Elden Ring lore thread.
The Two Fingers know that Marika is jailed inside the Erdtree but at the same they ignore the fact that Radagon sealed off the entrance of the Erdtree itself.
What does this tell us about the relationship between Two Fingers, Radagon/GW and Marika?
Elden Ring lore thread
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required reading for newfriends
What would the tax policies be in the different endings?
Zanzibart... forgive me...
Fia's ending is all about making TWLID exempt from paying taxes.
I unironically like Marika and Radagon best in their family
dead thread
dead game
Miquella/Malenia were also a target of the Black Knife Assassins, who failed at their attempt. That's why there are a bunch of invisible assassins in the Ordina evergaol.
wasn't the haligtree created after the assassinations?
Why can this only be used in "the heart of the storm beyond time said to be found in Farum Azula."
forgot pic
disregard 'The Elden Ring is just a set of legal laws that have no power over The Lands Between'
Embrace Fish.
I don't about those specific assassins, but it's clear that BKA targeted all demigods.
because its unfinished or something so you gotta go somewhere the rules are reality are bonked to make it work
What exactly are runes? In Demon's and Dark Souls, it was understood that souls were a unit of some kind of life force that existed since time immemorial and that could be manipulated and gathered to increase a being's power, but unless I missed something, no such explanation exists for runes in Elden Ring. They aren't even some kind of pure gameplay artifice since a character like Boggart say "Hand over the runes, and don't try nothing neither" when you buy Rya's necklace back form him. Are they just incredibly minute shavings of great runes that have somehow circulated around The Lands Between since the shattering? If so, are they valuable? No one seems to outright care about gathering them for the purpose of getting stronger despite using them as a form of currency, Patches seems like he just wants to run a shop for it's own sake
i like the little elden fella
does anybody else think they took inspiration from sea bunnies?
If this is right it's extremely lame
I can't believe that they targeted Godrick, who is technically a demigod, because if they did attack him that means he survived a Black Knife Assassination.
He's just too lame for that.
No, it was made when Miquella and Malenia learned that the GW couldn't cure Malenia's AIDS.
explain how farum azula beastmen have the TWLID curse
>There's a special circle, for rotten thieves like you.
Does Hell canonically exist?
That was my first thought, especially with the wings
its certainly a funny creature for a final boss
Patches is talking about Kuon.
Mohgs him
why is melina getting off on the Radagon = Marika book
Now this is the best Elden Ring image ever made!
It's all just fucking bullshit stripped from their better games and slapped into Elden Ring without a care for how it fit.
Death Rune would've been a way cooler title
no that sounds like a gay rock band
For what? The game? No way you're serious.
Death Rune screams of independent low budget PC title.
This, Tiche can solo Godrick ez
>No one seems to outright care about gathering them for the purpose of getting stronger
you can't turn runes into strength without a maiden so most can't do that
why does Miquella have blonde hair? shouldn't he inherit Radagon's fire-giant ginger curse?
le hecking epic zanzibart joke
you did it again you rascal
Marika genes strong
Godrick has the veil; no respectable assassin would target an old lady.
because that's the furthest away from the frenzied flame's influence you can possibly be
anywhere else wouldn't be enough due to the fact that the needle is technically unfinished
Imagine thinking that some redditor who doesn't even know what immortal means is the authority on lore crafting lol
Plenty of +10 ashes can solo plenty of bosses.
damn summons really are easy mode
About the question in the OP...is it safe to assume that the Two Fingers (emissaries and religion itself) want to hijack the Golden Order for their own purposes, just like Marika did when she started doubting the GO/GW?
I feel like they're ultimate goals are to put an Elden Lord on the throne so that they can reestablish connection with their Outer God and to keep Marika's crucified on the rune so advance their own policies with no interferences.
Marika is a horrible pet owner.
should've been named Golden Souls
i didn't wanna put another elden ring thread in the catalogue so this is my shitty opinion i guess, in the next best place it would fit
i feel like elden ring character design, in the case of monsters and enemies, is an example of how homogenized FROM's character design has become. picrel is just a monstrosity of a guy with a ton of arms. it is executed very well but it isn't something very hard to come up with. ever since bloodborne or maybe even as early as manus of the abyss they have seemed to get stuck with the same design tropes
>fucked up deformed animal
>zombie (or zombie-like) desserted troopers
>stick a horn on it or some shit
>big fat thing with a lot of maggots on it
>honorable warrior who is now disgraced (bonus points if they fight with a greatsword and move as though they are quadrupedal)
to the point they are applied in contexts that don't necessarily make sense
>trolls, a seemingly sapient species in some instances, are zombie-like and their skin is wrapped tight around their skeleton. however, they don't seem to be afflicted by any external factors and apparently just look this way
>the finger readers are corpse-like babushkas
>the shop is literally just a corpse
idk, im getting tired of writing such an autistic post, but i did feel like i was running into a bunch of things i had already seen with a new coat of paint, or a new tire slapped on
"Immortality" worked in a similar way in sekiro
Someone who could not be killed by conventional means was regarded as immortal, there being only one weapon that could actually kill them
bro what do you mean
the two fingers? rykard? elden beast?
>honorable warrior who is now disgraced (bonus points if they fight with a greatsword and move as though they are quadrupedal)
does anyone in the game even fit this description
radagon is more zealous in his following the greater will. marika plotted to overthrow the eldenbeast with the whole tarnished/godfrey and ranni thing. radagon was recalled from rennala to be marika's jailer
Why'come I couldn't tell Gids that I'm engaged? Married to Ranni?
Like, I'm not engaged to some low born noble in Leyndell. I'm engaged to Lunar Princess Ranni.
>it is executed very well but it isn't something very hard to come up with.
Name one (1) pre-ER design that would have been hard to come up with.
>but it isn't something very hard to come up with
How do you write this shit seriously?
>autistic post
There's nothing ''autistic'' about your post, it's just superficial and erroneous criticism.
Review what you know and delve into stuff in a better way before attempting to criticize design choices.
>does anyone in the game fit this description
not to the letter but i'd say maliketh is the closest thing in elden ring. he fights with a slave knight gael like stance, unless im just misremembering
Bits of universal code that can be manipulated to affect reality.
I mean, Maliketh is basically a big wolf with armor, he almost never stands in a two-legged stance in the first place I think
The Erdtree being sealed is very clearly a half-assed attempt at prolonging the game that they didn't account for in the lore.
>its just superficial and erroneous criticism
I suppose, I was wondering if i was seeing something that wasn't really there lol
>Review what you know and delve into stuff in a better way before attempting to criticize design choices.
will do user
>my headcanon is required reading
The quality of this website is dropping by the day
mommy Sellen's cute smelly feet!
You seriously can't believe that the climax of the game was fucking going directly into the Erdtree right away instead of finding a way to broke the impasse by taking the drastic measure of burning down the tree.
cuz they can't die a proper death
yeah but many weapons in this game can kill a god technically (see ancient dragon smithing stone), though I understand if that was a mistake and they only many for the rune of death to be able to kill a god
nice non argument
which part is headcanon?
the only part that is even slightly speculation is how the GEQ specifically used the RoD but literally nothing in the image depends on that speculation being true