What a bitch!
man I STILL can't beat elden beast this shit sucks, I first tried Malenia too and now my fucking mage build is just boring as shit to play with, what the fuck are even good INT based weapons or do I have to be some dumb faggot just mashing magic
So does Ludwig keeps his title as Bane of DarkSydePhil, after +80 tries and he ragequitting Bloodborne? Or should Malenia get it now, after +140 tries, even tought in the end DSP beat her?
lol he's so fucking pathetic with all that facetank+jump R+ facetank like a retard and eat every hit lmao
Thread theme:
This same guy beat Isshin the sword saint in like 4 turns
What the fuck
>same man who beat isshin saint sword in 4 tries
>same guy who actually beat malenia without summons but with a cheesy setup
i will never undestand this man
DSP exposed Elden Ring for being a shit game. Seriously winning by jump attack spam.
What if he's merely pretending to be retarded
nah he's just 100% american
>merely pressing x + L1 on your controller trivializes every boss in this "hardcore" game
You literally can't make this shit up. It was hilarious seeing all those retards crying in the chat.
Yeah. How can hardcore fags claim ER is hard game when you can beat the final boss with jump attack spam?
Are there any good recent Tihydp? I've seen the Metal Gear and first Souls ones already.
Sekiro is the ultimate ragefest, DK64 is also hilarious
Nah, this one is a better version:
Crash Team Racing
He definitely isn't.
just use moonveil like every other int shitter
Cheers lads.
How is this guy not banned from the internet, and tagged a sex offender?
>Sekrio one is 12 hours long
This is the funniest one I've seen in years desu.
Pinstripe absolutely broke him.
>Death Counter - 862
What the fuck
Doesn't the tutorial teach you to crouch jump?
Is that blaspehemous blade? That health bar? He can't beat Radagon? Ahahaha holy fuck. Hasn't he played all these?
Did DSP finally beat it or he's going to milk it for another stream?
He already beat the game. He literally jump attack spam the final boss.
Azur Comet gg
But yeah, doesn't really work on the beast since he just flies to the other side of the galaxy all the time. Then again, that goes for any build. Pretty sure they didn't playtest that boss, or they designed it for the horse and forgot to let you use it.
> jump attacks
> 165 lvl
> blasphemous nigga
> buff buff buff 3000000000 buffs
No, he didn't.
Adula's Moonblade destroys Elden Beast.
Tard strength
I'm sorry to say that ER is not a hardcore game. If you want hardcore play Ninja Gaiden.
In the original Half-Life it taught you during the Hazard Course. I don't remember if Black Mesa included the Hazard Course or any other movement tutorials, but I do remember that the Black Mesa developers eventually ended up including a retard-proof 'auto-crouch when jumping' accessibility feature (enabled by default) because of people like DSP.
DSP shits on ER in his review right now.
>He literally jump attack spam the final boss
He literally jump attack spammed the whole game.
>DSP shits on ER
Based Phil
That says a lot about the gameplay of ER.
he has a fair points, but complaining about ER becoming boring and repetetive is just dumb - it's a common open world game flaw. Every fucking open world game becomes repetitive at one point.
I don't think it did include Hazard Course.
Though I can't really blame them for just assuming crouch jumping is common knowledge in this day and age.
>refused to use spirit summons
why would he use them when he was overlpowered af
He was overleveled as all fuck.
He pretended for so long he became retarded.
Talk about disingenuous. I looked up the actual kill to see it for myself, he didn't summon: youtube.com
Why do you have to lie?
The game throws like 100 mushrooms at you in the final areas, its obvious the endgame is balanced around them especially since the final bosses have multiple health bars and heals etc
that's what i did and i destroyed everything, not the player's fault it's too powerful
what do mushrooms have to di with spirit summons?
then he would be the best actor on earth
What an absolute meme.
You shouldn't have to constantly handicap yourself by arbitrarily not using the runes the game gives you in order to play the game "the right way".
What's even funnier is that to not "'intentionally overlevel" they probably looked up meta levels on reddit
>he didn't summon
Yes he did, just because he died with them because he is trash doesn't mean he didn't summon them. If they only count when you use them to get a kill on the boss then watch his Margit kill if you need more proof you fucking faggot.
>literally the first boss
You have to do it at least a couple times to notice how broken it is
>Moving the goalpost
He practiced and watched guides overnight tard
Yeah I moved it, he didn't literally never use the new mechanic implemented in elden ring and tried it once or twice
You truly bested me by proving DSP isn't as autistic as you
evergaol Crucible knight bitchslapped him for hours, I think he deserves an honorable mention
I did the same. I just find it funny that detractors complain that Phil didn't do it the "right way".
honestly a lot of his detractors are giant losers who probably didn't even beat the game and just like to shit on him for every little thing deserved or not
>STR fags started the whole le you didn't actually beat it
>they were the ones using cheese the whole time
I love how when someone shows how shit ER is people rush into these threads with the same old shtick, OVERLEVED!!! SUMMONS!!!! Uh.. SPAM!!! GIT GUD!!!,