for WW2 victory over nazi germany day. Where is it Gaben WTF?

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Ukraine won

Soviet Union & Stalins leadership won world war 2

no thanks

The US sending unlimited aids to the soviets won WW2

The flag didn't have a star before

Hellcountry that evryone who lived in wishes to return to?)
Lol))) What aid? Most people in western world dont even know what 8 and 9 may is. US and especially british actions in ww2 were of little importance

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Incompetent and corrupt retards barely carried by the american lend-lease from the total defeat.

Nazis mowed down Soviets like flies on the eastern front, they only lost because they got pressured from the west

The Soviets nearly collapsed due to food shortages in 1942. It was lend lease that kept the country going.

Why didn't Hilter just let Stalin take Turkey so he could tag team the UK with them?

bro. why is that guy wearing 2 watches

I see 'lend lease' is the current fotm phrase.
Did zoomies learn it from news about US aiding redditkraine?

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Probably got them from dead kraut as a trophy.

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>you can't take war trophies because... uh... you just can't, okay?

What would it take for Yea Forums to fight for their country? I can't imagine ever joining the army considering everyone I know who joined and fought in Iraq are either dead or living fucked up lives jnow.

Because timezones exist. He's in a foreign country in a different timezone and probably needs it. Or maybe he looted it, who knows. Who cares.

its always been ameriboo mythology

The US Lend-Lease Program won.

Soviets will save the planet again

Slavs all hate each other. It is the weirdest shit to me and I'll never understand it. Nor do I desire to.

if my country wasnt making the world a worse place

To go back in time and listen to me when I told everyone that covid is a mild flu and to not fuck up the economy to save a few old cunts on their deathbeds.

Ah, the face I make when I stand with jewkraine.

The Lend-Lease gave the USSR tens of thousands of vehicles, weapons and millions of ammo. People are only talking about it again because the US brought it back for Ukraine.

Its a sad day t b h. good guys lost

Trump was right. Veterans are fucking retarded. Imagine dying for flag bullshit.

>What aid?

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Money and training so immediately upon finishing my service I could go work for a private military company, like in my favorite MGS games. I was watching a video yesterday about this mercenary named Simon Mann. I want that lifestyle.

Russian cannon fodder had only won communist slavery and misery for the generations to come. Truly a bunch of retarded subhumans, you don't need propaganda to prove that. Russians make a good case for the racial inferiority just by existing.

>sending factories

Why does the guy on the bottom have 2 watches?

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They lost the cold war stop idolizing failed societies leftie

Who cares what slavs do, they're utterly inconsequential. The only reason Russia is getting any attention now is because the retards want to pretend they didn't just ruin the world with their covid fear-mongering. You didn't hear this much fuss when they invaded Crimea or Georgia.

why does every recipient of military aid from the us end up being our enemies
why can't we just isolate ourselves from the rest of the world

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Because we supports Nazis now.

stolen, just like russia vodka niggers do today in ukraine

Reminder that Soviet Union freed lesser cuck countries like "poland" from slavery for Germans.
Reminder that Soviet Union defeated the most powerful military alliance in the world.
Reminder that Soviet Union won the WW2.
All the so-called "allies" did was die on the beach and chaotically drop troops all over Normandy that was already been abandoned by Germans with only a few under equipped sentry squads left.

>antagonise country
>"bro wtf why are you mad at us remember that time we sent you guns to fight our war for us????"

Because america is only a finger on a large evil hand.
And the finger puppets dance and play for the masses.

>why does every recipient of military aid from the us end up being our enemies
Because they huffed their own farts and thought they accomplished everything on their own.
>why can't we just isolate ourselves from the rest of the world
Because the US is still part of the World.

thats very anti-semetic of you user

Yeah, I figured. Even if Russia used tactical nuclear weapons I don't think I would really care. Actually I'd probably continue on with my day as if nothing had happened. Pretty sure that's how the government would react as well.

they didnt free shit. One totalitarian regime got changed with another. Go drink more vodka pidorashka

Millitary Industrial Complex arms the enemy to fuel another war to fuel incearesed demand for millitary equipment to get more money. What else is new?

You mutts are so deep up your own ass it's amazing. I am glad the world as we know is ending and there's a good chance of US getting rekt.

Victory Day only counts for us after we beat Japan.

Read a book Ivan, don't just watch RT.

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Reminder that i dont care and i thank god every day that my country didnt become a soviet state

We seem pretty friendly with NATO countries which we basically entirely bankroll.

The real reason is that war is very profitable and we're willing to destabilize anywhere and everywhere since it makes the people in power wealthy.

Unironically that guy is an officer (look at the hat) and one of those watches is probably a stopwatch with the other being local time.

would be based if it came from a dead kraut, though.

I'd argue the tons of logistical vehicles and foodstuffs they received were even more influential.

I wish Hitler won.

War machine cogs must keep turning, which is why Ukraine started immediately after Afghanistan withdrawal.
Be grateful these proxy fronts exist because without them the machine will turn us.

>You mutts are so deep up your own ass it's amazing.
It only happens because the rest of the world is obsessed with us

The nazis didn't lose, they rule Russia now.

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The ghost of Hitler lives on in Ukraine

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I would love to see a wall surrounding the entire United States. And I don't mean a physical wall, I mean digital ID, droneS with shoot to kill orders for anyone caught cross. Border agents authorized for shoot to kill. Basically, I want it so if you're within 100 miles of the border and here illegally then it's open season, you can be hunted, you can be "disappeared", basically anything goes. It would be awesome.

>why does every recipient of military aid from the us end up being our enemies
>why can't we just isolate ourselves from the rest of the world
Because you are retarded. Germany and Japan are big allies.

You are just zoomer cuckold like the many above u lol.
you are as brainwashed if not more than "russian tv zombies", its simply fact
and in your webm mentioning opening a mosque is somehow bad?
islam has so many good values, its pretty much the only way to get a virgin wife in the moden worldd, but because you are bigoted racist little bitch and a cuckold you dont care about this stuff innit)))
lil zoomer bitch

WW2 victory day !!! the end of horrible war! thanks to soviet soldiers!

you would still be a basement dweller if he won))) or possibly non existent, depends on your phenotype

Show azog trannies now.

Yes, even though I would speak german now, life would be much better. Just look at quality of life in supposed "losers" germoney and so called "winners" subhuman Russia.

He did, Putler is running things now

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>removal of jews
>removal of nukes
Neither will ever happen, but a man can dream.

Germany is obviously not an ally

>you would still be a basement dweller if he won))) or possibly non existent, depends on your phenotype
I still wish he won.

>Germany is obviously not an ally
Germany obviously is, but they have Russian plants that fucked up their country from the old KKKommunists days, like letting their country getting dependent on Russian gas and closing down their nukes

That's what I mean user... they say they are allies, but generally everything they do is to harm or make the life of civilians more difficult... nah, not friends nor allies to us.

Fuck Russia.
Fuck Putin.
Fuck Communists.

WW2 never officially ended.

Wow, u think so deep! R u like teh smarts?

Fuck off, dictator boot licker. Go suck the balls of your faggot bald manlet and kys.

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Russians and thieves by nature.

>stalin literally begging americans to open a front in europe and more free shit

Whatever helps you sleep at night, ivan.

>seething cuckhole doesn't even try to hide
lmao even

Why hasn't Russia or Ukraine used chemical weapons? (Yet) Seems like the logical choice to get shit done in such a difficult combat environment.