Watching YouTube essay about a modern game

>watching YouTube essay about a modern game
>youtuber spends the first half of the video detailing the history of video games and his history with NES games

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>watching YouTube essay
kill yourself



>Youtuber idolizes shitty game from his childhood
>4 hours long
>Hundreds of thousands of impressionable zoomers now believe the said game is a classic that every kid played and was adored by millions

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someone should do this with a game that literally never existed

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>_______ is not bad, you're just dumb
>Why _________ broke me
>__________ saved my life
>The hidden meaning of __________
>__________ Is a masterpiece
>__________ is a step forward
>Here's how __________ scares you
>___________ Explained

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>[game] is a timeless classic
>how [game] BROKE ME
>[game]: a [adjective] world
>the [game] iceberg EXPLAINED
>[game] is a misunderstood masterpiece

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>this video is sponsored by [insert brand here]

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>games from my childhood (2010) GOOD
>90's games...LE BAD

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this shit always makes me want to shit blood. I swear YT content wasn't always so shitty and disingenuous. when did this video essay faggot shit start? but more importantly, why the fuck do people like it so much?

>faggot youtuber starts talking about his faggot life halfway through

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>tutorial, guide, indepth
>just rambles for 10 minutes and includes a sponsored advertisement within the video
>ok now lets get to the content
>rambles more
>dont forget to like and subscribe

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the "popular" YouTube content at any point in time has always been shit.

>tranime posting GOOD
>Posting anything somewhat original... LE BAD

>"why [insert animated children's movie here] is a cinematic masterpiece"
>said video is one or two hours long
>use his/her left-wing political ideology while discussing an animated children's movie
>very long, poorly-executed skit in the near end of said video
>"remember, animated movies aren't a genre nor for kids"
>the youtuber is literally a Disney/Nick/CN/DreamWorks suck-up

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>starts with a 10 min story about how his parents got divorced and his mom bought him the game as a cope to deal with the separation
>it’s completely made up and he’s just telling it to stretch time and sound interesting

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>To know about this game you must know about its previous titles/iterations.
>Spends 2 hours talking about those old shitty games instead of the game they are supposed to talk about.

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>Faggot youtuber can't talk without spewing a reddit tier joke every 10 seconds
>"Guys... this... is... le... awkward.... silence... yeah"
Is there any youtuber who's actually funny?

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>Is there any youtuber who's actually funny?
RedLetterMedia is one of the only good remaining YouTubers

>YouTube essay

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I barely watch vidya "content" on youtube anymore. I just watch vtubers instead because I like seeing people actually play the games I enjoy instead of ramble for hours on end about them.

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my man youre in no place to say someone's not funny when youre using a 100 girlfriends png, and yes i read that shit but the mom joining is still weird asf

Internet Historian is funny as shit.

as far as video essayist type youtubers, Mauler makes some good jokes with his editing. but there's also a lot of inside jokes from his 10 thousand hours of livestreams that probably aren't worth catching up on unless you are severely autistic. e;r has some funny videos as well.

>>tranime posting GOOD
>>Posting anything somewhat original... LE BAD

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totally forgot Internet Historian. he's probably the funniest guy that's "consistently" uploading shit.

Jerma, Vinny and Joel are also very funny.

That ain’t 100 girlfriends user...

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blame the ever changing algorithm and the content "creators" that chase it.

This son of a bitch makes 5 minutes videos every week alongside an extra 5-10 minute bonus episode about whatever vidya topic he wants to rant about and is still funny as shit while making good points.

I used to consider him a snob, but as time has gone on I've come to agree with him on a lot of things.

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glad to see a fellow bokuyabafag in the wild

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He's funny but the quick cut format has aged and is a bit obnoxious now.

Still miles better than 20-30 minute rambling videos that go nowhere. The format makes for perfect toilet viewing too.

why change something that works fine?

Modern media is like watching someone work their way through a therapy session.

I just can't imagine any real people actually sitting down, consuming the content, and then after they watch it feel like they have just spent their time on something meaningful and then praise the content creator in the comments and subscribe to their patreon.

For me? It's contrapoints
She's so pretty

Based manletlord

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Also the problem with the format is if you want to watch a bunch of them the intro will drive you mad after 10 episodes.

Shell suits still work, why aren't you wearing one?

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love this nigga

>when did this video essay faggot shit start?
when YT algorithm optimized for clickbait and watchtime, incentivising longer videos

>why the fuck do people like it so much?
a lot of normies just like having noise in the background or nodding off to sleep with a familiar voice. same reason audiobooks and podcasts popped off.

this is the best fucking thing ive read on this board

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Who's the most annoying video analyst and why it's eyepatch wolf

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Watching influencers/youtubers is a clear NPC behavior. Go play games and build your own opinions, faggots.

I guess I just don't understand how so many people just don't actively engage with the content they consume. that's half of the fun for me.

Holy shit

Explain the last 3 years of Will Smith's career outside of it being some experimental form of therapy he got duped into.

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Errant Signal

>vidya/movie ending explained
why is this a thing


Why shouldn't it be?

normalfags do not engage with the media they consume. they just watch it and then clap like seals when it ends.

>How to beat x
>Yeah I'd just use knowledge and statistics that the protagonist would have no way of knowing

Why are you faggots always so adamant that people never played these games they watch stuff about? I don't even want to see ANYTHING about games I don't have played myself.

Raycon headphones

some guy i know only watches (you)tube summary of netflix shows because he doesn't have the time to binge watch

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I watch Grimbeard. Never played a point and click in my life, or an adventure/vn.

active engagement is the exact opposite of content consumption.
there's a reason consumers were called couch potatoes back when broadcast tv was still king.

where was it implied that these people don't play the games?

Most of these essays are just hubs for people to discuss the game in question in the comment section or just baclground noise, the only one I enjoy is Face Full of Eyes.

What else is actively engaging then? Discussing it with fellow 4channelers? LMFAO good luck with that.

i cant imagine worse place to discuss something than youtube comments

kek, no. I usually discuss with people irl. 4channel is for shitposting and bad faith arguments.

Most people don't sit down and watch this, it's background noise while they do something else like grindan, trying to sleep, shitposting, working homeoffice (though I even do that at work at times) doing chores, etc.
Do you think people the majority of people still watching tv actually "watches" any of the daytime TV program?

I cringe about shit like this but honestly, I wonder how much they pay these people per video? Surely it has to be enough to warrant them selling their souls and shilling in their videos. What's crazy is even the weird "these people are cringe, I make fun of everybody" type of people like 39daph ended up shilling and doing sponsored videos.