When FromSoftware designs bosses like this do they realize that we're still using Dark Souls combat? It's not like I have an air dash or fast movement, so how about don't make your fucking bosses like this
When FromSoftware designs bosses like this do they realize that we're still using Dark Souls combat...
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>enemy uses blender attack
>normal player: "woah! i should probably back off until this blender attack is done"
He's my favorite boss. Did Margit filtered you and you somehow bruteforced him? kek
Nevermind I just beat him I'm not angry anymore
Of course it's a summonfag.
I only summon if it's canon
the worst thing he does is the dagger. imo thats a bad gimmick for an early game boss because it teaches the wrong lesson. players think they cant punish a boss after just any attack sequence and they start waiting to bait specific attacks where he never uses the dagger. If you complain about anything else you really just need to gitgud though.
In a way Margitt was a meta boss that would test souls vets let alone new guys.
every other boss
>does attack sequence
>has recover frames and the player can safely attack
>does attack sequence
>player goes in to attack at the front of margit- OOPS
>margit immediatly uses a fast dagger attack to sweep at the player
>safest time to attack is often during the wind up of a delayed attack
>put barricade on greatshield
>block all of it effortlessly while poking with spear
Of all the egregious unavoidable, hard coded "yeah, this is where you run back" padding in this bullshit game it was Margit that filtered you?
i beat him my first try solo. i watched someone on youtube fight him and i didnt recognize any of the moves or remember the music. it was so weird, like i didnt learn the fight or remember anything. I just reacted to each attack well enough to clobber him. The only other hard bosses i beat first time were the fat godskins. Usually i die 3-4 times or more just from being greedy.
He’s so easy dude. I really don’t know what to tell you.
This. ‘It’s not dark souls unless I’m pressing the dodge button for every enemy hitbox!’ Retards
>we're still using Dark Souls combat?
thats entirely your CHOICE to ignore elden ring combat and limit yourself. you have no argument. kill yourself.
Fromsoft then: the feeling of reward of beating the boss
Fromsoft now: "how do we geto americanu dollaru"
You can literally dodge the dagger while sipping. It does almost no damage. I honestly can’t comprehend why people are so upset with it
>the boss isn’t rewarding to beat if I have to dodge a knife
Lmao why
Ok summerfag I'm gonna help you out. The ONLY valid way to play SOULS is all STR, no shield, no magic, colossal weapon. If at any point you deviate from a DS1 big sword playthrough you're a faggot and you don't fit in. Got it? If you pressed jump even once you didn't beat the game.
They have 10 vigor.
Have you considered that one of the biggest complaints people have of Elden ring is literally just this? Nobody is arguing the sane thing to do is just back off and wait for the combo to be done, they're saying "Wow, it's really fucking boring and lame that I have to constantly back away from bosses and watch them to 20-second airborne cartwheel combos rather than actually engage with them or play the game." No, it's not difficult to just back away and wait for them to finish. It's just shitty in terms of design to watch a boss do a bunch of cool shit while you stand there like a retard waiting for them to finish so you can have your RPG turn-based combat hit. It wasn't even this bad in Dark Souls 2, the penultimate 'turn based souls combat' game.
Have fun playing in the blender then.
i couldnt possibly care any less about your self imposed limitations. your suffering is your own doing. enjoy your prison.
take your meds, schizo. nobody is obligated to cater to you.
My friend, my user, you have autism. The entire souls franchise with the exception of Bloodborne has always favored patience and observation and punished brashness. That is what set them apart in the first place. If you got such a degree or stress because your time is wasted by a 5 second attack you probably shouldn't be playing these games for your mental health.
Weaving in and out of combat with a leaping knife throwing monster is cool
why are you standing around waiting? why arent you using the multitude of ranged options the game provides? you are the victim of your own choices, and nobody is obligated to cater to you or save you.
The bosses were designed as if you had bloodborne movesets
>tfw cleric life
NGL shit like waterfowl really feels like this
Because bosses like Morgott also have automatic ranged attacks they'll do i response to you trying to do ranged attack, and can interrupt their own combos just to instantly react to you doing something out of their range.
To be honest it really sounds like the best course of action would be for you to practice and to improve your proficiency playing the game.
Clearly not since you can pretty handily beat all their moves with just patience. But even then if you really want to live in the Blender, you can give yourself the Bloodborne moveset. Hell you can give yourself the Dark Souls poise face tank or like the other user said you can shield through all of it.
Waterfowl dance is like a 2-second move though, it doesn't waste your time at all. It's just complicated to dodge and deals a lot of damage, not the same issue.
You can't though retard
Did your dad make the game or something
>do they realize that we're still using Dark Souls combat? It's not like I have an air dash or fast movement
Then find it. He spends most of the fight perfoming gap closers, so you just need to find your momentum to strike. I beat him in first try because it was easier to land hits that go unpunished then the 2 first times you fight him
If you don't like this, just you wait until you're going up against the parkour-panther, or the bitch who heals on hit. Way more mobile than this turd
Use a shield man
>annoying screaming sounds
>can leap across the map to attack you
>has its own waterfowl dance
FUCK this enemy
replace every boss with a morgott variation
I got to her first time on my str-build and it was one of the worst timewasters i've ever gone through.
Eventually beat her after 2 all-night sittings, with a mage summon who cheesed the hell out of both phases
Call me filtered, don't care. If you beat er entirely with parry-ripost and dodges, you're on the spectrum.
he's talking about the input reading dagger swipe you fucking tard, not the throwing ones
>has its own waterfowl dance
If you mean the flailing charge, you literally just need to dodge sideways once, and it's avoided. The closest thing to waterfowl outside waterfowl would be the gargoyle with the Darth Maul-esque twinblade leap. I found those way harder than the revenants
why did this goofball change his name between his two boss fights? would anyone have cared if you fought morgott the fell omen or margit the omen king?
Whenever there's a spastic fuck enemy with 20 hit combos that only really allow you to get one hit at time that's your sign that it's time to equip a shield. Unless you want to do the fight super slowly
Get the swordsmanship mod, makes the game actually fluid and fun instead of boring rolling for hours - youtube.com
Which one was the ultimate?
Pretty sure his flail attack is just the same move as the skeleton beasts from Dark Souls repurposed.
>blocking constantly and enemies get stunned
Go play sekiro. I honestly never seen a mod improve soulsborne games.
Margit is his guise for when he travels around the southern areas, beating those Tarnished Night's Cavalry doesn't find to death.
Since Tarnished resurrects with some intervals and are part of the Golden Order, he is in disguise, as he is formally supposed to be banished to the sewers
Dark Souls combat is fine. Stop prancing like a sissy and go unga bunga
Looks like fun but you're still stuck with Souls movement so this doesn't change that much
It's lore reasons. The Omens are the most heavily ostracized race in the Lands Between and yet the king is an Omen. Morgott created Margitt persona to travel the Lands Between and kick willful traitors teeth in.
>still stuck with Souls movement
get quick or bloodhound step then
Use mod set the player speed to 2 now the fame is more enjoyar and now you’re playing an action game, otherwise only the bosses are and you are stuck playing turn based slow methodical game
And how the fuck is anyone supposed to know this when you get to the capital? Same shit with Godfrey. Only thing you even somewhat expect is Radagon and then a fucking space dinosaur comes out of nowhere
Go play Skyrim if you need mods to play a game.
You're not. You learn about the omen when you find the sewers, and Morgott being Margit is a twist you don't learn until his bass room.
>And how the fuck is anyone supposed to know this when you get to the capital?
Some people enjoy being an archeologist and puzzling together what's happening. I certainly enjoy a story that I can 100% ignore in favour of gameplay over hour long cutscenes or exposition dumps.
I don't need mods, you were the one who said it looks like fun. I am enjoying the game just fine while I facetank the bosses.
No other game in the series is like this. You have proper exposition and and reasonable end goals in every Souls game and Bloodborne. This is just random bullshit lore, which is completely god damn irrelevant because so much of it was cut from the game and the ones that ARE included are poorly translated.
>the most heavily ostracized
They aren't, they are simply given the dirty jobs. Even the ones in the sewers are basically its guards. One even gets assigned to lead a full squad of ghostflame spamming goons to guard a minor erdtree to try and stop you from getting your grubby paws on its drops.
>No other game in the series is like this.
lmao ahahahahaha
Have you even played other FromSoft games? The goal in Elden Ring is as clear as it is in Dark Souls.
>Elden Ring
go become Elden Lord
>Dark Souls
go kindle the first flame
And then you have secret endings on top of that.
it just doesn't seem like a very good guise. how many 12 foot tall omens with a big pokey stick and conjured divine weapons are running around in the lands between with unclipped horns on half their face?
>One even gets assigned to lead a full squad of ghostflame spamming goons to guard a minor erdtree
huh, where's that?
>it just doesn't seem like a very good guise
People IRL didn't know know the guy who played Filthy Frank had played him just because he wasn't wearing glasses.
They tell you you're going to face Gwyn at every point in the game. When does anyone in the game hint at a space dinosaur? Let alone actually having to fight Godfrey or Radagon? It feels like it makes shit up on the spot because no items or NPCs hint at anything of what the endgame actually is outside of "become elden lord" and not telling you how one would even do that.
Secret endings are fine even if almost all of them are just palette swaps of you sitting on a throne, but at least there's a choice.