Bad story aside, this game is actually really fun to play. Easily one of the best FPS...

Bad story aside, this game is actually really fun to play. Easily one of the best FPS, stealth and horror games to come out recently. Too bad there is no multiplayer.

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i dont think you know what an fps is

Agreed, with the exception of the multiplayer. Multiplayer ruined gaming and allowed for the cancer we see in gaming today.

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Yeah I meant TPS

trolle thread therefore bump

>story game
>"bad story aside"


I played on grounded and after thorough ""testing"" (imagine I posted a gif of Ellie getting killed hundreds of times) I can absolutely without a doubt guarantee that the AI only pretends to not now where you are and will change it's patrol route to move closer to you regardless of whether they've been given any indication that you're actually there.

And I'm talking SUPER blatantly by the way. There's a day 2 level as Ellie Seattle suburb where a sniper loops through walking on a balcony and walking inside a bedroom. The sniper will walk the loop with absolutely no deviations HUNDREDS of times while you're outside, but if sneak into the house and hide under the bed she will IMMEDIATELY check it

The devs would 100% justify it "we do this to create tension" but they're just huffing farts, ruins the immersion

>this game is actually really fun to play

What was your favorite part? Opening up endless amounts of drawers and finding nothing? All the boring ass horse riding sections that should have been cut? Walking down all those corridors while a personalityless NPC droned on about useless shit? Going from cutscene to cutscene every five minutes? Opening up safes when the combination is right next to it?

The game is complete dogshit.

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From a gameplay perspective it's pretty comfortably the best TPS of all time. Literally everything else sucks though.

>Opening up safes when the combination is right next to it?

I didn't even bother. You don't even need the code. You can just listen for the dial to click.

The game adapting to your actions is somehow a bad thing.

Having npcs fixed in a specific routine is somehow more immersive.

>it's pretty comfortably the best TPS of all time.
well actually from gameplay alone the correct answer is mgsv,
how can you be so wrong and gay


The point of his post completely flew over your head. He wants them to be LESS predictable. If you play the game once, you shouldn't be able to say
>that NPC will walk from A to B to C to D and back to A again. I guarantee it
>see how I'm now in a corner? that NPC will only walk from D to C and back now. I guarantee it

>it's more realistic for a guard with an established patrol route to suddenly break that route and for literally no reason do something that will uncover the player
this is literally the definition of artificial difficulty m8. it's just the game telling you one thing and then doing another. it's shit game design.

>user learns about gameplay regions for the first time

if player = outside, use path a
if player inside gameplay region 'level-house-1', change to path b

yeah the implementation does suck though - i dont know why youd expect more from the actual Smoke and Mirrors World Champion of video games though

>The game adapting to your actions
If it's adapting to my actions by cheating its own mechanics, then yeah, that's fucking retarded and immersion breaking.

>Having npcs fixed in a specific routine
The game literally does this. NPCs will walk the exact same path 900 times in a row. They only change their routes based on box-triggers that tell the NPCs that the player has moved. On easy the AI is programmed to change to a path that avoids the player, on grounded the AI is changed to a path that follows the player. NPCs are following a fixed and replicable preprogrammed routine the entire time. It's obvious and immersion breaking, which yes makes it a bad game. Good AI would vary regardless of what the player is doing, whereas TLOU AI will respond the exact same way every single time.

>Good AI would vary regardless of what the player is doing
exactly, unless that turns out to be boring and not fun at all, in which case you tweak it a little. No shit this is harder than it sounds don't reply just to tell me that.

just like the first game its ok at best
there are way better exclusives

In this game you're suppesed to go forward all the time. Not spend too much time analyzing npcs movements MGS style. It was the sams in the first game. A deliberate choice does not make it bad.

>user learns about gameplay regions for the first time
For the first time? What about me calling it out for how obvious it is makes you think I don't understand what's going on? And the game uses small size box triggers, not house sized sectors, which wouldn't afford the AI the granularity to know which piece of cover you are behind specifically. AI moving indoors because you do is just as noticeable and still shit, but not nearly as shitty in terms of game design AI that for hours won't check under the bed until you're ACTUALLY UNDER IT.

What your describing is the Xenomorphic in isolation moving to patrol the parts of the level in the general vicinity of the player. What's actually happening in TLOU2 is the Xenomorphic never checking a desk until Ripley is under one, and walking past 50 desks to only check the one she's hiding under, all without Ripley making any noise whatsoever

My point was that it's incredibly obvious and by destroying immersion it deflates the tension rather than elevating it.

>Game only pretends to not know where you are because otherwise it would be a stealth game and immersive

The AI isn't perfect but its much better than the first game which had AI almost nothing like in the trailer

This is for you too
>My point was that it's incredibly obvious and by destroying immersion it deflates the tension rather than elevating it

And it's not to force the player to "move forward." It's exactly the opposite. It's to goad the player into killing more enemies (despite the extreme dissonance from the actual narrative). Moving without killing enemies, or waiting much longer than you would have to in MGS for an opening, gets the player killed because enemies will turn to look at the player regardless of whether they've actually been heard

Stop shilling your game here, Neil

>Game only pretends to not know where you are

Doesn't every game technically do that?

At the start. I tried to play it as I do any other stalth game by learning their patrol routes and picking them one by one. Then I realized that I could simply go past all of them by moving quickly. So no it doesnt force you to kill people, what it does is force you to make quick decisions.

>breaks the game

>to come out recently
Get some standards, OP. In the time it takes to play TLoU2, you could play Max Payne, Chaos Theory, and any Resident Evil or Silent Hill.

Whoa you can't just suggest good games in here. This is Yea Forums. You have to shill the latest anime faggotry

TLOU 2 is better than all of them except for Silent Hill (too different)

>Sonybros shilling this shit STILL.
I mean it makes sense considering PS5 has yet to hit double digits in exclusive titles, let alone quality ones, but it's kinda sad at this point.

How do you not feel embarrassed posting bait like this?

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Boomer shit

Zoomer. Its completely dumb to compare it to those games in the first place.
Played and enjoyed all those games at launch. What I don't do is bring up some classic games that are either much older or totally unrelated just to shit on one game because I don't like the story/sony/lgbt characters ot whatever.

TLOU 2 shits on all RE games for sure.
Gameplay is much better than Max Payne except 3. Absolutely nothing in common with Chaos theory and silent hill.

Boomer games are easy to filter good from bad. You won't hear most people be honest and non-polarized about zoomer hype shit like TLoU2 for at least a decade.

OP makes retarded statements inviting comparisons to the best games ever.
>Easily one of the best FPS, stealth and horror games to come out recently

>TLOU 2 shits on all RE games for sure.
>Gameplay is much better than Max Payne except 3. Absolutely nothing in common with Chaos theory and silent hill.
You're STILL not embarrassed for this nonsense?

Chaos Theory didn't come out recently, neither did any Silent Hill game

>>Easily one of the best FPS, stealth and horror games [to come out recently]

Not OPs fault that you can't read

Wait, the bitch has a tattoo?
How hasn't I noticed that before?

read , which is what my posts were about, both of you retards

What if they already played those games, retard? That's why he said "recently" meaning the only games that should be compared are ones that came out recently.

> Easily one of the best FPS
>console with forced controller and aim assist
nah, come back and make a post when you're (a) admit you'll never be a woman and (b) learn to aim

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Yeah, and recent games are generally shallow and simplified. As a point of criticism, comparing something to recent media is practically an insult. I compared it to GOOD media.

Yeah so its a good game in a sea of shit. It doesn't compare to the classics but I rather play it than most games today

>Get some standards
>Recommends resident evil
this post is ironic right?

im eagerly awaiting Factions 2

Who cares retard

>It doesn't compare to the classics but I rather play it than most games today
Again, this isn't a ringing endorsement. I'd rather just play classics than play modern games which are middling at best.

True but if i want all that i can just play 1

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Well I do like good video games, which you have to go back way too far to find, and TLoU2 isn't one.

You can do both

>What about me calling it out for how obvious it is makes you think I don't understand what's going on?

uh the fact you said you did this "hundreds of times" instead of A-B testing it like... 3 times, for one

also chill out sperg, it was a light hearted comment lmao. dont go all Dostoyevsky next time someone ribs you a bit.

TLou2, much bettef than all of them. It's a fact.

Its masturful

In all likelihood, it'll probably be remembered as a really awkward experiment in player psychology that just didn't stick the landing, which relates both to story and gameplay.

>Bad story
The story is great though.

>Game ignores literally every non cutscene kill to pretend like Ellie would be super hung up about the people she kills in cutscenes


Is your condition treatable with medication or do you just have to find ways to live with it.? Must be hard desu.

Jesus Christ

In all likelihood, you didn't play the game.
Although not very subtle or elegant in it's execution, it will remain one of the few AAA who at least dares something.

>in all likelihood
that sounds an awful lot like cope. Maybe some people liked it some people didn't and some people think it's a symptom of societal decay. You'll just have to learn to live with that.


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Treat your condition first, the one called "being a huge pseud"
I like Half Life. Doesn't change the fact that any decent story based fpc recently released is better.
Add the fact that just because TLOU takes elements from them doesn't change the fact that its its own think.

I can see what the story was going for, but the execution was hypocritical and just assumed a lot of shit. It wasn't bad per se, just poorly presented if that makes sense

Be a reductive faggot all you want. I waited until it went on sale for 20 bucks.
>one of the few AAA who at least dares something.
That's nice to see, but when you fuck it up, and you piss everyone off, you make it more difficult for this to happen in the future.
When a future dev is wanting to make a game that want the player to feel involvement or responsibility in committing acts of extreme violence, they will look at how everyone has fun decapitating and dismembering npcs in TLoU2 and they will do things differently because that was retarded on behalf of ND and shows how out of touch they are with the minds of their audience.

What the fuck are you even talking about? The point of an AI circling the same spot hundreds of times has do do with immersion. And yes, the AI will literally circle the same spot one hundred times until Ellie hits an invisible trigger. It's not an exaggerated, load up the hillcrest houses encounter on day 2, watch the sniper at the end of the road who will walk the exact patrol you one hundred times with 0 deviation unless Ellie is hiding under the bed

I don't know what point you think you're trying to get across but it's shit game design so keep cutting that turd however you want

It's bad game design, the devs couldn't hide it and it shits all over the immersive experience that the game so desperately wants to be.

>Its own think
I was just curious dude, sorry if it struck a nerve.

TLoU2 is awesome. Sincerely one of the best stealth games ever made.

As someone who got to enjoy the good year of the internet as an adult (from the late '90s onwards to the early '10s), this feels accurate.

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