There will never be another The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
There will never be another The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Thank God.
>There will never be another The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
But The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild 2 will soon be here.
They're reusing the same world, so it won't have the same magic and sense of adventure like the first one
jokes on you I'll get alzheimer's one of these days
BotW2 probably won't have the same WOW factor. Its hard to recapture that. But BotW2 is going be one of the best video games of all time. Its not a question of whether or not it will be good. Its a question of how good is it going to be?
Breath of the Wild already pushed the limits of the Switch, where else can they go?
>Breath of the Wild already pushed the limits of the Switch, where else can they go?
What kind of small brain comment is this to make? Developers should just GIVE UP being creative?!
Breath of the Wild was made for the Wii U and wasn't even properly optimized for the Switch on launch. They can get a lot more out of it.
...and that's a good thing!
It's true. Nintendo is canceling BOTW2 because releasing it would spoil BOTW2.
Please wait just a little bit longer for the official release of this information.
Elden ring is a better Zelda game than Breath of the Tranny
>Real dungeons a la catacombs
>Legacy dungeons like Castle Morne, Haligtree, Raya Lucaria etc
>No weapon breaking tranny shit
>Actual difficulty not locked behind a $30 DLC
>Actual fun difficulty
>Fights have meaning sense weapons are god tier
>More than 100+ unique enemies unlike Tranny Wild that only has 5 enemies with different flavors of LGBTQ colors
>Has an interesting plot, world building, and characters unlike tranny wild
>Fun bosses
And the thing is………tendies will NEVER EVER get to experience it… EVER. Not only that Elden Ring made Shitendo crap their pants so bad they delayed BOTW 2 because they knew Miyazaki raped them.
The post that BTFOD tendies
Dark Souls 2 Switch port when?
Elden Ring utterly pales to BotW.
Elden Ring has nothing to offer but a relentless endurance gamut of COMBAT COMBAT COMBAT.
BotW has a living breathing dynamic and systemic world which is a joy to explore and navigate. There's more gameplay variety in BotW's tutorial area than Elden Ring has in its entirety.
Elden Ring was "okay". BotW will forever and more be considered one of the best games of all time.
Fromshiters utterly annihilated.
>And the thing is………tendies will NEVER EVER get to experience it… EVER
Why not? Do you really think there are people who only own one system? I have a Switch and a PS4 (and a PC like everybody), but it never even crossed my mind to buy ER. Souls games just haven't appealed to me in years. Meanwhile BotW2 will be a day 1 buy for me. I know that's just my personal taste in games, but this idea that people who have a Switch will NEVER EVER get to play certain games - and that you imagine them SEETHING about it - is just absurd.
Good, maybee they finally make a good zelda game like twilight princess so there will finally be a good new game on switch
>Elden Ring made Shitendo crap their pants so bad they delayed BOTW 2
Delusional seething. Elden Ring couldn't even top BotW. The only game BotW2 will be competing with is BotW.
>Elden ring is a better Zelda game than Breath of the Tranny
Not even wrong, Elden Ring does a lot of traditional Zelda stuff better than BoTW, but that’s because botw never set out to be a traditional Zelda game.
Breath of the Wild is still a better game overall. Elden Rings exploration becomes tedious and boring after limgrave while Botw’s is fun to explore until you’ve seen every inch of its world. Even with the drastically higher amount of variety in enemies and combat, Elden Ring still manages to have a far less engaging world than Botw did.
Breath of the Wild truly set the bar for what open world games should be and nothing has come close to reaching it since despite its many imitators (including fromsoft)
Fromsofts design philosophy of “it’s fine if 90% of players miss this important thing” just doesn’t work in an open world that isn’t fun to explore, in botw you barely have an incentive to explore but you do it anyway because it’s a beautiful and engaging world. Exploring the lands between comes to feel like a tedious chore while exploring hyrule feels like an endless adventure. Elden Rings legacy dungeons is its best part and it’s open world is its worst, which is terrible when the games whole selling point was its open world.
Anyway I enjoy both games but Breath of the Wild absolutely fucking mogs Elden Ring
Good post.
>Fromsofts design philosophy of “it’s fine if 90% of players miss this important thing” just doesn’t work in an open world that isn’t fun to explore, in botw you barely have an incentive to explore but you do it anyway because it’s a beautiful and engaging world. Exploring the lands between comes to feel like a tedious chore while exploring hyrule feels like an endless adventure. Elden Rings legacy dungeons is its best part and it’s open world is its worst, which is terrible when the games whole selling point was its open world.
Should from go back to making DeS-style games instead of open world games?
Switch has 3x more RAM than Wii U and isn't bogged down by 20 years old architecture
citation needed
Will BOTW2 push the switch to its limits?
game has cool gimmicks and first couple of hours it's really fun to play around with game engine, but overall game is not that interesting if you are not a zelda fanboy and combat system is terribly boring. surprisingly there are not much things to do in the open world
it can't even run rocket league cleanly
>botw2 features sky lands
>which means they don't have to shoehorn in a giant render distance
>which means better performance or more stuff
I hope not. One was plenty.
Yes retard.
>Zelda: Ass Creed Ubisoft version except more tedious with padded stamina mechanic and breakable weapons.
Yeah nah, Elden Ring shits all over this game.
I have a PC, I can play both.
I don't know how anyone could sincerely hold this opinion. BotW's exploration gets so fucking boring once you realize you already know what you're going to get at the end of almost every journey. I tried to replay it and give it another chance and it couldn't even hold my interest long enough to get to a single divine beast.
And BOTW already had performance issues on Switch.
>BotW's exploration gets so fucking boring once you realize you already know what you're going to get at the end of almost every journey.
This is a YOU issue. You're outright dismissing a weath of content experienced in open organic gameplay, including the whole topographical exploration of the and survival aspects of the game.
It's a trademark sign of ADHD people to seek instant gratification and only prioritise combat and tangible benefits of collectibles / tasks in games. They find it difficult to process any kind "experience".
When I played BotW the moments which stuck the most with are the personal ones: that time I crafted a solution to crossing that icy river, my first terrifying encounter with a fully mobile guardian, that I got caught in horseback combat in a thunderstorm, the time I climbed a mountain and found a dragon there, my ill-advised first trip to Death Mountain and barely surviving wit my wits and resources, stumbling into the haunting Lost Woods.
The best adventure game I've ever played. You sound like the kind of person who would play Super Mario Bros and base his gameplay experience on what came out of the "?" block.
>BOTW already had performance issues on Switch.
Because it wasn't made from the ground up on Switch.
So what?
Thank fuck, what a boring vapid empty overrated trash
The WOW factor that BotW had was nintendies first open world game.
Case in point this retard thinks that people complain about the explortaion being boring require tangible benefits/collectibles. Ignoring the fact that BotWs scenery is incredibly sparse and generic fantasy done 100 times before.
Sounds to me like a bunch of cope for a bunch of empty, lifeless environments and boring rewards
>Ignoring the fact that BotWs scenery is incredibly sparse
>and generic fantasy done 100 times before.
But never better.
>Elden Rings exploration becomes tedious and boring after limgrave while Botw’s is fun to explore until you’ve seen every inch of its world.
Can you explain this? What part of BotWs exploration makes it more fun? I'm genuinely curious.
what do you mean how? you're either saying to yourself "oh look another shrine" or "oh look a group of various oblins ...can't wait to have the same fight again."
>Never better
Show me ONE fucking screenshot of BotW that wows you with scenery. Just fucking one. None I've seen are unique and stands out that hasn't been done before with higher fidelity graphics.
What's wrong with everything after Limgrave?
>What part of BotWs exploration makes it more fun?
BotW's topographical exploration is gamified by the stamina wheel. So getting from A to B becomes actual engaging gameplay. The world is constantly in flux so the player is always having to adapt to it and, in turn, has their own agency to use this to their advantage - allowing them to create their own solutions to adversity on their own terms. Simple navigation of the world is a joy.
Elden Ring's world in completely sterile and getting anywhere just becomes a boring chore. The controls are janky as fuck and I lost track of the amount of times I would fall to my death cursing them.
>muh graphics!!!
Are you fucking 12 years old?
>Tiled city with a crescent moon staircase and fish totem because lol water race
This is generic as fuck.
lmao go look for a real argument.
>This game WOWS you with it's scenery!
>But.. it's not about muh graphics
Are you fucking retarded? If you're talking about scenery porn the better it looks the better it is
Being "amazed" by scenery is heavily linked to graphics and object layout, two things that BotW lacks.
>Show me ONE thing unique
>Posts something generic
You're right, I shouldn't argue with bait.
>BotW's topographical exploration is gamified by the stamina wheel
I eat the food and infinite stamina
>The world is constantly in flux so the player is always having to adapt to it
You mean flux as in constantly changing right? because that's something 100% that BotW doesn't do. Weather changes are NOT "world in flux"
>This game WOWS you with it's scenery!
Said NOBODY. BotW's "WOW FACTOR" came from its game design which blew everything else out of the water and spanked the ass of every open world game ever made.
Its ridiculous that you cannot cope after all this time. The game is literally fucking ANCIENT nowm
y'all niggas posting in an Arthur thread
>BotW's "WOW FACTOR" came from its game design which blew everything else out of the water
90% of the people going "WOW" over the game were video journos who do not play videogames and nintendies who do not play any game not on their nintendo console.
It's ridiculous that you cannot understand after all this time that BotW is a mediocre and generic open world game. It does NOTHING that stands out from any other open world game. In fact the biggest things I see people praising it for are removing common features that are industry standard, exactly like pokemon did with Sw/Sh.
see Literally saying that the scenery was never done better. Actually read the context before you move the goalposts
There are many better open world games... shit, I liked and had more fun with Days Gone than BOTW.
>I eat the food and infinite stamina
No you did not. Raw food does fuck all for stamina. You would need to take some time to go around collecting very specific stamina boosting ingredients and THEN take time cooking them into meals. Its kind cool that the game gives you this level of freedom to prepare for your adventurous hikes into the wilderness.
So why are you lying and talking shite.
>You mean flux as in constantly changing right? because that's something 100% that BotW doesn't do. Weather changes are NOT "world in flux"
Compared to Elden Ring which is utterly fucking sterile? In BotW when the player hears the distant rumble of thunder they actually feel FEAR. They will instinctly stop whatever they were doing and react.
Pretty immersive stuff. How does a 6 year old Wii U game mog modern developers so hard? Are they even trying?