Hosts are retards

>Ibt ESL

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You leveled vigor this time, nice. You really should remove the greatrune before screenshoting.
Another advice is to infuse your weapons with flame or fire for more damage, bleed is also really good at low level.

I refuse to use bleed. But yes, ive infused 2 daggers with freeze, the two handed with electric and spear with sacred, the torch will do the fire damage (I got the iron one)

Then I have the pickaxe with are damage, one of the daggers with retaliation, the the medium shield is now magic to block spell spammers more efficiently and have fortified block, and the pickaxe has area of damage, the one handed sword is pretty basic do, but has the punch with its ash war

I repeated myself with the pickaxe. Im retarded.

You repeated yourself with this thread because you've been doing something similar this past week. It's nice you're enjoying Elden Ring but what's the point of these threads?

Stop using shield talismans in pvp retard, they get nerfed to shit.

Dont care, and I know
Its more me doing Soldier of Godrick invasions kind of stuff, more than anything. I just like invading people and look like a miniboss of some kind swapping between the different combat styles etc etc, and its videogames, isnt it? Also, pointing out shitters host like the ones showed on the webm is always nice

>look mom I posted this webm again

This is why people hate ESLs

Are you diagnosed with a mental illness?

Wich one, the I dont care thing?

No, cause I dont go to the shrink

Neither in particular, just everything you have going on in this thread is retarded cancer.

Care to explain why? Or its simple minded stuff?

Pvp is laughed at. Pvpers are laughed at.


90% of the times I've been summoned for a boss the host gets one shot by the boss's weakest attack because he has minimum vigor and 2 soreseals on.

Hmmm, I see what you mean, do you coop, or you play solo user? Be honest.

Is this what non-americans do with their time? I understand why the world was so easy to conquer now.

You're browsing Yea Forums.

Bloodborne looking crispy

Classy, happened to me a lot when helped on Radahan it was very often that the host got instakilled by the arrows, and the ghost stayed still on deafening silence

I'm surprised we could hear OP over the sound of him munching on mud cookies.

My man, I had to crisp the video cause the original was on 4k and it cant be bigger than 3mb

Americans dont know geografy, either way, no surprises here


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I meant about that misbegotten with a russian ping actually.

Based Godrick soldier. Living the life the tutorial boss never had. Carry on his spirit.

I usually have good ping do, its more the enemies the ones that go nuts and teleport. Ive seen some shit you could see the enemy literally moving staying still and deleting me from the game from another server.

>minor spelling mistake, die
Okay thanks
Will do user, will do.

Ok, but are you Spanish (based) or Sudamerican (cringe)?

>I usually have good ping do
you're welcome

Spanish of course, dont compare me with monkeys, please

>anons seething at a WebM of your average invasion itt
Lol lmao it looks like some shitters got triggered by memory of the big scary red man coming to kill them after they summoned

I just got summoned to some dudes who spammed spells and another godrick build, I respect the godrick builder, but the faggot spamming int spells made me point down on them. Already beat them off 2 times in a row 2v1

You make it a habit to beat off other guys?

Oh, it's this faggot. Good to see you're still fucking yourself off for how "honest" you are.

Ye ye, make the funny joke, here on our language we have the same kind of joke with "cojer" in spain is grab in mexico is fuck. But yes, I destroy them on a fight.

You from mars or something buddy?

>Calls other people faggot
>Its the only one on the room who sucks dick
Okay user, I get it. You dont like people who are objectively better than you

Could be, I joke with my friends that im from outer space.

>potencia de macaco
Uma delicia!

Ç (I dont know more portuguese)

Also, I thought it would be some joke to say "you beat off (to) guys" specially after I commited some spelling mistakes

bro your C is dirty

No answer?


Also, about the PVP. Yes it isnt that good, but come on, its like other fighting videogames, but more simple with the combos. Thats all. and tons of invincibility frames but its fun and easy to grab

If spics were rangebanned from Yea Forums, which boards would suffer?

Judging by the screenshot, I don't think OP is a spic.

lmao mad, cool it with the projection Pedro

What proyection nigger? The one you admited by going "muh faggot, muh honesty, muh honor" ye faggot, I have fucking decency and Im better than you, whats the deal? That you are mad that some "spic" plays the game on hard mode and is objectively better? Tell me user, where is the proyection? Cause this "proyection" claim sounds more like a cope. Faggot.

All of the amerimutt, 4chin has people from all countries not only amerimutts, believing that amerimuts are the center of the world is just an american cope for the IIWW after the Cold War you are just laughing stock.

I'm not American but you spics are the lowest IQ posters on this entire website.

Americans, specially /lefty/pol/tards are the worst, also, its pretty rare I see a spic thread, outside of Yea Forumsint/ threads

helo 4chain OP here
how to make good webm bitrat ?
pls to respond and do the needful

>OP is a faggot as always.

Also, wrong accent retard, that one is the indian one, and you faggots decided that I was a spic. So it should be "ayayayayayayayayayayayayayayay cuanto para que me baleen? Taco Homero"

good morning sir
come to Bangalore I reciev u beautiful
Open bob pls

No offense, but I consider non-Americans subhuman.

I will reedem, sorry

please learn to make webs right, or record. This would be bad even for 2005 youtube.

I consider everything on the American continent expendable and unusable so no worries, the feeling is almost mutual

I literally had to pass the og 4k mp4 like 5 times on different online compressors.
Yes I know, what a surprise

Xe’s a very angry Latinx!

How do Brazilians afford video games? Aren't they constantly in civil war and famine, alongside getting executed publicly by the "police?"

corollary: Elden Ring is itself retarded, therefor everyone who plays it is also retarded, not just hosts.

Dont joke about that nigger. Call me spic all you want, even when Im from spain,but latinx is something Im not going to let you pass faggot.

what about the program webm for retards? not making fun of you that's literally what it's called.

Depends, Brazilians are divided on 3, for as I, Op, understand there is Brazil poor. Where you can find stolen hardware. Mid where you dont have shit, and rich they actually have a ps5.
Mexicans just buy Xbox and gamepass so they can play any shit
T. Spaniard with Xbox and goypass to play wathever shit they add

Lmao, nah, didnt see it, didnt use it. Maybe next time user, thanks for the spoon