Attached: cage.jpg (777x359, 182.96K)

>clearly meant to be a pentagram
>le circle
really Riot?

what did they do to my boy?

>everything is more blended and there is 5x more particles
clarity in this game is horseshit and you don't even have to use skin card to open discussion

I'm going to go ahead and guess that the Chinese are triggered by pentagrams.

>there are "people" who genuinely think left has more clarity than right
This board is shit and I wish I could leave

I understand why they want to update old models and give them new spell effects but why don't they let you play as the old version of a character as a skin option? I don't think it'd work for every updated character, because some of them got entirely new abilities but it'd still be cool to have the option.

Leave, transition and kill yourself

Souless is how you end up after playing League for more than a couple of years.

>muh clarity
Just reduce the game down to like 5 solid colours and shapes then. Soulless.

The targeting reticle and hitbox has literally always been a circle. Not to mention you can clearly see it's a circle in the original animation too.
Meanwhile Thresh has an actual pentagram shaped ult but you'll just ignore that so you can have an imaginary problem to complain about.

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>Took away Graves cigar
>Took away pentagrams
I get the feeling some parents made a few calls

Shut up braindead meme parroting 4tranny

what do you expect from pathetic incels?

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why is she covered in cum in the remake?

MOBAs are the most normalfag genre, I don't play it. I'm just reacting to the image.

there is nothing soulful about league

ask bluepoint

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Remember what they took from you

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left looks way better.

ah.. banner of command..

i miss the old shop too

>tfw such an oldfag now that even is "nostalgic" image is full of items said you can still remember getting added to the game after you started playing, and icon art that's different from the original

>left looks way better.

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I prefer the remake version of this guy and patches, original had a better design in the others

Attached: just.jpg (1355x1520, 322.41K)

Because e-sportsfags are crybabies obsessed with muh teamfights and outplays.

>Removing the stars


>just as soulless because there was never any soul to lose

>I prefer the remake version of this guy and patches,
you are mentally ill

Attached: 1638957647811.png (748x476, 497.17K)

>Fools idol
>Supposed to be a deceiver
>Make her ugly as shit


fuck off newfaggot

ask bluepoint

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>A literal magic doll in shape of a beloved queen
>Make her look angry

The worst one is the flamelurker, who went from melted skin berserker man to rock monster


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almost forgot zephyr was a thing

Roleplay with me, bro. How would you rape me?

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she actually has titties now. Don't tell me you're a little queer

>totally misses the point of the maiden in black
amerimutt problem

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>Banner removed
>ZZ rot removed
>Shielding and healing on minions removed
>Promote removed
>Ohmwrecker removed

Fuck you Riot, I want to keep the siege going as a support

Attached: 1643771216647.jpg (2350x1442, 323.28K)

>riot adds an extremely slouwful item
>proceeds to remove it because people bitched

Attached: file.png (64x64, 7.47K)

i mean, they are not even hiding the fact they replaced original characters with their own fucking faces. you can tell with the gay hairstyle

it is to match the hitbox

I completely forgot about this one and I don't even remember them removing it. Twin Shadows was based.

GLP, Twin Shadows, and glacial. man those were the days. I fucking miss utility items.
It's slow was amazing but god the vision they provided was clutch too. Made for good chases.

It was grossly overpowered you retards. Everyone ran it on higher ELOs.

Playing support is just miserable now, they took out all the fun items and made the support items as limited and boring as possible

I remember it being very rare when I played in 2013-2015. did they buff it?

Attached: 1605110125959.png (1910x1080, 2.46M)

and? Akali can do 1k+ damage on a 15 second cool down that takes no skill to proc.
boohoo a champion like Ahri is OP cause twinshadow synergizes with her ult. puts her ult on the level of assassins basic abilities. Shit made the game more fun.

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Fucking kek.

Why do people in this thread keep calling it a pentagram when it’s clearly a pentagon?

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Bluepoint imo has some really talented artists but you can tell none of them really researched Demon's Souls' artstyle