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Was supposed to be a boss, but was completely cut for some reason.
I never finished Downpour but this part was cool
Hated Downpour, but Murphy's voice actor, specifically his screaming was fucking incredible.
All I remember was him stabbing the shit out of the fat bastard pedophile in the showers
>red ball of light gets close
>(Isaac Clark tier screaming for life intensifies)
That´s not canon
>screaming is scary
Where in my post did I say it was scary, user?
>train tracks
Almost missed that detail.
Definitely one of the game's better ideas.
Yes I did why thank you :^)
That was a script error. It's canon.
Hullet said the very good ending is the canon one. The fat guy doesn´t die there. Murphy couldn´t even avenge his own son
This is so fucking stoopid
He 100% dies. The very good ending doesn't change that.
You are forced to play Homecoming or Downpour, what do you choose and why?
Homecoming because at least it still has a Yamaoka soundtrack and can be done in about two hours or less if you know what you're doing.
Yamaoka is a meme. His "music" is just samples.
Yes. Most music is just samples. Doesn't change the fact Yamaoka makes some cool shit with samples.
You don’t know what sampling is, do you user?
He was good when he was part of a team and not the only guy they could ask for advice
>Most music is just samples.
Not from TRUE artist.
You obviously don't.
>stabbing a child rapist is the bad ending
Really makes me think
Explain sampling to me then user.
Music pieces or sounds from free or open sources anyone can use and put together.
Kek not even close
No, the endings determine whether Murphy beat up that guard who befriended him or not. The good (and canon) ending is that Murphy didn't do it.
Look, bitch, Yamaoka music score isn't unique. You can make it yourself. He doesn't compose anything. He's a fraud and hack.
You have no idea what you’re talking about, you’re an angry child throwing a temper tantrum.
No, you're pretty much just deflecting because I'm telling you the hard truth about the man.
Soemthing videogame developers use because they're lazy hacks?
>Take distorted reality CD track: Poopee Pants and slow it down 800%
>It is now music
You couldn’t possibly be telling me the truth because you don’t understand the concept itself on a fundamental level. You’re an angry child throwing a temper tantrum.
Samefagging doesn’t help lmao
Brah, Yamaoka does textbook sampling. You're in denial.
There are two good endings, one where Murphy didn´t kill anyone including the fat guy and the guard and other where he killed the fat guy but not the guard. The former one is the canon one
>textbook sampling
Kek explain what you mean here, this oughta be good.
Murphy is supposed to kill the fat guy either way. Any indication that he didn't was a mistake.
>it´s your fault that your wife leaves you if you can´t cope with a Phillip Seymour Hoffman lookalike raping and killing your son
>Been explained to you.
>Keep asking for an explanation so you can go around in circles.
Can you just suck it up and accept that Yamaoka just used existing music and edited them a bit?
You have no clue what you’re talking about it’s absolutely hilarious, why are you so upset?
He's right, the SH soundtracks lean heavily on the same sample CDs that a lot of 90's/2000's games did.
How about you explain what you mean.
Who cares about that? It’s incidental music like all game music. Commercial art.
>You have no clue what you’re talking about
I know exactly what I'm talking about. You just refuse to understand it.
So you admit Yamaoka literally uses existing music for his tracks.
>You just refuse to understand it.
Maybe you could take another crack at explaining it, ranjeet.
Unlike the other user I didn't say there's anything wrong with it (because there isn't), but overcorrected like a retard and insinuated that Yamaoka didn't use sampling extensively even though it is well documented.
Look, if you don't understand plain english, I don't know what to tell you. I've been very clear to you.
All I “admitted” was that there’s nothing wrong or underhanded about sourcing *samples* from the public domain. Especially for something as retarded and functional as incidental music. What I really want to know is why you’re so upset about “musical integrity” when you can’t even play an instrument let alone compose a song.
“His” post made absolutely no sense and he fundamentally misunderstands what he’s been whining about this entire thread. “He’s” an angry child throwing a temper tantrum.
Loved the messy combat of Downpour where random items on the street could be used/thrown as you run away which felt very raw. Just a shame that the actual enemies are terribly designed/generic. Also given the way that the city is formatted, it felt like an undercooked open world.
Well, blame the retards writers that didn´t knew how to make a good ending. I know they later released a comic book where they used the other good ending and they retconned the fat guy death to prevent Murphy from being a murderer.
So yeah, Murphy didn´t kill the fat guy in none of the good endings, the bad guard did the dirty job
I'm just saying that Yamaoka isn't a unique talent when it comes to the music. You can basically make that shit yourself. All the editing tools and samples exist.
So why didn’t you lmao go on, “edit” me something now, real quick. Here’s your chance to show off your impeccable taste, user.
You're the one getting triggered over the fact Yamaoka literally uses samples and pretending you have no idea what it means.
Wipe your tears and just go home, man.
You can do it, too. Hell, anyone who can arrange music can do it. The argument is Yamaoka doesn't have to be present for his "music" to be made since it already preexists.
>it felt like an undercooked open world.
It was released during THAT time. The problem is SH itself has a big map so if they ever release another one they´re going to try again
Was this the fat guy or the good guard?
>samefagging this obviously
Go on, if it’s so attainable and turnkey, “edit” us some music together.
How is it samefagging? I'm individually replying to posts. Take your meds, boy.
what is he meant to symbolize?
The good guard
He symbolizes that someone on the dev team really liked Cassandra
It’s samefagging because those two posters are the same brown “person”
He´s the tour guide
That's a pretty retarded line of thought. Not to oversell Yamaha, but it's not like Bach somehow invented new sounds - he just arranged music for existing instruments. You're just describing regular composition.