Vidya for this kind of feel?

Vidya for this kind of feel?

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Yea Forums

Scars of summer

>Vidya for this kind of feel?
All of them.

>jerking off on your bed
What are you, some sort of animal? Also sex isn't worth it when you have to deal with w*men. Thank god for porn

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Make it a black guy.

Why isn't he fapping at the computer? Where is his onahole? He could be having a much better time.


you dont have to so cruel

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70% of all mornings i jerk off before i even properly wake up in bed. Coom onto my blanket every time and i can't remember the last time i washed it.

This except I wash my bedding every week.

why would you do either of these things?
miserable weak versions of pleasure
keep your energy and raise it up within

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Most Zoomers and many millenials don't have sex though

>Using Condoms
You did not have sex

virgin detected. Cumming inside a vagina is infinitely better than jerking off, only sexless incels will argue otherwise because they have no context

this except I drink my cum to get the gains back

Reminder before the thread 404's about this shit:

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jokes on you this doesn't even begin to depict my failures in life.

post blankie

>recruiting people for demoralization threads on Yea Forums
touch grass chud

people still believe this screenshot lmao

Actually, more than 50% of men are incels these days
So the normal is NOT getting laid

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Nah, I look forward to when my girlfriend is gone and I can fap to some loli


I just dry hump the floor and clean it up after using bleach.

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Top row, I hate cucks so much its unreal.

Lmao, pathetic addict.

multi track drifting?

>f-f-f-fake haha
Sure thing bud. Keep damage controlling, i'll still spread your dirt every in thread that i see.

Yeah, so? I tried dating in highschool, femoids are so incredibly annoying and shallow. Texting might be the most tiring thing I've ever done, even my dog doesn't require that much attention

That's too much

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Honestly I've read so many stories about condoms failing and people being stuck in fatherhood because their partner didn't want to abort that I don't feel that I'm misssing out that much

So both are the same kind of losers living in a matchbox trying to get by but one gets so fuck some random bitch?

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Actually modern studies show that only around 1/3 of young men are sexually active
Full article:

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I choose none, I hate pigskins

Kill the muslims & woman
then inform the husbands of the other sluts so they lose their financial safety.

Nobody cares if you have sex or not, do whatever the fuck makes you happy

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Top row because the women are fucking parasites.

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>((charts)) and ((surveys))

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Why are you angry at him, doesn't that mean less competition for you?

>tfw no meth addict gf

Man everybody was getting laid in 95/96 what happened?

Bottom row
Then kill the black guy on the top row and steal his bitches

I care actually.

No one wants to hang around a bunch of weird incel creeps, like all of you.

If my gf broke up with me or we stopped having sex I'd just go fuck prostitutes again. This incel shit just means they're being cheap.

>feel bad about yourself
>take the meds
>work and consume
>blame yourself for all your failures
>don't notice things
>white incels are the biggest thread to democracy
>feel bad
>feel bad
>feel bad
>stay weak
>follow our commands
>feel bad
>feel bad

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>what happened?

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me on the left

The smartphone and growth of online dating
Women went from having access to only guys near them, to literally entire cities, so their standards grew to insane levels

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Hot as fuck
Now if only i could jack off while watching.....

>nobody cares
>when the go to way to insult a man is to call him a virgin in some way

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Dating apps. Now women all want the chads.

To be honest with you family, I'd rather masturbate than have sex at this point. I'm already a wizard and through meditation I have become even more pessimistic than Schopenhauer. I don't really care to jump through all the hoops to get sex, even if I did, those few fleeting moments of orgasmic pleasure aren't going to somehow reverse the knowledge that consciousness is actually an unbearable curse, an inflamed and ruptured appendix, a rack of deer antlers overgrown by blind processes and pinning its owner to the ground. Consciousness is a double-edged blade without plate or hilt that cleaves everything and nevertheless one must turn one edge toward themself.

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How does one get into the escorts/hookers thing
Asking for a friend

Cheating is so much worse than whoring, by fucking far. Hell, whoring itself might not be the smartest thing to do, but atleast you are doing it without malice towards others (if you are doing it willingly) and without anyone (but yourself) getting hurt.
The bottom row is not really doing anything wrong, top row is just filled with leeches that abuse others for personal gain.

Disco Elysium

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>Social media and dating apps haven't had a negative effect on socie-


>Yea Forums
Dark Souls

I exclusively jerk off at my PC with a fleshlight.

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its only good if you really are connected with that person which is hardly possible nowadays

pull the lever once the front part of the train has passed onto one of the tracks so that the back of the train is on the other set of rails.
This way it runs over everybody including my family
hopefully this causes the police officers enough distress that they all kill themselves in the coming years
I then pull my face off, revealing that I was wearing a mask and that my true identity was that of the dastardly professor evil!
The true me was tied up aboard the train, forced to watch as all those innocent people and muslims die.

Bottom row then I become bros with Tyrone and we go around as a team stealing everyones bitches

Just have sex

It's not even that hard you losers lol

Wish I lived in a liberal shithole city with a healthy organized crime infrastructure trucking in plastic nork barbies on the weekly. Count yourself lucky user

Depends on where you live. In Australia it's legal so you just go to a brothel or book a private escort to come to you or you go to them. Just look up keywords like "escort service" etc online for your area. Even if it's illegal you'll probably find something.

Not vidya but watch Welcome To The NHK

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>What are you, some sort of animal?
It's comfy.

coomers are so fucking pathetic god damn

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Top row. Then I tell the cops the bottom row has a gun and yelled something in arab and they kill them for me.

Chocolate > sex

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>Payed for sex
You didn't have sex

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not pictured: the normalfag needing to pay years of child support and contemplating suicide because he has to work 2 full time jobs
t. have normalfag friends

I think it's more than just woke-ism and dating apps.
I think social circles became more closed off and people became socially damaged. communicating online became over-normalised while communicating face to face and meeting new people became discouraged.

>bed by the wall

Really shows who made this, bed with space on either side + night stands is how well adjusted people live.

Of all the reasons I enjoy being with my gf, sex is pretty middle of the road.
I enjoy spooning with my dick up against her butt and a hand between her tits a lot more. Or waking up and having her sleeping on my shoulder. Rubbing our feet together under the covers. It's the intimacy that is more enjoyable.
Shit, even small things like when she picks me up my favorite snack is something that is an underrated feeling. Just the fact that someone exists on this planet that actually genuinely cares about me.
A lot of virgins put sex a lot higher on the totem pole of shit to care about when in a relationship it becomes normal like anything else. It's the little things you end up valuing a lot more.

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The last time I had a girl over to fuck, the second I came I had instant regret and all I wanted was for her to get out of my apartment so I could play vidya

Ew, I bet your blanket crunches when you lie down on it

brother is just giving what limp wristed husbands cant give


If that's really the case then I don't think I've ever met a well adjusted person in my life.

4 race traitors against 1
I don't see where's the hard part

>having sex
lol, lmao even

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I wipe my cum on a designated corner of my sheets and wash them when it starts turning brown

Why are /pol/fags so obsessed with interracial sex?

as a former normie, being a hermit coomer is a much comfier lifestyle
you just gotta socialize with people every few months so they don't cometely forget you exist (if you want to retain a few friendships)

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Radi stop shilling your shitty VN and go back to making Souls guides.

Maybe one day it can be used as a ballistic shield.

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Why are my loved ones tied up in the middle?

top one obviously
the bottom one, while degenerate, is still morally fine
top one involves lying and cheating

sex is alright but nothing beats the boyfriend hug. doing some work in the kitchen or around the house and getting that hug from behind randomly

You people are vile.

>multi track drifting?
multi track drifting.

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Might be time to get out there and live some more, user. It's basically the norm for anyone not crammed into a basement. Even when I had a 1 bedroom apartment I still had room on either side of my bed. Headboard is the only acceptable side that can touch a wall.


Because most people on pol are either kikes or shitskins. And troons are the ones shilling interracial shit.


>Kill evil people which are currently damaging at least 4 victims and their families or a bunch of degenerates only doing stuff to each other.
As always I choose the greater good.

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this guy gets it. been married for 5 years now and still have sex on the regular, but I enjoy the smaller things more. Sex is great, and a fun activity to do together, but what's better is not having post nut clarity where you feel ashamed/regret like when you jack off while single.

To prevent multi track drifting shenenigans

Very funny user, but here's reality for ya. ta ta.


I'm probably a schizo. I had highschool girlfriend and had sex. I didn't like it. A bunch of years went by and I haven't had sex since. Was I happier back then? No, it was a tramutic time in my life.

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Based and healthy relationship pilled. Intimacy is why you get a gf.

I was literally in these servers when they existed lol it’s real

i cum on tissue paper and whenever i run out i cum on A4 paper then fold it up and throw it on the floor. Sometimes i wake up with ants everywhere in my room eating my cum

I do both. There's been times I fuck a girl get home and start beating off. I also jack off every morning before actually getting out of bed.

Wanting an NTR situation to play out is a shit tier fetish as it is envisioned by and for the morally perverse.
What happens here is as such, a twist of the moral values. The person who is at fault for cheating is not and should not be the non-cheating side but the cheating side.
Also, by fapping to NTR you are willing to associate sexual pleasure with emotional masochism, which in turn makes you less likely to enjoy a healthy relationship IRL.
>inb4: seethe, cope, etc
Just face it. You're literally killing your own brain, with those shitty tier fetiches that will only do you harm in the long run.

Exact same experience brother

This except I bash my wedding every week

>Just the fact that someone exists on this planet that actually genuinely cares about me.

This man understands.

femoids are incapable of emotion

Women like me dont like guys who havent had sex yet by the time they were 14

So if your still a virgin after that sorry but your kinda gross to us lol

agreed, we should kill all women, ''women'' genocide now!

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Why is NTR so hot....