Nerdy Girls Story Thread

First of all, NGS IS a real japanese indie game in developement, not a vaporware. The dev is the creator of that famous "Katawa Shoujo 2: Mental Issues Editon" concept art that became shortly viral here years ago. Althoug inspired by KS, its not intended to be a spiritual sequel, mostly a dating sim vn where you date "below average" normal japense girls with a trauma that is the main theme of their routes. It has been in developement since he posted that image in november of 2019, and since then many assests like backgrounds, concept art, character portaits, sprites and UI has been completed until now, and he hasn´t stopped yet. You can personally check it on his twitter account. Its easy, just scrool through the media tab:
>will the game be all-ages?
Considering how much porn he has drawn, I doubt it
>are all 8 girls main heroines?
I don´t know. Kasumi and Neneko were supposed to be side heroines but with how much they appear on the promotional arts that migh have changed
>Wasn´t this being made by Yea Forums anons?
Some anons tried to make their own version after the concept became viral but the dev team fell appart due to their differences. I would consider that one dead

Posting the character introduction after this

Attached: poster.jpg (1920x1080, 297.04K)

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>I would consider that one dead
not yet

Doesn't change the fact that this will become the nth coomer thread with zero video game discussion

All of those sound incredibly boring.

made this because you lazy shills couldn't even bother to properly fucking shill the game so feel free to copypaste it

Dude the almost all the crew abandoned

> below average
just like me...

Hatoko >>>> massive power gap >>>> the rest

not all

Yes, visual novels are games.

>Gigaslut enormous tits and nothing in between
i'm disapoint.

>nothing in between
As in?


>men can fall in love with literal cripples or social outcasts
>women of all colours are loved
Meanwhile you will never find a game about a female protag hooking up with one of many different types of incels. I know I know its useless to get mad at the fact that men are literally the trash gender in our society.

Wait for the game then

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yeah I remember this guy posting this stuff, I'm not really into dating sims (or vns in general honestly) but I like the work

Visual novels aren't videogames.

You forget, all these girls are cute anime girls. So, attractive in an idealized way. All the "socially awkward" stuff is also MOE, if you will. Meanwhile, you can't make a male loser appealing to women, unless you make it clear that he's on his way up. Zero to hero type shit.

Then why does /vn/ in /vg/ exists

The ugliest girls at worst look like a 5/10 dudes

No, there are extreme cases, dude, and unrelated to fatness.

Huh. Unless its illness-related, I dont think so. Maybe my standards areway too low. I think thats good tho

His 2hu stuff is great

they all look the fucking same. same hair, same face shape, same dead look in their eyes.

KS had one of the most depressed girls as a cute genki tomboy, ffs. I know you're saying this game isn't KS but that's still what everyone is going to compare it to and so far it looks obviously inferior. nobody's saying you have to suddenly be as good as KS but if you have nothing to offer except a more bloated version of the KS experience then something is wrong.

>You forget, all these girls are cute anime girls. So, attractive in an idealized way. All the "socially awkward" stuff is also MOE, if you will.
Yes exactly. Their "flaws" are really just there to give them an exotic quality, and to engender rescue fantasies

>they all look the fucking same. same hair, same face shape
Your fucken blind mate

If I ever have the patience to make a VN that sells well and becomes popular with women, I will make Katawa Otoko: incel edition for you


1 still the best girl since the original concept art, no surprises.


You are right. This is "I csn fix her" the game

all built for bbc

Big Bong Cock

Buck Breaking Cock? None of those girls are nigs!

That means you got more chances with them

They ruined Kasumi by giving her that new face.

But only her hair changed?


What was her old face?

>t. moege fan

Someone keeps making threads about this but it doesn't exist. Why?


>titcow has the most boring personality
why make fiction as bad as reality

Building up hype I guess

>I would consider that one dead

Attached: 1634913335725.png (2000x1337, 1.48M)

I don't like a single one lol.

Huh. Funny how both Anri and Yukie diverged from the original template. Yukie went to another extreme tho

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yes it is, 4chud can't make another katawa shoujo.
the best that has come in recent times is snoot game, but that's it.

A shame that one is all-ages

Then move on and keep jerking off to yuzuges. Bye

tbf, urin literally asked them to change the character designs. (Although I would argue that they are still very similar to the original designs)

There always needs to be a balance

>men are literally the trash gender in our society
This society cannot even exist without "betas" slaving away for skanks and their dildos

based Hatokofag

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Attached: wifetoko.png (600x900, 310.52K)

Making the heroine in his new game unattractive is going to end badly for him. Even if it's the most amazing deconstruction of another Tumblr stereotype.

>Making the heroine in his new game unattractive is going to end badly for him
Can you post her?

Behold. She's also in a wheelchair.

Attached: ss_a03119e4628903718a0d5ab29c79ffc10e2fc13a.1920x1080.jpg (1620x1080, 260.12K)

you'd have to be mentally ill to not pick Chinami.

I see, Susie but green. Nic3. The wheelchair things worries me tho mainly because she migh not be able to feel sex.

>The dev
Stopped reading here, VNs aren’t games and the people who make them aren’t game developers.

This looks like cringe, ever thought about doing something original for once instead of copying ideas that were already done ten years ago?

Name 1 (one) VN like this.

Yu-No: The girl who chants love at the edge of the world.

Not really.


Unless she goes on a diet and gets hot along the way, I'm not interested.

>comparing an adventure game and a galge
based retard

>name a game that does unique things