why do you hate Fortnite?
Why do you hate Fortnite?
Sex is evil and the tool of shaitan
it's been an entire minute, where's the YOU ARE VIEWING PAID CONTENT schizo?
>nerf Xp rates
>suddenly start selling BP levels skin packs
peak jewish performance
It's a children's game, just like everything made by EA and Ubisoft.
Not a fan of battle royales.
because the game is a stuttery mess
Oh hey it's yet another shill thread that'll be protected by tranny jannies and nigger mods like their zero monetary compensation jobs depend on it.
I don't hate it, but chapter 3 sucks. I joined last year during the primal season and I was having a ton of fun with the game. Now the meta sucks. And all the newly made female skins have zero asses or tits.
I honestly considered switching to PUBG to see if they aren't as cucked on the ass department, given it's an "adult" BR
I don't, I just don't care about it
nice butt btw
give me best girl
it takes only a few days to max out the BP if you wait for all the quests to be available near the end of each season. only retards would buy levels.
I don't hate it, I hate the kids that play it.
I'm happy they're staying over and playing fortnite though rather than playing in the games that I enjoy.
>decide to try Fortnite since it has a no-build mode now
>want to buy Penny and/or Takara because I like wide hips, fat thighs and massive asses
>the marketplace is a mess and the only way to get the skin you want is to check in every day and pray you get lucky
>uninstall without playing even one game
>he didn't get chunners when she was just available
just set up a notification for when either skin is in the store on a site like fnbr or fortnite.gg
Damn I love Lara
I don't but
if I can't put them in pit poses why bother?
Sure, why not.
> Fortnite
the more I learn about that game, the more I don't care for it
do you always let other people make decisions for you?
If I play it I'm worried I'll start liking cock
yes, so i can blame them later, if their decisions were bad
fuck this faggot shill/annoying spammer thread
where is the paid content schizo?
>haven't played fortnite in years
>redownloaded it to spend my v-bucks on Ryu and then uninstall incase I ever go back
You can become one yourself.
>go to archives
>save his pic
>rename it to original filename
>post it without saying a word
>leave the thread
I posted it this way a couple of times myself and it was fun looking at seething shills.
Because it's nowhere near about picrelated.
rollan for sumire
Fuck it
Fine, give me a number
Rollin for Rosalina or Samus
Is it just me or are battlepasses getting worse and worse? The last good one was chapter 2 season 7 and even that one had some stinkers.
kys zoomer, this is a roll thread
Rollan for juri
See you in a few days
BP levels are incredibly fast to get.
damn, stallions get to fuck THAT?!
I play it so I wouldn't say I hate it but it'd be crazy to say it doesn't have problems.
While I enjoy indulging in the bizarre pop culture mish-mash, I do so feeling the sliminess from big business money tie ins and F2P money grubbing. Also I'm not pleased that they effectively abandoned the PVE mode after the BR took off (and much the same for UT4).
Plus the weird groomer audience on here ruining threads, though I can't be sure if that's done genuinely or just as a means of attracting replies and attention.
Also bring back 50v50 BR you cowards.
roll mfucker
No joke, chun-li looks mentally challenged in fortnite. But I guess you kind of have to have a few screws loose to unironically enjoy this dumpster fire.
Here we go.
gimmy Kat and no other slut
Oh, that she does.
>But I guess you kind of have to have a few screws loose to unironically enjoy this dumpster fire.
Definitely also true. My friends are concerned whenever I say I enjoy fortnite. But it's also bizarrely entertaining, being able to shoot Cammy to death with a lever action shotgun as a Xenomorph before doing the macarena on top of their body (or where it would be if corpses didn't instantly vanish) and getting killed by John Wick with a light saber.
all the guns in the game suck
here we go
Give me the good one
I don't hate it at all actually, I've never played it
I will, however, play it if they add Peter Griffin or Freddy Fivenight
Because I hate children
I want Lara Croft to shit on me and spread it around with the heel of her boots.
FOMO bullshit
Whilst I prefer battle-passes and item shops compared to map-packs and loot-boxes, I still get pissed off when you start playing a game and there's tons of content that you will never be able to unlock, ever. I know it's just cosmetics, but even still.
Because the only thing people over the age of 6 ever have to show how "good" the game is is just coom bait
>just cosmetics
No, that's a perfectly valid complaint. Whether a developer is trying to nickle-and-dime you for little features or making you grind for it (and offering to reduce the grind if you pay more money), don't let anybody tell you it doesn't matter because it's "just cosmetics." Even if the cosmetics are almost entirely dogshit (see Halo Infinite), it's still a shitty practice.
rock and rollan
>why do you hate Fortnite?
Nah, it's only a shitty practice if the game isn't free.
Indifference is not hate or love, actually its almost worse. At least if you hate or love something you are showing emotions. Indifference is like... death