Why do video ganes do this?

Why do video ganes do this?

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>why do games made for males appeal to the male fantasy

because their target audience like their self-insert male characters to look cool and want their waifu characters to look sexy


The idea of the warrior female is all fantasy anyway, in fact the idea of the warrior in general is a fantasy.

Both look equally impractical

I mod my games to have skimpy armor for both. Fuck if I’m going to let some cunt be sexier than me.

Point me towards the current year western games that actually do this, OP.


Because men fantasize about being girls and wearing their slutty clothes.

And here I thought you can't make 40k cringier. Weebs will always find a way.

>why do games made for males appeal to the male fantasy
Oh yeah? When? I don't remember any five dev blatantly says "this game is made only for boy/men" But just "this game for everyone/teens/adult" And no specific genders

Is this an AI generated thread?
The topic is just so played out that I can’t imagine it even being used as bait.

because women in media should be sexualized.

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What now?

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They don't
And that's a problem

Because they're not real. Just like swords weren't actually the go-to choice for battle in medieval times, and yet they are in media. If everything was accurate it would be fucking boring.

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The OP image has an anime styled male protagonist and as far as anime goes there are explicit "male viewer oriented" anime genres.

In western media its less explicitly stated but the entire feminist narrative is based on the fact male centric media exist last time I checked.

gutsu would never be an imperialist cuck 40nigger

Still too much armor.

Name 10 videogames like this that aren't obscure nip coomer shit

Yea, but one is cool and the other is gay. Difference

why do video games do this?

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Why do incels hate the female body?

i like the erp implications of this

>The idea of a warrior is fantasy

>ywn do the hair tuck behind ear thing to a woman.

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Video games do this yet you can't provide an actual example from a video game?

They don't. If they did there'd be videogames in the pictures rather than random pictures.

Yes, a company WANTS everyone to buy their shitty game, the reality is not everyone will. Games developers still have to acknowledge that the overwhelming majority of games are bought by men, not shitty mobile games, but the actual "tripul ayyy" shovelware they shart out each year, is consumed by males, those same men are also the whales that spend big bucks and sustain the putrid state of this cesspool we call the game industry. Women prefer to spend their time on social media. This is a fact, it cannot be disputed. When women do play these games, they don't get offended by skimpy clothing, they will actively pick those outfits when they get to make a character. They like to look attractive, they enjoy attention. Only dykes and trannies screech about skimpy avatars and they are the sole demographic who DON'T buy the game.

You fucking retarded cum guzzling tranny faggot.

are you pretending to be stupid?? Games are made for males. Everyone knows that. they don't have to say it

>Why do video ganes do this?
Same reasons irl women do this.

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Spartans were actually naked

He would respect their strength and that shit tho

Good bait, almost made me reply and call you a retard.

Why would I want that? That lazy bitch can do it herself

"You are a sausage now"

I fantasize about a loving woman in a nice house on a two acre plot
I've got one, working on the others

if you buy a plastic vagina, it doesnt say "this product is made only for men" but no woman is going to buy one

Yet another woman who fell for the booty meme and only worked on her lower body, plus some injections to her face. Fucking retards.

Pride/entitlement is an unattractive emotion as far as females are concerned.

she isn’t going into battle here

Neither are video game characters, or it's make believe shit, but i'm repeating myself.

Check twitch or twitter, women want to dress like sluts as a power fantasy and men don't.

This is why I hate video games, they appeal to the male fantasy

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Post one game that actually does this? And I’m not talking unlockable outfits, like the main male is in full armor and the females are in bikini armor

>boys armor hypermasculine
>girls armor hyperfeminine

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Implying women on a battlefield are realistic

Obviously. They want a monopoly on those emotions

>I have crippling autism
Good to know

>women want to dress like sluts as a power fantasy
That's surely a lie or internalized misogyny. Why would a woman dress in such a way that men want to look at her? why would they do that?

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What a retarded take, imagine needing explicit revelations from the marketing department of a video game to know what gender they were targeting.
What an absolute fucking tool you are, you really typed that shit out, next are you going to say that rattles aren't blatantly targeted towards babies, you absolute fucking mong

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good games where my male buff character can wear whore armors?

Why do female romance novels have shirtless dudes with muscles? Really, its a mystery.

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christ you guys are dull
have fun for once instead of being angry cunts

Me on the right!

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Because female warriors are unrealistic so it doesn't matter what they wear.

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Caska was also wearing full armour you fucking kikes

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girls don't play video games

neither did women in history

if it's a 'realistic' game, then take them off the battlefield and make them whores and servants

if it's an 'unrealistic' game, then the armor can be whatever the devs like and the audience - which has always been mainly men - likes.

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Ummm sweatie... You forgot Candy Crush. And the Sims.

Women in full armour > slutmog

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What do you mean? I love seeing women in battle, their huge tits bouncing up and down in bikinis and equally revealing armor. It's great.


Some journo actually did the research but the rainbow hairs didn't like the answer. Overnight Twitter turned her from a feminist female game journalist into a problematic white male.

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lel, that's more like it

i will now play your game.

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>not both
I want my kingdom full of heavily armored female knights AND an amazonian civilization full of scantly dressed women that negate damage by flexing their toned tummy muscles hard enough

kill all journos

>Why would of women

If women aren't dressed feminine/sexy in my video game, not only do I not buy the game, but I will actively shit on the sus fetishist fans of said game that argue that women should be covered in metal armor to the point that they look identical to men

Erasing the feminine form is erasing the only thing good about women and you deserve to be ridiculed for it

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The mere concept of a female warrior is pure fantasy, why not go all out and make 'em like Red Sonja?

the male fantasy is to be so cute that girls fall over when they see you, not to wear 40gay space marine armor

casca is the biggest joke in the entirety of ‘strong female character’ shit
her armor doesn’t matter it gets ripped off anyway
she can’t even handle being on her fucking period completely ridiculous

That's what makes her a realistic female warrior.

>metal burka
Just cut the nuts off already man, your a genetic dead end

Put them in as much armor as possible
it makes it more fun to tear off


i hope you female-characters remember to equip your butt armor

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Cute bussy

>metal burka
The fuck are you talking about? Do you even know what a burka is?

Name 3 recent video games that do this

It literally has a pouch to show off her boobs

>I'm the female version of King Arthur and I am the strongest kni
>Proceeds to get beaten up by an average Japanese teacher
Why are women so pathetic?

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Because Fate is shit

fucking got 'er

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>he doesn't want to wear space marine armor and kill xenos
Low test fag.

>see shitty meme on reddit
>copy paste to Yea Forums
>hundreds of replies

god I hate this shitty board so much

but sayonara wild hearts is legit a good game

based jogger

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>ywn die for 14 year old maiden defending france from *nglos

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>why would a woman want attention
actual incel spotted

Making fun of roasties who think that they can fight never gets old

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Why don't videogames do this?

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What a fucking retard