Elden Ring is a bad video game

Elden Ring is a bad video game.

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>posts fantastic boss while calling the game bad

Im also a trans if that matters

Sorry shazamtranny, but you lost

Its actually an amazing game
>great lore
>fantastic open world
>incredible art design
>awesome gameplay and build variety
Only negatives are
-some of the bosses are poorly designed with crazy input reading
-performance in certain areas

All in all its a 9/10 at worse. Cope

>crazy input reading
Some dodge some spells and some attack you sometimes when you drink/use items. its really not crazy.

It IS a garbage game. I've played for 100 hours and I haven't stumbled upon 1 single cunny character. What's the point?

i feel the gameplay is weaker than other souls games
the world, art and story is great though

Try the boss without cheesing and then come back to tell us what you think about the boss.

keep looking

>ER is bad videogame
Cope Horizon trannyshill, our guy gave ER 10/10 masterpiece.

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DSP only cares about money and ER was 1000 hours of people paypigging him to be shit at a video game, of course he loves it.

Malenia sex

cheese deez nutz


ya they dodge some spells. using the tiny pebble spell isnt a good choice for things that dodge, you get all sorts of spells that can hit even when stuff dodges, and then a bunch that they will never try to dodge. and i never seen an enemy dodge like that, its a weird webm.

The npc could just stand still and you'd still miss lmao, you're not even facing the right direction

Certain enemies can also cancel their cooldowns and attack you for daring to attempt to whiff punish their failed 7 hit string. The input reading is terrible and you are an apologist cock sucker

>great lore
None of these games have lore. If you need to read vague Item descriptions to heavily interpret a story in your head or someone elses head on the internet, the game doesn't have its own story.
>fantastic open world
The open world itself is empty and the best part are enclosed areas.
>incredible art design
A clear step down from the last 3 games bloodborne, dark souls 3, and sekiro. Terrible graphics for a next gen game.
>awesome gameplay and build variety
Not espiecally great build variety compared to the 3 souls games. Gameplay is literally standard souls with a horse and dedicated jump button.

Use your melee weapon dispshit. You can't keep on relying magic all day.

Nope. Definitely not a bad game. It’s actually a very solid game. I’d give it a 7/10.

You are the exact person the fromsoft pig wojak is depicting

Have sex

I heard COD is up in your alley. Go play that game.

>reductionism, lies and "no, lol" are now arguments
At least try user.

Fun and generally fair

Attached: ELDEN_RING_replay_2022.04.18-23.15.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Shut yo nerd ass up white boy

Not an argument

>great lore
What do they eat?

>input reading meme
Brainlet complaint. Literally nothing wrong with it.

How do you hack the game to make Malenia do only these easy moves and nothing else?

it's an "optional" boss made for die hard fans to test their skills and rng jesus just fucked you up because some moves are just going to exhaust your stamina bar because fuck you that's why

Wemod trainer

I wonder if this nigger knows you can use night comet and they will not dodge because they can't see it
Not even melenea will dodge it

Neither is redditspeak. Who says "reductionism" and have a meta conversation about peoples "arguments" when people are talking about a videogame? You gonna pull up a fallacy while people have a casual conversation about a game being shit. Nerdy ass nigga

>great lore

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Some of ER’s shortcomings:
>unmemorable NPCs with meaningless questlines
>unfinished questlines
>too-hard-to-follow questlines
>boring variations of the Elden Lord ending
>convoluted, overly vague story and lore
>the amount of meaningful content found in the overworld isn’t large enough to justify its massive size
>enemies and bosses are recycled too much
>minor dungeons feel uninspired more often than not
>the rewards for exploration seem very unbalanced, often you spend a bunch of time exploring just to find shit you’ll never ever use
>annoying and slippery platforming makes engaging with the world’s verticality unenjoyable
>sometimes you’re forced to approach certain areas and landmarks from a specific direction which hurts creativity and freedom
>tedious upgrading system handicaps experimentation
>very high stat requirements and the massive stat investment you are almost forced to do on vigor handicap experimentation
>weapon movesets are extremely basic, weapon arts feel more like spells than parts of the moveset
>instead of giving the player the tools to play aggressively and stand up to the relentlessness of the bosses like in Sekiro or Bloodborne, you’re once again encouraged to roll around like an asshole while chipping away at them, now with even more tedium
>even though with more spells and weapons available than ever before, build variety within the community is horrible due to poor balancing and often it feels like the game discourages the player from experimenting

of course it has amazing lore. all souls games have it and bloodborne too, so elden ring isn't an exception

Elden trannies

btw I am trans if that matters. great lore!

There is no lore. There's a bunch of schizo ramblings and "they all kinda went mad lol idk".

Jesus, what is wrong with Fromsoftwarefanboys?


Forgot some important points here.
>unbalanced PvP
>invasions have been completely butchered

i think it is pretty much dark souls / demon souls 2.0 with for some reason larger over world map for false sense of freedom that no one in the fandom asked for, people enjoyed the metroidvania style of unlocking faster routes and being able to teleport between bonfires as a reward for getting far enough into your run, in ER you get teleporting from the get go and you get some stupid horse that is silly addition to the gameplay
the places seem kind of boring but that has been a thing since dark souls 1, there aren't really spots there that you really really want to revisit but at least they were fun the first time through or you felt good when you finally got past that area
stormveil castle, kind of okay
radahn's castle, literally skippable
rykards castle, annoying but okay
capital city, pretty good
melania's secret city, pretty good
the frost plains, pretty good
magic city, pretty good
overworld areas, uninspiring waste of area that you have to ride through and that occassionally forces you to dismount just for a fuck you invasion by NPC
the map could have been smaller with almost nothing lost but "vastness" feel but it doesn't matter when it is just pointless fucking riding that the game did not require, once you've gone to a area once before you will never want to drudge through it on horseback you will immediately just use the teleport function as should be

Fromsoft lost me when they decided to inject trannies in their games. Pic related and Body Type A & B is proof they're becoming pozzed.

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It's even in the Japanese version too.

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the only tranny here is this piece of shit that you call a woman.

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holy shit, what shitty ass coded enemies. lmfaoo. people payed for this shit?

I wasted 120 tries and 5 hours with Malenia and i always would get killed by some bullshit in phase 2 (I refuse to respecc into some meta faggot ass build just for one boss). Summoned mimic tear and beat her second try. I felt absolutely no remorse and only regretted that I hadn't summoned sooner.
Maybe if they weighted down on the bullshit, randomness, fighter-esque super cancels, and input reading stab when I chug then I would give her a passing grade.

lmao get good, you're pathetic and a failure

Get fucked. The boss is trash and you're genuinely retarded if you think she's properly balanced.

>using summons and blaming the game
You are NGMI in life


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>t. filtered by Margit

She'd be fair if she didn't lifesteal through blocks.

>Countless tries
>2 days
>No summon
>No cheese
Unironically the most fun I've had in the game. She is designed to punish button mashers and panic rollers. That's why people cry so hard over her

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>panic rollers
you mean the people who try to spend their entire stamina bar avoiding her infinite gap closer slash spam only to be followed up with another attack after your bar is already at 0?
epic rng based gameplay, 10/10 pray for better luck gameplay

It does though.

>tfw had to summon jellyfish and the npc to beat him and still only barely

>panic rollers
>you mean the people who try to spend their entire stamina bar avoiding a single attack and then crying when they get punished?
Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Git gud.