Was it justified?

Was it justified?

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if it was murder for posting offtopic shit yes
fucking kill yourself

any victory against me deserves death
so yes

>those crime scene photos
fucking brutal

Vidya related.

>Was it justified?

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not seeing any videogame in OP in the image or text so no


go here faggot and kill yourself on the way.


they're clearing playing a game you tourist nigger


i wish but i'm not playing anything that makes me want to talk about it 24/7

you're the type of person that deserves the rope most of all, rulefag.
you're an even lower lifeform than the janny himself.

The only thing worse than backseat janny nigger is a backseat janny nigger that doesn't even know the rules.

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>retards = video games
i can make threads about my cousin since he plays vidya too

You should make a thread about yourself instead, you illiterate retard. Or maybe have your handler do it for you.

it literally says madden 19 in the file name you fucking retard

>not knowing about the madden 19 tournament that got shot up

> Killing someone over madden
I can understand if it was Street Fighter fighter or smash bros, but madden.


Just saw them, got damn even though you saw the laser point to his chest. He shot him in the eyeball. Still has his headphones on too slumped over, a true gamer.

truly maddening

Mad jew shot up a madden tournament

Basically Low Tier God disrespected Viscant and Viscant called him out at an event and after some smack talk they had a 1v1 and Viscant won. It was pretty interesting

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Look up the autopsy reports for Kobe Bryant and just imagine what it looked like in person and remember that the body was a famous athlete once

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Wrong event. This was one where someone got blasted for beating someone else in a Madden Tournament. The guy went home and came back with a pistol that had a laser sight, which you could see the dot lighting up his hoodie.

people also forgot to mention that he had autism was taking meds makes you irritable.

Yeah when you're drugged out it makes you feel like a dream. that's why he probably did it. he thought he would wake up. well that shot to the head was wrong.

Guy lost a Madden tournament and came back killing people.


>Wrong event
no I'm pretty sure it's the right one. Low Tier God was so embarrassed that drove by the place with nerve gas but he armed in his car and forgot to open his window and breathed it in.
Here's the video

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I think you got the wrong thread. The MiA thread is two blocks down.

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woah... ozen...

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I would really prefer if you'd be quiet.

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you guys should go watch some anime and stop shitting up threads

why do you faggots constantly bring up ancient shit? I haven't thought of this in over two years, what's the point? is your life so devoid of joy? are you really that bored?

unironic heated gamer moment

anime website

you faggots try that every time

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compelling argument

I am though.
You know, I haven't seen what he brought up, though. I wonder if LTG ever washed the taste of Viscount's dick out of his mouth.

Amen, these dudes are embarassing and should be bullied into suicide.

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what a shitty thread

anime website, always has been always will be
These boards are where you belong, Yea Forums namely because it's garbage

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more anime boards than any other type of boards

oh vay the goyem hit me

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appeal to tradition. weebs can't into logic

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Reminder of why they hate anime and Yea Forums so much. It's the dividing line between normalfag election tourist shitposting boards and quality on the website. They want the entire site to be ultra fast garbage boards like these.

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>When even video game nerds think anime is for faggots.

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just becaus weebs have nowhere else to go, doesn't mean you own this bitch

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Clearly he just wanted an excuse to shoot some people

Anime poster posts a little girl in a short dress dancing provocatively. What a shocker

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i cant believe something so basic triggers normalfags

>n..no u
You lost. Trump lost.


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Newfag /pol/ tourists are the easiest to bait

People seem to like anime well enough on each board but avoid Yea Forums at all costs lmao

Fuck the Ravens.

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I've liked anime and manga for over a decade but Yea Forums is a pretty shit board. People on there have always been very anal and the mods are "no fun allow". Of course that strict moderation can be good, we're literally in a thread about a shooting on one of the worse moderated blue boards. Also discussing manga, unless it's big, is fruitless since the board is so fast because of anime, but you normally can't enter anime threads unless you read the manga since it will be full of spoilers. And why would you watch an anime if you've already read the manga?

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The type of people who go to gaming tournaments and take games serious are usually unhinged weirdos you don't want to be around. I only play single player games casually and begrudgingly as I've nothing else to do in my free time

watching the twitch vods of this and seeing all the pogchamps in the chat when the shooting happened was fucking hysterical

>tranny colors

Welcome to America, every thing was called for when you fags decide to give every 10 year old a gun

Anime is the one way gateway to becoming a troon. I'm sorry, you're obviously too far in to be saved, faggot.

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Behold, the worst boards on Yea Forums.


Very justified since the nigger kept running his mouth at a clearly unhinged person

>The type of people who go to gaming tournaments and take games serious are usually unhinged weirdos

You're literally talking about the whole FGC which includes smash, pretty sure 99.9999999% of the people who attend FCC events are not going to shoot you.

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Fucking hilarious.

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>when she done sucking

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I really need to stop looking at stuff like this out of curiosity.

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