Why is female armor in video games so shit?

Why is female armor in video games so shit?

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female armor irl is the same

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Less armour = more movement

They can dodge attacks and block them on the little armour they do have

Also it makes me coom

AGI fags btfo
DEF chads reign supreme

>you find her while the body is still warm
What do you do?

Female warriors are for losing.

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isnt all three of those a kill shot?

Warrior women are inherently unrealistic so we might as well make them eye candy because it's clear no one is taking the story seriously by virtue of their existence.

Because you're a faggot little cuck boy

>magic and dragons
yep completely realistic

>armor that shows a little bit of skin

>feminists, trannies, and other leftoids use this image to try and "dunk" on sexy armor
>it's literally porn by a guro artist

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>be femoid "soldier"
>can't put up a fight against the stronger sex
>show more skin so they'll just take you as their rape slave instead of killing you
makes perfect sense if you understand women

Making love to Lucina's corpse while it slowly gets colder and colder with tears running down my face!


They should fight in pretty dresses

the most fun part about these fucking dipshit arguments is that if you watch a girl play a game with a character customizer, it doesn't matter how pretty or ugly they are irl they always make the hottest looking character they possibly can. Maybe that whole "power fantassy" thing goes both ways

but jojo does not look cool. it looks faggy

Why cant we just have an anatomical cuirass for women. Like so.

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to the credit of women everywhere
if the "jizz lives on" theory is true
then, any post-humous NTR is like You becoming a tiny affect on that guy's future kid

hurr durr female armor so unrealistic

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What games even have armour like this in the year of our lord 2022? Korean MMOs?

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If those are crossbow bolts then no amount of armor, save for full plate, could have stopped them.
I think, don't quote me on it.

>bikini armor
i sleep
>full maximillian
still sleep
>plate with frills
>armored preggos
i fucking wake

Now females will play your game

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>shoot armored man in face with arrow
>Takes half more damage and keeps attacking me


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>RPG game
>you slice a fucking sword through their neck
>200 damage
>dosent die because i cut his fucking head off
>yea its fine its fantasy
>see slut armor

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>Lucina drops a bowl of ketchup on herself after seeing a cockroach, accidentally ripping her worn out clothes when she jumped in fright

NOT TO MENTION any post-humous coom-brained Ratatouille-like influence on your Widow, and thus, perhaps to some Magnanimously Indifferent degree, retain some unconscious hold on the world, and her new conquerer's station in life

Stomach is probably survivable? Chest shots are kill though

I figured something must be up 'cause it's kinda hot

Female armor is ridiculous and would only make her easier to beat as a man.
A woman wearing full on plate is not going to be slowed down equally to a man, she will be hindered even more than a man would because pound for pound men are much stronger.
So she will actually be slower and weaker the more she puts on.
So you fags that like women in full armor, just understand that is a fantasy you have no more realistic than any other.

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looks fine to me

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It's suppose to be sexy, not functional.

>that mod that reenabled the male armors for females in oblivion and showed they all fit perfectly
>all the skirt and cleavage armor was an intentional, time budgeted choice
i was in the coom club

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Everyone who complains about bikini armor needs to unironically kill themselves.

I can tell you straight up, whoever made this image did not care for fantasy settings, otherwise they would have know about the bare chested warriors who gave no shits about fucking arrows

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>needing armor at all
fucking casuals

If it's so shit, then why do cosplayers choose to dress up in the horny armor?

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>Stomach is probably survivable
Unless it hit her intestines

Getting upset over bikini armor (an age old fantasy icon) is peak fucking reddit. Why don't you donate to Anita Sarkeesian while you're at it you cuck.

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This is one of my favourite things.

>MK11 covers up all the female characters
>Female cosplayers still opt to predominantly cosplay as the MK9 designs even today

Can't make this shit up.

Remember when booth babes were outlawed? Now we have significantly more naked women voluntarily dressing that way.

>Cosplayers still opt to csplay as the MK9 designs
So only people who don't play care about the slut designs.

People who stick with the game beyond the first month don't give a shit what the designs are for anyone.

what about Conan? you don't see anyone crying about his outfit.

And all getting rid of booth babes did was take away work from women who had no problem at all doing it given they were models who were used to that. Same with F1 and Nascar getting rid of grid girls. It just goes to show that real women do not give a shit about objectification. It's urban white males trying to appear virtuous.

I think a more important question is:
Where's her dick?

I am convinced that 90% of women do not care about sexy female characters. As always, it's a loud minority composed of the most mentally ill fuckers.

90% of women LOVE sexy female characters.

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Because women don't belong in armor, period. If you're going to entertain the fantasy that they'd be competent in battle, might as well make it look like their tits will flop out at any second.

>image clearly tells the story without words
Why do Zoomers do this?
You aren't funny.
Do you not understand how humor works?
What happened to you?
Legitimately, something is wrong.

>that dude in the mirror

>implying her pants weren't ripped off and the soldiers were fucking her warm dead body

Nobody ever says a thing when it is a man.

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This + based + OP can seethe, cope and dilate and fuck off with his retarded one sided takes

well, to be fair, she and the entire franchise would most likely be dead if the attire was different

She's still alive, unfortunately for her.

Exactly, at least the ones who make money from dressing up as sexy ones do.

Does it even matter? Plate and even chainmail armor in most stories might as well be made of paper.

It's magic armor, fucking retards. That's why laced lingerie can defend as good as plate armor.

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Female medieval "warrior" engaging men in melee combat, and dominating, no less, is an absurd premise, so choosing to criticize the realism of their armor is already an arbitrary exercise. Sexy outfits are at least consistent with the absurdity of the premise.

every gf that I have ever dated has enjoyed playing games with sexy female characters. "I love her fashion" "I love her hair" "i love her body" etc

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i think the OP image is what activated my ryona fetish

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Yup. I'm willing to bet that's the main reason for half the players in FFXIV.

I can’t see his bulge or ass
not the same

>redirects all force directly into sternum and breaks her ribcage


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It wasn't but now globohomo demands the female armors be highly similar to the male ones so now things are just samey and boring.

Lucina accidentally cut herself with a kitchen knife while preparing dinner, so I'm taking it away from her for her own safety. Yes, I called 9-1-1.

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