Such a genuinely terrible fight

Such a genuinely terrible fight

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>two combo plus
>sleeping lion

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all cheese

I would fuck the shit out of Larxene

Then block? All her non lightning attacks are blocks left

lol, shitter
also I love Larxene

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she has an attack that instantly smites you with lightning and it's bullshit.

unironically git gud

those are moves you get much later in the game than when you can first fight her, i'm not watching this cheater play

this is the data version of the fight that you can't even access until later, retard. if you're struggling with the absent silhouette version then you're a genuine shitter.

cool, because you did it on normal (likely easy difficulty) i'm apparantly a shitter for struggling on her on my blind lvl 1 critical playthrough. Unlike you, I'm familar with the bullshit parts of her moveset since they're more glaringly obvious under my conditions. you probably tanked 5 of her bullshit attacks and said
>good fight!
Just because you won. Use a bit of critical thinking skills when you judge these movesets instead of just calling other people shitters, ok?

I've never played 2FM on anything besides critical, but keep seething shitter. clearly you shouldn't have done a blind level 1 playthrough if you're so bad.

My wife

critical with levels is still 3 times easier than what i'm doing retard. you can tank at least 3 hits under those conditions. I bet you also went back to her instead of fighting her right away. It's unbearable to deal with you kids.

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and here I thought you were doing a blind playthrough, yet you apparently know the difference between level 1 and a normal playthrough. now stop crying about the game just because you're not up to the challenge.

Aerofag you are fucking shit get over it

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how does that imply my playthrough isn't blind?? it's fucking obvious that leveling up gives you more stats and the ability to endure more hits you absolute idiot.

Yet I've climbed each obstacle put before me without fail, stay mad.

You're an absolute retard if you're doing a blind level 1 run and then complaining about AS Larxene. By that point, you should either know the game well enough to be able to handle her with the tools you currently have or know yourself well enough to know you're not skilled enough to handle her with the tools you have. The kind of people capable of doing that fight as soon as it's available on level 1 know the game far better than you and don't feel the need to complain about it like a retard online.

>COM larxine
first try and you're a shitter if you don't.

>it's fucking obvious that leveling up gives you more stats and the ability to endure more hits you absolute idiot
lol, you don't know anything about the game. a miniscule amount of extra def isn't going to help you. now take your meds and stop seething.

What you're trying to say is that players more "skilled" with the game are more familiar with the game's inherit game design flaws and how to play around them through either cheesy bullshit or by purposley playing in a boring way to avoid bullshit instakill attacks like lightning bolt i mentioned. I'm one of the only people who will have a true unbiased opinion on the game's design by the time i'm done in the next few months.

I think FFXV might be more your speed

git gud

>He's uploaded another loss video

By the way user, i'm that guy who died to twilight thorn. I beat the game months ago, you really are fucking shit at this

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hang on is this the guy who used strike raid on sephiroth on his no cheese blind playthrough? lol, lmao. why are you still going

>made a whole youtube account dedicated to being mad cuz he's bad

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You’re doing good user. Throw yourself at her til you get it. Every step up the lvl 1 critical mountain is progress. With the struggle, it’ll be all the more cathartic when you see the ‘Get Bonus’ tag. I agree that it’s better to do the fight without all of the combo modifiers you’ll get later. That’s kinda the point of lvl 1 run.

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also, just saying, during my elden ring playthrough, in my first hour i killed the stupid tree sentinel. Margit only took me a couple hours as well. These are incredibly hard fights according to the community.

How come several Kingdom Hearts 1 bosses kept me stuck for a few hours, and how come Larxene has kept me stuck for dozens of hours? Because they're poorly designed for fucks sake.

do it on lvl 1 then we talk

Oh wow cheesefag is back. I haven't seen him since around the time we had the pizza thread

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you know what im feeling generous and I want to see you fight lingering will hahahaha....
so, roll at the start

you're not going to like the rest if you live long enough but roll at the start.

some fuck called me a cheesefag in a kingdom hearts thread some hours back and it pissed me off.

oh it's a soulsfag that thinks it's good at vidya. that explains it.

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>I’m playing the absolute most hardest way possible
genuine autism

I had no problem dying to tree sentinel or margit ovwer and over again because i knew it was fair and I knew what I was doing wrong. I get none of that with Larxene or many other enemies in kh2, it's just me smashing my head against a wall until something works and it's fucking lame.

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You sound like you already have a pretty biased opinion of the game. What, in your opinion then, is a non-cheesy, non-bullshit way to the play the game? No drives, no magic, no limits, no summons, no items, no movement? Cause someone way better than you has already done that.

he rolled. I don't have the roll unlocked yet, "no movement" my ass

kh2fm and kh3rm on critical are much harder than any souls game, especially lvl 1
>I’ve beaten every souls game and kh lvl 1

>valor form
>hero's crest
>using cure

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Reminder that this guy died to Hayner

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Which are the kh games where it's actually fun to do lvl 1? I've only done kh2fm so far

did you expect this autist to actually know how to play the game

*much more bullshit
fixed that for you. Kingdom Hearts game relies on bullshit gimmick bosses and genuinely terrible game design to illicit challenge from the player. fromsoft games on the other hand have bosses which challenge fundamental mechanical skills, no gimmicks, no bullshit, pure skill. Like, for fucks sakes one of the enemies in kh2 makes you scroll through your fucking menu and try to rng click a constantly changing button or else you fucking die, and you also have to dodge other enemies. how is that fair at all man.

kh2 is the only one imo but I’m retarded and have beaten 1,2,3 and BBS lvl1

From soft make roll simulators. Calm down

QRD on this guy?

>literally crying because the game isn't purely about pressing one button to dodge and another to attack

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I was thinking of doing 1 and 3 but I would never even consider doing it for BBS and DDD

and square enix makes disney garbage simulators, your point?

I've missed you so much!

kek that's fucking pathetic

Proof I beat the game on lvl 1. Get gud you scrub

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I find that extra funny in relation to this boss cause you have to roll at the start. alot.
unless you wait and use a buttload of lightning resistance accessories, and then you can get hit two more times

is this even the data version?

Wouldn't BBS and 3D be easier since growth abilities and Stat boosts aren't tied to leveling?

>is this even the data version?
no, lol

we're not talking about kingdom hearts 1 retard.

Absent silhouette. You don’t have access to dodge roll until 1000 heartless battle I believe

that's kh2 you dumb nigger. you really are clueless.

He started playing KH1 after Sora was announced for Smash Ultimate to show how he was a waste of a character slot or some shit like that. He became a lolcow in KH threads cause he dismissed any tips people gave him as cheese, especially Aero (hence his nicknames cheesefag and aerofag). There was a thread where he beat Sephiroth using Strike Raid, which he dismissed earlier as cheese, so everyone dunked on him, and he's now doing 2FM at level 1 and complaining. This was months ago tho so I don't know why he's only now come back.

because it's so fun to bully someone because they attacked your favorite disney game for being the shitty licensed shovelware it is, even though they provide video proof of the game's flaws every step of the way?

cool bro, i never finished the game before, how were you expecting me to tell the difference between that final world logo and kh1's logo? they look the fucking same idiot.

the "worst" part about 2 is grinding all those skills you get off the drive forms in hades world a billion times. if there is a faster way I don't know it.
and that one pooh minigame with the balloon.
you know what the worst part is jiminy cricket and his fucking journal completion.

fucking incredible
you're such a faggot, user

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doesn't say disney castle regardless of crown
inb4 you don't even know

Sure but those games aren't fun and I'd just be grinding still but maybe a bit more carefully

yes I know, but he objectively beat the game

>because it's so fun to bully someone
Yes it is! I hope you enjoy taking your lumps too.

I agree I like souls better but kh2fm and kh3rm data and secret fights are genuinely some of the best fights in video games. Similar to souls once you finally get it, you make fights trivial and that progression of going from getting destroyed to destroying is very satisfying.

the reason I decided to finish the job is because I hate the idea that I'm known as a lolcow and if I am still considered one even once this mission is completed then I'll at least have proof that the Kh community is cultlike in nature and that Sora's victory in the smash ballot is a false one.

you're a lolcow because you're a narcissistic autist that can't comprehend being wrong

Post your lvl 1 completions lads

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>he objectively beat the game

if you didn't beat LW you didn't beat the game yet

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Yeah. It’d be nice if the level 1 run eliminated all need for grinding unless trying to 100%. The growth abilities from grinding drives are a cool concept but they are too important to miss out on so it makes it insanely repetitive after having to do it for each playthrough.

For the concept of a level 1 run I think it’s a bad call to leave this in the game. Not sure where but they should unlock at other parts of the game.

you're forgetting/unaware I played this on ps2 and the 2.5 remix

how am I wrong on this franchise? on other topics unrelated to games, I can admit to being wrong since I'm not educated on such things. However, with games I am a pretty good player. I can beat dark souls games with relative ease and other hard games. So, considering my skill, don't you think it's a bit weird for this franchise in particular to have me stumped on several mechanics? it's because those mechanics are actually bullshit.

You know what, I've never done one. How are they compared to a typical critical run? Might do one in the future.