Are you good or toxic?

Are you good or toxic?

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imagine being at computers

toxic all the way

>i'll pay for garbage anyway even though nobody should support it

Attached: toxic avenger.jpg (1600x1200, 1.23M)

I swear only w*men use that word in that context.

you forgot the fat stacks sticking out of the fr*nch whore's pocket

Nerfnow is still going?

Toxic. Also, plot twist is - the cake is made of feces.

"toxicity" is just a tool used by companies and their bootlickers

a passive toxic fan
>game is announced
>"huh, that looks like shit"
>proceeds to never purshase or talk about the game

> Toxic, make your personality strong, cons you are angry fucker
> good fan, conformist shitier, if a bad thing happen he will keep quiet. aka cuck

I prefer the edit.

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post the shit edit

I love how there apparently isn't a type of fan that...just likes the game. Did they forget that liking things is a thing?

Toxic, in fact I'm more toxic than the toxic fan this piece of marketing propaganda because not only do I exclaim how [BRAND] is shit, but I generally go and convince several other people beyond myself that [BRAND] is shit, resulting in [BRAND] losing multiple potential customers.
Feels great.

>L'anonloge d'aliment
absolument pathétique

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>neither of those I don't complain and I don't try to congratulate devs if Its good I buy it if not I don't. People who buy shit immediately on release are retarded. At the very least you should give the game a week of being out.

schopenhauer bad books quote

Toxic avenger IV is a religious experience and troma to the core.

>oh no now I have aids!


toxic is the only way to get devs to release better products

toxic is the only way to get deplatformed, no one in the west gives a shit about making great games for the art anymore

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Americans have been completely mindbroken by corporations

I dont play video games
I just talk about how bad they all are.


If the devs took the risk to make a game that doesn't appeal to the tastes of their original core demographic, surely it's because they have a competent marketing team that told them it was a good idea to change their audience in the long run!
Therefore, if I'm no longer the target group for the game I have literally no reason to financially support the new game. That's not being "toxic", it's merely not buying what's not made for me.

right is the toxic fan because she is what enabled the industry to fall this low in the first place

>good goy pays even if he hates the content
>bad goy doesn't pay for the content he doesn't like

Normal, well adjusted people vs Nintendies

Toxic since I'm unwilling to taste something that's obviously shit.

this is the original

i've never been like the one on the left. not to one single game i've ever played.

Now I understand. "Toxicitiy" is a buzzword used only by corporate bootlickers.

piebros will they ever learn?

>The good fan willingly takes part in the death of the franchise
What kind of abstract consoomerism is this?

Toxicity is a great song, so fuck you.

You don't get to "try" it.
You buy the entire cake or you don't take it at all.

Based and soadpilled

Try is piracy, I won't pay a shit if the game is bad

Me on the left because they FUCKING BLEW IT on Total Warhammer 3.

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The Jew dev fears the toxic fan

The guy changed his tune when he got fed up with valve's shit. The comic was about dota's 7.00 update, BTW.

the author of the comic is the toxic one.

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This comic was made by the F*ench

Indeed, I'm toxic.

Try should be a demo but then the game would have to be good and they know not to give out free samples of something that's shit

>I gladly support anything I find interesting, however [product] is not one of those things as of right now

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that's an edit of the original comic, retard

Imagine paying for something just to support devs. That's just psychotic consumerism.


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If more devs offered demos or timed trials to get a free taste test this comic would be less retarded.

>spending your money on something you think you won't like
are you mentally retarded?

>Don't agree with direction
>Buy it anyway
>New direction is a success
>Series to continue further in new direction I don't like
>Continue to pay for it
>To do otherwise is toxic

problem with demos is that devs put their absolutely best effort to make that 30-60 demo to be the best as possible and the rest of the game ends up being shit.
Happened a lot back in the 90s and still happens today.

demos should be industry standard by now. it made ps1 games sell millions just by word of mouth.

The 3+ neurone fan:

I don't personally like the taste of this cake so I have no reason to buy it, and I also don't feel the need to be agressive nor sumise towards the cook, I'll just go to another bakery with my money.



I will not pay for a game that doesn't appeal to me. Game devs are not entitled to my time nor money. If you think this makes me toxic then you're a fucking moron.

>Why yes I don't value my money and love being disrespect
I am starting to notice submissives and weakness more and more,like people would rather die and be humiliated because they hate confrontations and speaking their mind even if they are in the right


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Toxic. 100%

most demos back then were just one level from the game (often early in development). you bought the game to buy more levels. if you didn't like the demo, I'm sure you wouldn't like the other levels.

What's the money on her back supposed to imply?

I've actually been enjoying the demos SE has been shitting out for their RPGs lately. Usually Chapter 1 or 2, it's worked for me. I get a feel for the game and if I enjoy it I'll buy it and continue straight from the demo. Haven't been burnt yet from it, pretty nice.

Except in this case, the bakery you no longer like had really good shit you couldn't get anywhere else, since you're already a fan.
The baker had one job, to not fuck with the recipe. And he fucked it up.
Fuck him up his dumb retarded anus.

>durr poop and money bills
you only forgot the jew nose in a corner somewhere

both sides are wrong here
sure you can not like something and still not be an asshole about it just because you can get away with it online
also if something isn't to your tastes you have no obligation to partake in said thing just to be considered "a good fan", why do you have to be a good fan, for the devs? while they appreciate the chances "good fans" give, they appreciate your continued financial support more

the take away should be enjoy what you actually like, buy it if you want, but don't blindly support shit you actually admit to having problems with, its the product and how it affects your enjoyment what matters not the devs and what they want

That she is a shill.

>shit cake version is the real one
Whoever made this edit must be a giant corporatefag

>good people don’t criticize
>good people don’t ask questions
>good people do what they’re told