Whih games have the most entertaining physics bugs?
Whih games have the most entertaining physics bugs?
Roundtrannies BTFO
you gotta admit its kinda sus...
If the earth is spinning right now, then how come it doesn't spin under my feet?
Fucking globie idots...
23 x 2,5 = 57,5
pretty close to 55 I'd say, within the margin of error
Reminder that the ultimate red pill is that flat earth is the only model that makes sense in a biblical means and isn't supported by the fake religion of 'science' run by die hard leftists.
If you're on a ship sailing at 20 m/s and jump off the mast which is 50m tall, where do you land?
Any games about planted fake conspiracy theories to make the JQ look absurd?
If my dick is 8 inches long and your mom's ass has a circumference of 32 inches do I fuck her ass or her pussy first?
20m/s is 72km/h, no ship with a mast goes that fast, those are motorboat speeds.
This has to be a meme right? Nobody is this fucking dumb surely?
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Because he was still spinning with it - he didn't actually leave the atmosphere.
Exactly the same reason a hovering drone or helicopter isn't going to change position.
Geosynchronous orbit.
It's probably a meme but flatshitters are genuinely that dumb
Or when you jump in the air you don’t end up 100m down the road.
23 miles is still a quarter of the distance to the Karman line.
Because the Earth isn't spinning like you're told
>turn to mush against the nearest wall
There a few legitimate schizos, but the vast majority are only pretending to be retarded.
So yes, they are that dumb, they just think they’re being ironic.
This is just slightly less retarded than believing the Earth spins underfoot when you jump and you'll move an in inch in the opposite direction.
Inside your mom
So that's how user came about...
If Yea Forums should have taught you anything it is the overwhelming power that Contrariansim has over people.
ass because you are a faggot
A 15 degree per hour drift
Flattrannys don't get the science
If you were “spinning” as fast as the earth is said to you’d just die. It must be stationary.
Because the same reason that you can stand on a train it's all relative.
If you ever wanted to know how fast the Earth spins just sit in your chair and make a full rotation over the next 24 hours.
Flattrannys are just as stupid as you think
Only thing I’ll say about flat earth theory is this:
Before Covid happened there was a strange surge of “viral” antivax memes.. which ended up looking a lot like conditioning once it was learned that Covid gene therapy shots were harmful. This leads me to garner some level of suspicion at the fact that a similar style of viral meme campaign happened with Flat Earth memes. Definitely sounds retarded but I think there’s some truth somewhere in there.
at 0.000694 revolutions per minute?
Nobody fucking thinks the earth is flat, it's just an easy target for normies that think they're hot shit for knowing that earth is round
If I stood on top of a train like your suggestion I surely would fly off the top.
That was a horrible analogy.
One of the best examples of why anti-science retards should refrain from discussing anything involving physics. Be it the round earth, gravity, the Moon landings, etc.
Can’t tell if troll or actually retarded
Or you are just retarded and believe lies because you like them, plus the chances of dying to the vaccine is less than getting Covid and dying.
Ultimately the reason the hospital system is failing is due to corruption and ER are under extreme stress.
Watch roundtrannies hide and ignore this thread
You’re not in the earths reference frame anymore once you’re in the atmosphere
which is over a 1000 miles per hour
youd die at that speed
>she thinks the earth is real
How Can The Earth Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?
Checkmate Liberals.
A normal person would stay in the train.
And walk.
>Afags are literally flat earthers
Damn, it all makes sense now
I don't know if earth is round or flat, but space is fake for sure. Nasa just makes CGI pics and pretends it's some new discovery.
In my opinion the flat earth conspiracy is just perpetrated by glowies in order to make other more legitimate conspiracies look bad. There are some genuine retards who believe it, but in most cases it's disingenuous glow in the dark niggers trying to stop the average person thinking critically about suspicious activity from the government and elite by labelling everything under the same umbrella. When you hear the word conspiracy they want you to think of flat earth and it will discredit whatever theory you're thinking of.
"You're not one of those conspiracy theorists, are you?"
You are to a point, that's what is called the geosynchronous orbit.
I know zero people that died from Covid user. I know 3 extremely healthy people that died of myocarditis within 4-6 months of being “vaccinated”
Notice how it's not the man that did this, but his corporate sponsor. Corporations are literally rewriting history to suit their agenda. There is nothing lower than a corporation. Nothing.
those are motorboat you're mom speeds
What do you think a reference frame is? It's not like gravity. It's literally just what you use as a point of reference. It's not real.
more fake made up words to hide your lies
you do realize that the "flat earth movement" is just a thing of the past like 150 years right? it was originally a christian literalist interpretation thing and when the internet became a thing the typical tinfoil crowd found out about it, and internet users just started poking fun at it because it is just funny and silly. everyone who could read has known the earth is round since ancient greek times, and flat earth isn't some recent psyop that exists because [???]. it's just an artifact of 19th century fringe religious fads that healing crystals/UFO people found out about in the 2000s lmao
1. Correlation isn't causation.
2. I don't believe you anyway.
imagine thinking the earth rotates under you while jumping.
why would you die at that speed? speed is relative so if everything is moving at the same speed and the same direction then nothing is moving relative to eachother
I work in Information Services and Desktop Engineering for a hospital in Florida. ERs aren’t failing and nurses are bitching at MA stations that the Starbucks rep isn’t coming this morning. Nothing is failing but your ability to comprehend reality.
Imagine thinking the earth stops moving because you're in the air.
Agreed. The ones that believe it are just useful idiots.
>23 miles in the air
>above a sphere with a raidus of 4000 miles
>visible curvature
Do roundfags really?
>gene therapy
You are just retarded.