And on your daring and courageous adventure to find the fragments of the mystical Triforce

>And on your daring and courageous adventure to find the fragments of the mystical Triforce
>... you will need a ladder

Attached: Untitled.png (1090x610, 744.39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

That's a stepladder

So it's even more useless.
And...why can't Link jump?

You need a ladder for many dangerous IRL tasks. So yeah, Link needing one when a hookshot wasn't available seems fine

He's white

It's a magic ladder.

He uses it to cross rivers. It's pretty useful, actually.

Play Chelsea and Seven Devils and see if you'll ever want to shit talk ladders ever again.

But he could jump the gap easily and not have to carry a fucking ladder.
>You need a ladder for many dangerous IRL tasks.
But you don't need them for shit he does in game.

he's smol

ladders are elite

Link can’t jump

>Link won't be able to get to without using his raft.
What did they mean?

A ladder is standard dungeon delving equipment in D&D from which Zelda obviously takes inspiration from

Because he's weighed down with a fucking raft and a ladder.

Attached: Capture.png (1237x561, 699.75K)


Look at the previous page?

Attached: manual.png (1549x599, 1.04M)

Kojima did it

You really expect a boy to just climb flat walls and shit, constantly pulling himself up and expending tons of extra energy on a absurdly arduous and long adventure? A stepladder is practical. Imagine going out on a adventure unprepared to use tool which help you climb shit. Absolute retard


>. Imagine going out on a adventure unprepared to use tool which help you climb shit
He did. He found the ladder, he didn't bring it from home retard.

Whatever you say Maya.

Don't mind me. Just being the most useless item in zelda history

Attached: TP_Spinner_Model.png (2574x1616, 1.05M)

The old art is comfy af.

I don't know user, I think they are two different sentences. The first one
>During the game there will be some places
makes sense by itself. It's the second one which has me wondering.

Game limitations and excuse to do dungeons
It really doesn't go as deep as you think

do you not see all the shit he's carrying? I'd like to see you jump with all that crap on our back.

I've always loved that illustration with all that crap he's caring around

Yes really nigger and Link has to be tough to carry that shit stop being a a faggot.
I hate looking up Link or Chains and it turns up jewelry or some kind of faggot mountain climbing gear. Here is a fucking work chain.

Attached: 1BE8810E-F144-4C52-9F49-F5F0E6A3DEA1.jpg (1125x1500, 218.47K)

Yeah but he can fucking put it down and jump.
>Game limitations
So no games prior to LoZ had jumping? Nobody invented jumping in games yet?

My dad accidentally threw one of these bad boys and the weight of it came crashing down on top of his head. It hit him so hard on the noggin that he was knocked unconscious and woke up in the hospital the next day. :)

Why are you bringing up chains?

>Link, you have completed your journey. Now you are the Legend of Zelda

Why are you assuming that in zelda world there is a Y axis?

The rivers looking small compared to Link's sprite is a technological limitation. It's probably supposed to be like how Sam needs ladders to cross big chasms and such in Death Stranding.

Because...clearly he has a ladder. Which means he can travel in the upwards plane of dimensions?

>The rivers looking small compared to Link's sprite is a technological limitation
Well then he would use his raft, not the ladder which, as you can see in the official art, is shorter than him (a boy, not a full grown man even) and which would still be too small for a stream. Trying to use a ladder to cross a river is a good way to lose your ladder.

it's a sideways ladder

He’s called Link dumbass. He is completely accountable for this shit. Because Zelda is not just a little boy game. It is for grown men also with Dark Souls 3 which has taken residence due to Nintendo not meeting Miyamoto’s requests for an adult Zelda for Nintendo kids. They aren’t intentionally teaching children about shitty breakable cheap John junk made in China, but Nintendo Jooz definitely are.

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I have played zelda 1 and can confirm there were places

imagine flipping up link’s skirt…

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>And on your daring and courageous adventure to find the Cthulhu
>... you will need a ladder

Attached: holmes.png (1920x1080, 2.63M)

Cthulhu is lovecraft faggot stuff that dungeons and dragons started using as an excuse for all the porn involved with their games.
>Princess Ruto and Twilight Princess Midna is less evil than Satan!
No, Motherfucker, you all burn in hell the same.

Attached: Cthulhu.gif (320x180, 1.64M)

Well that ladder is actually big enough to be considered a ladder.

It's actually all one place, the desolate Hyrule. Adventure of Link actually shows us that area in LoZ is just a tiny part of Hyrule as a whole.

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go on...

Pig Ganon.
You. Will. Bring. Back. Pig. Ganon.
Ganon is not a human.

Attached: F5070FA8-F50B-4612-A25F-F0ECBFE25AFA.jpg (780x780, 184.32K)

That's like a pig orc.

I’ve posted pig Ganon too many times so now you get his pig orcs because they ate his onions.

>jumping across a gap to where there are most certainly monsters waiting to kill you
>leaving your tools for dealing with them behind

>jumping across a gap to where there are most certainly monsters waiting to kill you
It's called a jump attack technique, HOLY FUCKING SHIT, git gud.
>leaving your tools for dealing with them behind
Throw them over first? Or why would you even leave your tools, besides the raft and ladder (which you don't need to be carrying), your load is pretty light.

I want them to bring back low-tech zelda

You can post pretty much every TP dungeon item since you use them like 3-4 times in the dungeon and then never again.

It doesnt matter that you are the Hero of Courage, you can't jump 2 meters, user

Where is your triforce? You don't have one because you down own a ladder.

That entirely depends how high up the ground is from the water. It could also be that the ladder is useful for climbing up chasms with uneven heights. And finally, can't rule out the ladder being able to lengthen itself via magic.

Attached: girl zelda.jpg (550x550, 46.37K)

Why did they call it the Triforce if it originally had 8 pieces

>last session of d&d involved using a ladder to cross a gap exactly how link does
He's just a well prepared adventurer.

>double speed
>quintuple duration of speed