Why is immortality supposed to be bad?
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You really want to live forever? You really want to come here and complain for thousands of years?
because each time you die you sap the life force from other people in the vicinity instead, spreading dragon rot everywhere
So don't be a fucking ninja that gets into thousands of sword fights.
You think dragon rot would spread if sekiro just bought a house and chilled for the rest of his life?
because it kinda is?, imagine living forever knowing every person you interact with is gonna die before you do. it's more of a curse than a super power
Yes, unironically. I live to shitpost, and I shitpost to live
People kept bothering Kuro to make them immortal.
wait until you're like older than 20
dragon rot you fuck
Characters like Genichiro would use it for evil purposes like uh save his country
Go watch HIGHLANDER and you'll get your answer.
Boo fucking hoo. Half the people I give a shit about are already going to die before me.
not if i find you and beat you to death
Why is Kuro so sexy?
yea. I would do so much with so much time.
YES. If you don't, you are not human, and do not appreciate life at all.
>about to die
Just parry your death.
It causes stagnation and pulls the life power from everything else to keep you immortal. You literally see it in the game. When you die too many times, people get sick.
>japs are aware of the saltman meme
what the fuck
hi ongbal
If you look at it from Kuro's perspective, there were at least two crazy motherfuckers chasing after his blood for their own ends. Even without dragonrot and implications of immortal army, he had reason enough to get rid of it.
If you actually want an answer. Japan is eternally cucked by the United States of America it permeates their entire culture and history.
"Stagnation" is referring to Japanese isolationism where basically for 200-250 years they decided to ban all foreigners and just sat at home making Sake. They were happy people, but they didn't struggle or compete. Eventually the USA came in with Ironclad destroyers and cucked them into trading.
Then they thought they were "fixed" with their empire, they had all the technology the gaijin had. And boom, they got nuked twice and occupied in the USA. This has led to the mindset that unless you are constantly competing and striving, you are stagnating and dying.
If you truly appreciate life you will see that life and death are two sides of one coin, you can't have one without the other. If you want to live forever, then you are just too much attached to the fleeting pleasures of life.
You haven't done anything with the time you've gotten so far.
Immortality is a sin
Spoken like a 16yo tbqhwyf.
Nigger its just typical "immortality BAD" meme literally every writer shoves into their stories.
Stop reading cultural reasons into everything.
How about building a spaceship and traveling through space, the multiverse and other timelines like Doctor Who or Rick?
Owl just wanted power but Genichiro actually had good intentions. He knew he wasn't strong enough to fill Isshin's role and protect Ashina, so he had to find another way. Man just wanted to fight for his country, which is more than almost any other leader would do.
This is the correct mindset though. If not the US, it will be China. You always have to be struggling
life isn't a cartoon desu
But it can be one by will.
>fill Isshin's role and protect Ashina
>implying Isshin himself was strong enough
Ashina's downfall was inevitable. Even if Sword Saint had defeated Wolf and carried out Genichiro's final wish, Ashina would have fallen
It would have just prolonged it's suffering
>it's just a COINCIDENCE that all the Dark Souls and Japanese games are dealing with themes of immortality
because as long as there exists a means to achieve it humans will do anything to get it, not to mention the drawbacks associated with it, ie dragonrot. Keep in mind that genichiro wasn't planning on making just himself and his generals immortal, but his WHOLE army. the dragonrot that spread during lord sakuza and tomoe's time were just caused by one person and that lead to thousands of deaths.
Natural order requires life/death cycle.
Chasing immortality is just like Genichiro wanting to keep Ashina going.
The game captures the tumultuous vibe between two eras well.
>the dragonrot that spread during lord sakuza and tomoe's time were just caused by one person and that lead to thousands of deaths
Damn, how many times did this motherfucker die?
>Natural order requires life/death cycle.
Tell that to the immortal Jellyfish. Natural order is bullshit.
Not saying it was a good plan, but the man had pure intentions. People can't help but want to preserve the status quo.
Typical filtered christcuck question.
>"Boohoo i am scared of death, muh heaven, muh immortality!"
-This post was approved by the buddhist gang-
Fuck off. Death sucks dicks. Only Will matters.
Hear me out.
If kuro could have just held out, he could have lived long enough for technology to advance enough to study his immortality, and maybe even cute dragon rot or even replicate eternal life independent from the dragon
Sure, a lot of bad things would happen because of it, but it could have led to a utopia
So what if everyone was made immortal?
You would essentially create a heaven or afterlife right here on earth.
Travel the world and make everyone immortal.
Btw who is this bitch
Is this basically what Elden ring was trying to convey as well?
That the immortal life granted by the greater will caused stagnation, and that Marika realized this, and broke the Elden ring so the lands between would forever be in conflict so it wouldn't stagnate?
A literal who priestess
Might even have been cut content
>but it could have led to a utopia
Only under the condition of personal use of a travel dimention machine or a time machine and car that moves faster than light.
If everyone was immortal, we'd probably be taking life energy from the animals and nature and once that runs out, we'd probably age endlessly. Not dying but essentially becoming disgusting rotting but still conscious beings.
I don't think anyone really knows. I've heard theories about it being a bride offered to the dragon.
if that is true, why not just tell maliketh to barf the rune back and put it into the ring
Because under the golden order, even if a person "died" their body and soul were used to feed the erd tree.
Unlike when the crucible/great tree would manifest life, that would die and feed new life
>Taking life energy away from animals
So make animals immortal too
>and once that runs out, we'd probably age endlessly. Not dying but essentially becoming disgusting rotting but still conscious beings.
You can't appreciate life without death.
But immortality is bad?
I don't see any reason to believe that would be the case.
The only example we know of who lives with the dragon heritage is kuro, and he is most likely a perma-shota
what is even the crucible and the great tree
where is the great tree now
how is it different from the holy tree and the earth tree
It's been shown that to remain immortal, something has to supply life energy. If there's no more life energy to drain, we'll slowly be draining ourselves. That's the only thing that really makes sense, especially since it's a Miyazaki designed world.
>immortal Jellyfish
Except they can die. They do die, actually. And they also function completely different to what people like you think they do.
Good luck making a heaven when there is only a few thousand people left on the planet after everyone else dies of dragonrot.
Unironically yes provided the ability to live forever with someone else becomes an option in particular.
NG+ was a mistake. first one was okay, since i did Shura, but fucking Tomoe Geni + Isshin is breaking my balls so hard. Should've just done a savegame exploit and call it a day, but the fucking lapis not being a rare drop from some enemies is bullshit and forcing you to play multiple times.