda ever considered hiring character designers? Who the fuck comes up with this ugly shit?

being so uncommon made them memorable

Top and bottom are correct. Everything else is wrong.

Haha wow that's so fucked up. Go on?

Bosmer bros…

>the Dragonborn ever being a woman cat/lizard
o i am laffin

Breton and Khajiit > all

The dragon born is just some reincarnation bs. You never defeated alduin just his image and he will return when you are dead.

It's super cool but I wish it appeared more in the games.

They look better than in oblivion.
The females look alright but the males look like they ate a bee.

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Ah a fellow throw rug enthusiast I see. Crafting would be enhanced by the addition of Khajit and Argonians.

The other beast race does not have much value in crafting though. Fucking Bretons are useless in general.

Imagine wanting wares, but having no coin

i like argonians

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Just had to sell skyrim 5 different times in the past 10 years didn't you Todd

Attached: baby.png (1280x960, 813.65K)

It's not even a reincarnation, it's basically a random lotto for a mortal to be born with akatosh's blessing every few hundred years

Soo.. many... sweeeetrolls...

They are sneaky degenerate junkies and that's why they are the STRONGEST race.

That sounds even worse. Instead of the same soul we know that will succeed in pushing back Alduin's image we get some rando that may or may not die of not being ready for anything and we won't even know. Thanks Akatosh for being useless and giving false hope

if only they looked like that instead of dried raisin with horns

>playing Oblivion
>as an Argonian obviously
>Dark Brotherhood cat looks at me and calls me a foul smelling ape
I hate these feline fuckers so badly, bros. I just hate them.