So when Zelda's spirit was in Midna, did she feel and experience everything that she did?

So when Zelda's spirit was in Midna, did she feel and experience everything that she did?

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that is the implication, yes

So Zelda knows how it feels to make love to a hylian as an imp?

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Is it gay to fuck Ganon whilst he's in Zelda's body?

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Is it gay to fuck Link whist I am in my male body?



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Is Zelda gay for being in Midna?

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Game yes
Manga no

I hope so

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just got vol 9 in the mail
she is so goddamned horny for him in the manga

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>finding each others cursed forms beautiful
that's pretty cute

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they only get more and more sickeningly cute as it goes on past what's available online. it's great, I love it.

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I love them so much

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A bit, especially if he's laughing

even Zelda was better handled in the manga. they added a childhood friends angle to her and Midna, and showing her being overjoyed to see her best friend have a moment with the boy she loved was top cute.

this is the one piece of physical nintendo merch i want to own. It may have taken over a decade but Midna and Link finally got the treatment they deserved.

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I highly recommend it. So many characters are more fleshed out in it, the art is nice, and it's overall a legit little shonen manga, especially when compared to the other Zelda manga by the authors. It almost feels like they were just going through the motions just so they could get to TP and make it their passion project.

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I always see the TP manga in bookstores I go to. Is it legit good? I heard it's almost vastly different compared to the game, but truth be told I haven't played much beyond Link turning into a wolf for the first time. Can I enjoy the manga without playing the game?

Yes it's great on its own and you don't have to have played the game. You probably should have at least played Ocarina though, the manga is way heavier on the "this is a sequel to Ocarina of Time" aspects.

ganondorf taking over a woman's body and not caring at all since it's just a physical puppet is really creepy
a dude in a woman's body with no reaction except KILL must be a total psycho

if the manga is canon, TP Ganon is supremely pissed off because he is aware of Zelda and Link stopping him in both timelines.

>in both timelines
How does he know about Wind Waker's timeline?

when he gets banished to the Twilight realm some magic fuckery happens and he gains the memories of his Adult timeline self. it's kind of bullshit but it's worth it to have that and also Zelda gain the memories of OoT Zelda from Hylia so we can finally after all these years have some characters acknowledge the events from the climax of OoT.

That was her plan from the beginning

botw 2 will do this. having ganondorf know everything from every game

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this scene made me feel warm and fuzzy inside when i played it. thank you nintendo

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tfw vol 10 won't be out until September. Why bros

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why isn't she in smash?

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you should check the manga out. all kinds of warm fuzzies in it.

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She is :^)

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CC Wild Words

Loli Midna demanding Zant buy the cute farmhand slave boy from the Ordon mayor!

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>they grow up together
>Link, sweet and honest, is easy to read. His glances, his blushes--it's clear that he has a crush on the princess
>Midna takes a liking to teasing him as a result, which is easy as she only grows more and more beautiful each year.
>She secretly swoons over him as well as he also continuously grows more handsome and strapping
>The events of TP happen, Zant usurps the throne, she gets cursed, he realizes his destiny as the sacred beast
>They grow even closer as they fight together
>She's more insecure about him seeing her in her cursed form due to the feelings she has for him
>He demonstrates that it doesn't affect his love for her, which makes her fall for him even harder
>Together, they are eventually victorious
>Since the Twilight Realm is his home, he returns with Midna instead of staying in the Light Realm
>Link always felt his station was too low for him to act on his feelings, but now that he's known as the hero of legend Midna finds herself wondering the same of herself. Regardless, even if he still was nothing but her servant boy she knows now that he's the only one for her.
>While not everyone approves of their union, he's accepted well enough due to his heroics, and in time becomes beloved among his people
>She gives him many children, happy to give him the family he never had, and their rule is long and prosperous

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i barelly see new zelda fanart that isn't smash zelda or BotW these days. Nintendo has done a shit job capitalizing on 30 years of games.

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is shit.

>Zant usurps the throne
Clearly Link would be away for Zant to pull this off, lest he fall victim to the FARMBOY PUNCH.

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Loved how the manga basically made Zant into an incel and then had Link mog the shit out of him.

why is this manga so fucking good?

because these two based grannies knew what we wanted

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that's the thing, i didn't even knew i wanted it, but they somehow did.
I have been thinking about it since the leaks, and i'm sure many of you have.

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Didn't they also have more freedom in regards to the length?

I think the OOT manga had to be a small number of volumes, which made it suffer

man the week that leak came out was a good time.

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>Gave Link and Midna the proper romance that they would have naturally built to in the game if it wernt for Nintendo's autism with keeping their flagship protagonists single
>Gave Zelda and Midna some more history so Zelda has more to work with in the time shes given
>Give Link an actual personality built upon his roots as a farmhand and his journey to becoming the Chad of Time
>Bring the previous Chad of Time back into the story proper to make Ganondorf shit his pants
Absolutely beyond based, I couldn't ask for more

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even when M wins, Hylia STILL always wins.

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>two based grannies
Wait a second...

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>zelda enjoying the braaaap

God bless these grannies

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>zelda can't have one-offs because they're not iconic!
>ignore how based on that logic fire emblem should only have marth and ike

>bby attack is mobility, crowd control, and damage all in one loop

i bet they wanted to adapt TP for a decade until nintendo finally fucked off and let them have it. More than a passion project at that point, it was personal.

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I've only read OoT before it, but it certainly does feel like they were way more passionate about TP.

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Because Midna can float and True Midna is a plot spoiler.

>I've only read OoT before it
you are missing out, go read all that good shit.

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