Is it peak FPS?

Is it peak FPS?

Attached: 642689-doom-eternal-playstation-4-front-cover.jpg (800x800, 126.18K)

where should i map my dash, flame belch, melee and guns? there's so many options.

hey guys op here sorry i posted the wrong image

Attached: download (69).jpg (596x852, 158.74K)

if watching a cutscene every 5 seconds is your peak of any video game you should kill yourself


Attached: FEAR shotgun rampage.webm (800x450, 2.89M)

Dash - Shift
Belch and Nades - Thumb mouse buttons
Melee - Middle Mouse
Guns - Clustered around movement, so for WASD you could use 123QERFZXC, you don't need a "switch to last weapon" bind if you get used to this


Attached: Return_to_Castle_Wolfenstein_Cover.jpg (718x976, 197.66K)

Attached: fear eternal.webm (853x480, 2.77M)

For me its Ultrakill

Attached: Wolfenstein ladders.webm (600x338, 2.94M)

Attached: ULTRAKILL.webm (1024x576, 2.86M)

probably not,but a great shooter,especially by AAA standards


Yes it is.
Cutscene my balls

Attached: 1651609825016.jpg (4439x2520, 854.57K)

mein nigga

Attached: 1588910137752.jpg (700x692, 59.25K)


Attached: Super Gore Nest.jpg (2560x1440, 1.66M)

Not like this, Wolfenstein sisters...

Attached: Cuckenstein.jpg (1199x474, 110.49K)

peak POS

>No enemy variety

Excellent taste. Wolf 2009 is seriously underrated too.
Both Nu-Doom and Nu-Wolfenstein are fucking garbage.

Attached: BJ reading.png (1292x724, 1.05M)

Nu-Wolfenstein is not canon

nu-Doom is great
nu-Wolfenstein is pure cringe with even cringier forced dialogue and story
Kek, nice headcanon

Probably, yes

Back when Wolfie was still good

Attached: 1637598329377.jpg (1077x1038, 144.49K)

I prefer Half Life games but Doom is one of the pioneers.

Top 5 FPS:
Half Life
Counter Strike
Unreal Tournament

Attached: FLASHLIGHT.jpg (750x559, 207.07K)

what would a Mick Gordon and Frank Klepacki song be like?

it's not even worth a replay
still one of 2020's best games

the enemy ai is the variety, kys

Who needs enemy variety when you have the best AI ever seen in an FPS?

Attached: FEAR AI playing dead.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)


Attached: 1652046038554.webm (896x504, 2.86M)

This, enemy variety has become the new vocal midwit argument in FPS circles sadly. Even though more enemy variety is always better, a game can easily make up for this with either excellent AI or good level and enemy encounter design. If there's enough incentive to keep you switching weapons and tactics depending on the situation, a limited enemy roster like FEAR and RTCW can still fulfill the purposes of a wide-ranging enemy roster like Doom II. It all depends on if the enemy encounters are interesting and varied enough.

I really have to know, do you really think that looks cool or interesting?

Attached: 1633973758808.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Yes, yes, these are great. However

Attached: 81NbSGGISXL._AC_SL1500_.jpg (1500x1060, 184.59K)


Attached: Final Sin.webm (896x504, 2.87M)

>this webm
in the webm i posted, the camera doesn't do that spastics shit, nice try though, shitposter fuck.

Attached: 1652048339531.webm (1024x576, 2.86M)

and metadoom is peak mod

I like all the games posted ITT. Can we not fight guys :(

Attached: sywglt58ngg01[1].jpg (480x480, 36.17K)

Came to post this.

Attached: Titanfall 2 madness.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

>enemy ai
>variety in shouting what they do
Ok retard
>limited enemy roster like FEAR and RTCW can still fulfill the purposes of a wide-ranging enemy roster like Doom I
Nice cope

Nice meme, now arrest yourself newfag.

Concession accepted.
>replica with a shotgun/ar/smg
>replica with nailgun and armor
>replica with repeater gun which you fight once
>Mech suit
Damn what a "variety"

helps alot,but if get what he means, once you get to extraction point (even though its probably the best part of FEAR),you start to really feel the lack of more enemies.
it's hard to hide that you're fighting mostly one good enemy.

when in stuff like DOOM 2 wads,i have played hundreds of levels and just today is just finished another great wad.
and it gets hard for DOOM to get old.
this (other than the small issue is posted),i really like both FEAR and DOOM :(


it has both a lack of enemies and dumb AI.
really lacks in the singleplayer depeartment.

It's peak red light green light X Simon says

If there are no sprites it's not kino. Simple as.

Attached: Impressive FEAR AI.webm (768x432, 2.97M)

Remove Zenimax.

>posts some mediocre cybergrind gameplay with a hideous level texture
You do the game a disservice, sir.


Attached: 1651893423260.jpg (1199x815, 178.02K)


>that audio log of a female scientist gushing over how hot Doomguy makes her feel
Who the fuck put that in? It was the most uncomfortable part of a game about cutting apart living creatures while they scream in pain.

Attached: 1555301308320.jpg (500x500, 25.12K)

Attached: ULTRAKILL Gabriel fight.webm (640x360, 2.78M)

Doom 1 and 2 are the best Doom games though. Also Doom 64 is better.


I think every Doom game has been a 10/10. More recently I found the first episode of HROT to be excellent. I haven't played the newer levels yet.

It was based retard

>Still sniffing your own farts
Confession denied
>Hurr durr


tfgh - movement
z/x - equipment and belch
a - swap equipment
y/u/j - CS, SSG, RL
d/e/r - CG, PG, HC
5/6 - Ballista, BGF
scroll up/down - pistol, melee
mouse button 1/2 - dash, swap wep mod
m/n - chainsaw/crucible

Although recently I picked up this mouse with 5 buttons on it and the scroll wheel has tilt buttons (who came up with that lol?), so maybe I'll try to move over some more stuff to it.

Attached: WIP fps tier list.jpg (1996x2244, 1.56M)

Quick rundown on Ghost Runner?

I'm playing through it right now and besides the brilliant AI, the story, graphics, and environments are extremely boring. It has decent gunplay but not enough to be truly amazing or anything. It's only worth playing to experience it's AI. Thats it.