I'm still pissed

I'm still pissed.

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>Catholicism and West symbols: bad

old galio played like shit

I miss him, an anti-mage with a fun fuck you ult. He would've been great against all the recent 200 dashes high mobility burst faggots Riot has released recently.

The model suck. Like almost every rework they do, the new model just suck.

What I hate the most is that new Galio is fun too, but I miss the old one. They always do that with the champion reworks. They make a character that's good but completely misses the point of the original.

old Galio wasn't appealing

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I want to vomit every time I see NuSwain on there.

yup they take a somewhat unique theme and focus group it to shit until its generic and boring. Take swain for instance. Walking around with laser bird was neat. It was a neat ability. Turning into an anthropomorphic crow as an ulti was cool too. Now its dogshit.

Jesus fucking christ I knew gooks had shit taste but this is on another level

I can't wait for Udyr to have a built in dash on one of his activates and a dozen other retarded built in skills.

As well as some kind of dumb minigame.

Old lore was cool too with the mixed vastayan blood thing and him not being considered a true vastayan by other vastayans.

I like J4's kit but his design is fucking shit.

Lee Sin is pure cancer either way and never gets nerfed.

Vastaya is NuLore shit through and through. They turned Wukong into a fucking Vastaya when he's supposed to be literally Wukong.

He was a better character.

He hobbled around on a cane. It was a good look. A powerful mage with a crow motif hobbling and blasting people. Then turning into a demon crow and basically forgetting about the cane.

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Why old heroes are so great to play? Take Jax for example: he fells so good to play, simple and don't have any of those bullshit mechanics that new heroes have.
Holy shit riot stop making every faggot new hero have a dash and a passive that has 4 types to stacks, just fucking stop

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Then he goes from a DoT mage with some CC to a generic nuker and generic LE EVIL mage

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All nulore is shit, and lore was the last fucking thing this game had going for it.

Gotta give props to that one guy at Riot still drawing monsters.

Not!Asura would have been pretty cool.

>pick the worst concept
>"okay that's still pretty sick though"
>remove the armor, belt and even the fucking tattoo so we are left with some furry faggots OC

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If I recall it's the same guy who drew the new Udyr and Volibear, and he did some monsterous shit there too. The guy just wants to draw high fantasy stuff yet LoL just wants chinkoid pretty shit.

And half of his more bestial side. We're supposed to think he's treated like a beast-man but he's a fucking bishe with wolf ears.


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League has not made one good Vs event since the God Kings.
Holy shit what fucking quality skins, too bad they are stuck on brainless juggernauts but at least I enjoy playing a full AD Garen game with the God King

New Galio is better against mages and dashers though

>Ah but you see we count Yuumi as a monster so it's only been like 4 years since we made a monster.
>Turning Volibear into a barabear also counts.

I have his fancy skin and it's pretty sick, looks like what the base should have been

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Maybe if his W was instant like his old Ult was.

Old Galio had a huge ult that denied a massive space. His W shield was also good at stopping burst mages.

Nu-Galio has.... a spell damage shield, and that's about it. It's not even a very STRONG Spell damage shield.

>twitter trannies crying about "muh attractive females" when they all probably main Lux, Ahri, Kai'sa and Evelynn

true but in terms of gameplay wise hes better

you deserve it for playing that garbage

Don't forget that apparently a majority of humans in Ionia racist to people with cat ears

You see when they play their K/DA gook skins it's fine because they are for trans rights or whatever.

all the league redesigns look like complete shit. like mundo is just fucking weird, he went from some gross cartoon freak to fucking purple zyzz with a long tongue

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>all the league redesigns look like complete shit

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An entire race was genocided for that design.

This is what happens when you surrender to coomers. They literally don't care about anything other than porn, and see porn in everything. They are willing to spend all of their money on it. So why would you make a cool monster champion, when you can make another anime girl and male literally millions of dollars by selling skins for her?

Yet you have stuff like Ekko, NuSwain and the fucking furrybait that is Aurelion/Kindred/WW

>the fucking furrybait that is Aurelion/Kindred/WW

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His old w wasn't a shield

meglingniggers are the most contrarian fuckers in all of league, they existed for almost zero percent of the game's history. no one honestly cares.
>Captcha: GGAY0

Aurelion and WW are stretching it, but you're really gonna say Kindred isn't furrybait?
shes also a tranny in her lore kek

It was a MR buff that gave HIM healing, which means it was better because it could actually reduce more damage.

>long white hair
>"angry" evil eyebrows
>evil red glowy magic
fuck... these designers need to come up with an original thought that isn't only just edgelord, or penguin of doom randumb, or woke shit
this is so boring and uninspired that it's just an all-around downgrade from the previous Swain. pathetic

Superman and Batman?

Kindred is literally two death-spirits working together. What you see in game is how they see themselves.

Her splash art doesn't sexualize her in the slightest, and they went out of their way to humanize her for her dating sim. I seriously doubt she was furry bait.

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kek. well that answers my question they just outright said it

Every single rework was a success that stayed in the game. Leblanc, Kog, Rengar were utter failures. Every other one for the most part was a success. Swain's was even better and I know they reworked him again.

I don't understand the weirdos who say shit like old Galio and Sion were "fun" and should have stayed in. They were incredibly outdated and dogshit and no one fucking played them.

They very much were trying to copy Ori / Studio Ghibli with Kindred. Then they forgot and made waifubait skins even though people have shouted they want an Inverse skin with Wolf as the hunter for ages.

user aurelion was very popular in the degenerate "scally" community. They always know what they are doing.

Nobody played them because Riot forced meme meta shit that forced them out.

If Old Sion was brought back he would unironically destroy toplane right now. Hell, Old Sion was interesting because you could build him like 3 different ways.

Who cares what a couple of redditors want?

>They always know what they are doing.
Which is why they made his lower half see through you dolt.

can we all agree that catboys and catgirls are fucking gay and done to death? people really need to get better taste

Because it's a cool concept?

>liked Kayn when he was released because he was an unapologetic shirtless edgelord sasuke ripoff among a good mixture of monsters and humans which made him stand out with that archetype
>now practically every fucking modern male champ is a shirtless cocky edgelord so his archetype just blended in and faded with the rest of them
cool thanks riot

Yeah, but she still isn't sexualized, which was my initial point.

Ok galio was hot fucking garbage and his kit was literally just Q people and wait 5 minutes for flash to be up so you could flash ult. Malphite has done his job better for years.

No. Nobody played them because they were terrible. I played old galio, old yorick, old urgot, old swain. They were all poorly designed characters with kits that didn't even mesh together.

Also forcing a meta isn't even a bad thing. I just don't like how they removed certain scalings on other champs to completely remove niche builds.

It isn't really, we already have a ton of "reversed" skins and they are all awful. You just want more furrybait by having a full body wolf.

I always thought he was ugly as fuck with that dumb Thanos looking face and wished they went for his unused concept

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yarr shiver me timbers them scallywags be lovin' that thar silly dragon

Who was the champ with mantra?
I liked her before they changed her kit completely.
I liked the tree guy too - the one that threw smaller explosive tree guys.

Karma and Maokai.

and he's one of the most popular top laners with a decent playerbase, blame the audience they have to cater to

>That didn't mesh together

Oh yeah, that's why when any of them got even a slight buff they usually dominated their lanes because their kits were not combo reliant shitheaps like most kits today

Again, Old Sion could be built 3 different ways, show me a single champ today who is as flexible as him now?

I hate the redesign to his moveset because he's too different in playstyle and no longer one that I enjoy using, but his new design is better.

Yeah, those are the ones.
Karma got all the fun sucked out of her.
Left the game before Maokai got changed. Not sure if he's still the same.

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They've changed jax a lot though. Just tiny pieces at a time earlier on.

They were fun kits that could only ever be over powered or complete garbage in the meta. I'm pretty sure the rune and item rework would've made them far more viable nowadays without making them completely busted.

I don't know why you fuckers love to complain so much about reworks and new design direction even though you stopped playing the games ages ago. Just let it be, they run a bussiness after all and have to cater to the bulk of the playerbase.

They did it to sion too.
He wen't from a unique undead guy with visible bones, and multiple different ability colors like pink, red and orange, to a generic giant grey skinned orc dude with all red abilities.

He has a new ult which is a wave of roots that roots people and his Q has a knockback.

I think they reworked Karma a few more times since you left. She's op as fuck now and has been for a while. Her kit seems pretty fun. I played a lot of Maokai pre rework and post rework and while I liked the old one more, the new one has a more dramatic ult instead of just more tankiness.

Probably the best example of old riot vs nu-riot is what they fucking did to Kassadin's splash art

>game devs are still the former regardless of culture war fags pretending otherwise
>only Yea Forums thinks "all new video games bad now" because only Yea Forums is retarded enough to think that

New sion plays a lot better.

How is Katarina. She was my favourite a while ago.

Fuck off with your tranny shit.

Not many. Not that that is really a bad thing though. Don't know why people think it is. Old Sion could be built multiple ways and all of them had glaring weaknesses and showed how little though went into his kit.

Twitch can build AP and AD. Both are viable. Bard can be built any fucking way you want. Kayn has several different builds. There are still champs with flexible builds.

Is her kit still about poke + buffs? That shit is boring.