Warhammer 40K: Space Marine II

>Developed by Saber Interactive

What are the odds this will be good Yea Forums?

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I am looking through their wiki page and I see mostly ports and assisting other developers.

Gotta say I have World War Z but haven't played it.

It will be 8 hours of shooting tyranids

10% chance of it being good

It's hard to imagine how they could fuck up a game where you're a space marine shooting bugs. As long as the gameplay is solid I couldn't care less about any story bullshit.

post the CTO

0% because of ultrasmurfs and troon writers


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Being written by a literal trant


quake champions

If they copy and tweak the gameplay from the last one I'll call it good enough. The massive elephant in the room is unironically the troon in the writers room.
>TFW we might see a space marine give some bullshit spiel about fighting against fascism

Damn, Titus really let himself go after he found out Leandros got promoted to captain huh?

I've tried World War Z and Space Marine II is using the same swarm technology. It will be fun. Maybe not hyper big player numbers for no end to come, but it will be fine for people like me who are into coop games.

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>We will never get a good Ork game

Feels bad man

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It doesn't even have a Steam store page yet

>troony devs
0%. not tricking me again

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Either it's going to be epic shite exclusive bullshittery, or years away from release.

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Reminder non-Nurgle Chaos are unironically the good guys

>troon in the dev team
>developed in current year
It's dead, Jim.

tyranids and chaos

GW have been pozzed for a while.

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Already DOA

>Titus looks way different
>new voice actor
>Nu-Games Workshop will ensure this will be pozzed somewhat
>Tyranids are just the early-mid game enemies, real enemy is probably Eldar and Chaos once again

Enjoy token negress bolter bitch Cannoness who needs no Primaris Mehreen

>Saber Interactive
>Quake Champions
>Tim Willits is at Saber Interactive


>Warhammer is for everyone
Unless you're Russian.
Or Poor.
Or have different political opinions.
Or make fan content that's better than our official one.

except I'll replay it 2-3 times, so it'll be around 20 something hours

Apparently we won't be missed so fuck GW.

I'll never forgive gw for shitting on the only good things to come out of warhammer

>be space marine
>have gigantic armor
>always have facial scars and cuts despite armor


1 cause retards don't wear helmets
2 cause helmets get damaged too

real answer is: rule of cool

You can't judge a game based on studio anymore. Jesus it's zoomer in here. The video game industry has such a turn around now like 90% of the staff from two games in the same studio made directly after each other will be different. Just watch trailers and gameplay videos and whatever your first impression is will be what you get. Never listen to reviewers or judge based on their past games. Your first impression is almost always right.

what matters are directors retard, those stay

>no gorkamorka racing game
>no space marine meets spore type game where you start as a small greenskin and graduate to warboss
>no space exploration game where you play as greenskin pirates
>no patapon style rhythm game with a WAAGH!

Tell that to the now defunct battlefield series kek

Space marines can live for hundreds of years. The four golden duds on his forehead means Titus has been in service for at least 200 years.

The lead writer is an SJW. No, it's not going to be good.

>no freeboota style space game where you fly around the different warzones stomping gitz left and right
Hell even just a bog standard rogue trader game based on the same premise hasn't been attempted yet either.

>The four golden duds on his forehead

why are they so crudely placed on his head? if it's some sort of service badge why isn't it more prestigous, it looks like stuck shrapnel in his head

>t. doesn't know anything about warhammer lore

It took a war for them to finally cease (temporarily and allegedly) operations in Russia. They didn't give a fuck about ceasing when LGBT retards were being oppressed through law, conversion therapy, and the police.

The Anglican and American Woko Haram leftist retards have two passions in life - whining about Capitalism, and at the same time being the first to jump to defend Corporations such as Amazon, GamesWorkshop, and Disney, because they included a pathetic parody of diversity and inclusion in their products.
If Hitler painted his stache in rainbow colors, Leftists would frame him on their room walls to worship, we've learned that from the retarded tranny writer for Space Marine whose twitter history is whining about Capitalism yet working to financially support a corporation with shops open in the Middle East, Indonesia, China, and other regimes where the sales and land tax go into throwing LGBT off the roofs and conversion therapy programs, and retarded SJWs come to "her" and GW's defense completely sidelining the bigger picture of which entity is exploiting their retarded politics.

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The closest you will get to an orky style death racing vidya is probably Crossout and that is F2Pshit.

10/10 post

Can space marine even remove their armor or is that actually their bodies at this point?

Wokeshits in control, near zero

It's warhammer dude.
The entire setting is "damn that's metal".

DICE's competent directors and team leads all ended up working on Battlefront II and then quit after EA shot down their pitch for Battlefront III.

>you can't judge people or a company based on its past experience because doing so is [flavour of the month word]
I hope you are not as angry at people as you sound and I am just jumping to conclusions.

they're indoctrinated not to give a fuck

didnt read thread, no need.
tranny dev writer, game is going to be unsalvageable shit and you all know it
stop coping

your picture was not done by games workshop. it was done by a fanpage that has no official relations with GW

MY pic was done by games workshop

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No it doesn't. They wish it did, but just look at cyberpunk for a more recent example.
I dont care what you think. And if you think I'm wrong you're retarded.

>What are the odds this will be good Yea Forums?
Good? Low. Mediocre and maybe worth buying on sale? High

>Developed by trannies
I'm gonna go with zero chance.

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who is that troon and how the fuck do they keep getting jobs as writers?

they have an opportunity for the halo dudebros/gears mexicans since those are in the shitter

>let's hire the mentally ill person to write our story

The main reason people liked SPEYS MUHREEN as much as they did is because of the plot and characterization. The game itself was a perfectly servicable 3rd person shooter but the SOULFULNESS is what makes it so memorable

Why do you type like this?

years of conditioning by Yea Forums OP trends in desperate bids to not have his threads hit page 10

Because it gets the point across
>speys muhreen
some ork kept calling you this in a bunch of cutscenes, people who played the original will probably remember
>perfectly servicable 3rd person shooter
gets the point across? the game was nothing special but it was fine
>le soulfulness meme
shorthand used all over Yea Forums to point out x-factor which is why people like this specific game
Now the real question is: what drove you to reply? You could have guessed at most of these points or at least inferred them somehow from the general way conversation flows around here

They can easily substitute that for the bat shit insane rule of cool moments that makes you feel like a OP racist autistic mutant, just make the gameplay similar, executions as gory and brutal as possible, with the option to throw a hormagaunt away with a bitchslap and it's gonna be fine

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I'm not angry that it's primaris marines
I'm angry that it's ultramarines AGAIN

fist bros... did we lose?

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what's the diff?

How is this surprising when he was in the first game?

Could have been deathwatch, that would be sick