When the majority of people like a game are zoomers

When the majority of people like a game are zoomers
it's a zoomer game
prove me wrong, you cant. you don't even like it for different reasons, you like it for the EXACT SAME reasons as the zoomers.

you're just mad because you're now one with game 'tok, the redditsphere and the twitterverse

Attached: mgr.jpg (1920x1080, 647.77K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Sekiro is better and more difficult at NG difficulty than the hardest difficulty of MGR


what the fuck are you even talking about you fucking schizo faggot?
take your meds

Friendly reminder that armstrong won the king of Yea Forums 2019 you fucking newfags
Stop being a contrarian faggot

MGR was always a reddit game
>easy combat
>full of QTE and quippy cutscenes
>reasonable villain
It's perfect for those losers.

oh wow an oldfag from 2019, that's unusual

Why should I give a shit if kids like it or not?

>newsperm thinks his opinion matters
I'm a 2016 election oldfag, you should kill yourself.


Better story
Better gameplay
Better characters
Hell even the sound track is better than the generic butt rock of MGRR

MGRR is a meme game that is only popular because it is in the "so bad it's good" territory lf quality. Sorry you unironically fell for the meme

MGR is just timeless

>MGRR is a meme game that is only popular because it is in the "so bad it's good"
t. retard newfag

Cope. It's a campy 4 hour hack n slash with a retarded story, shit music, and easy gameplay

>MGRR is a meme game that is only popular because it is in the "so bad it's good" territory


>MGRR is a meme game that is only popular because it is in the "so bad it's good" territory lf quality. Sorry you unironically fell for the meme
superdeduper based


Now you're just being nasty!

If zoomers got into nes-era gaming en masse would all those old games become zoomer games too?, if zoomers suddenly like your favorite game would you stop saying its your favorite?

I sure hope you are not some guy under thirty hating on everyone younger than you for Yea Forums clout, if you aren’t a proper boomer yourself that would make you a self-hating retard you know?

Zoomers? Reddit? Twitter?
I just want to cut things with my sword, op. What the fuck are you talking about?

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>if zoomers suddenly like your favorite game would you stop saying its your favorite?
Yes. I'm sure Fromsoft's old games will suddenly become "misunderstood masterpiece"s soon.

if zoomers became obsessed with NES games and liked them for the same exact reason that oldfags do then yes they would be zoomer games. that wont happen though

>reasonable villain
What's wrong with that?

>Sekiro is better
In some ways, level design is way better for the most part, but combat is a personal preference.

>Sekiro is harder
Who the fuck even cares?, tryhards with tiny dicks that’s who.

As much as I love Sekiro, the story it in is downright nonsensical in many places, and most of characters are literally "Zanzibart forgive me" tier. Gameplay, Level Design, and Music are top tier though.


sympathetic/relatable antagonists are reddit :o)

Hey dude, here’s a vid about fromsoft’s old games by a zoomy youtuber I enjoy, guess you better pack it up and stop enjoying what you enjoy because others enjoy it now and you aren’t supposed to like that for some reason.

youtube. com/watch?v=T6UfiVuYkUU

Sympathetic villains are overused, but not reddit. When done right, they can be amazing. Problem is that most writers have no idea how to write one.

Armstrong isn’t reasonable or sympathetic, he is batshit insane and so are you if you think he is right in any way.

why'd you break up the link?

wrong and gay

I said relatable, as in being sick of the current state of politics/culture and wanting to go back to a better time no matter how destructive the process is.

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dang found the redditors eager to defend their game :o)

But Armstrong was an anarchist

So that it didn’t get flagged as spam.

>literal cavemen anarchy
>a better time
come on now.

Attached: EhI7pqiU_400x400.jpg (398x398, 26.18K)

You are just a contrarian faggot
Prove me wrong, you cant

>Yea Forums loves game
>game gets popular
>Yea Forums hates game
many such cases.

ex-Yea Forums oldfag of the pre-fantano and ITAOTS fame days. You have no idea what buttrock is and you're basically legally retarded.

You only agree with Armstrong because you’re underage.

>he didn't enter konami code to hop into hardest difficulty off the bat

Nah, Armstrong doesn’t want to go back to any prior time in politics, America after all never was a blasted wasteland ruled by the strong. Nigga is trying to make Mad Max into reality and that ain’t a ‘better time’ for anybody other than himself. He isn’t a return to sound politics, he is the endpoint of current politics and as most logical endpoints are, he is very very dumb most of all.

name three memorable characters in sekiro other than the protagonist

>uhhh there's that uhh that child thing?
>oh and the old guy that drinks tea?
>oh and your mentor!

hate to break it to you but Zoomers will outlive everyone here and then all games will be zoomer games

I said his motivations were relatable, not his goals

>beloved game for 9 years because of its flashy gameplay and entertaining story and characters
>one guy makes a youtube video and the games popularity blows up
>now its reddit zoomer garbage

Never change Yea Forums, you actual children

You sound like a contrarian teenager.

>one guy makes a youtube video and the games popularity blows up
to me I just played the game from my backlog few months ago, never seen a youtube video of the game or knew about the memes

game kicks ass, it's why its popular, simple as

More than one guy made a video about it. But honestly, this mentality is so retarded. "My favorite game went mainstream, therefore I must now hate it."

So why would Raiden agree with him?

Which of his motivations is relatable exactly?
Not everyone has an extreme lust for power.


To break down this cesspool of a society and start over with a clean slate

I could never beat Monsoon. So i gave up

Yeah, he agreed so much with him he ripped out his heart.
Guess you just close the game right when they hug don’t you?

Raiden doesnt fully agree
He agrees with the notion he should fight for what he believes, instead of what governments or corporations tell him to, he even does this of his own accord halfway through the game in Denver
He doesnt agree that the world should be structured this way because he also believes in protecting the weak

Making shit up just so other people can hate a game you dont like is pretty retarded OP

His attacks come like a flood of pain.

if it wasnt made up you wouldnt have anons copy and pasting their cope replies defending it in the thread

I mean, if you are /pol/scum inflicted with brainrot who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about loss of human life I guess you could vibe with that.

You say that like it's automatically a bad thing when a good game reaches a wider audience. It's not like the game itself was changed to reach a wider audience, or censored to get their attention. If people now are able to appreciate it for the same reasons people did back then, that says a lot to me about the objective quality of the game.

Raiden only agreed with him about fighting for ones personal beliefs rather than money or some higher ideology. He absolutely disagreed with his take on the weak.

>when you realize all the hate on MGR comes from newfags who were not around when the game come out and only discovered it because the memes started to have a comeback on social media

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Imagine being so obsessed with people you hate that you spend your free time hanging out with them.

just like real life politicians

Why is some schizo ranting about MGR and zoomers? I've seen it a few times in the past few days. What set him off?

jeez that's sad

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Its actually so embarrassing and transparent its funny
>game becomes popular after a 7-8 year hiatus in the public eye
>instant shitposting
who would have thunkk

don't care, this game is damn near perfect as far as I'm concerned, have enjoyed it for 10 years and will continue to enjoy it for 10 more

Fuck zoomers, fuck boomers, fuck doomers, fuck social media, fuck journalists, and fuck you for ever considering actually changing your tastes and enjoyment/discussion of things because your walnut brain can't handle not hiding behind 5 dozen layers of irony to defend your feelings and just being sincere about what you like regardless of pointless ridicule from people you will never even meet, consider for the tiniest microsecond the next time your greasy fingers touch a keyboard to type out shitty bait or shitposting what you are actually, ACTUALLY fucking doing wasting even a moment of your life for this utter garbage that everyone involved will forget about within minutes upon leaving the thread, "it's Yea Forums culture" has always been a justification for being a fucking retard but it's never an excuse

Also Shadow the Hedgehog is unabashedly edgy and unironically fucking kino as a character

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My giving a rats ass about life is about the only thing keeping me from losing it
If you think the way todays society is going is something worth defending then the rotten one is you
This is above left vs right, we need a new paradigm shift

absolutely BASED.

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>WTF Raiden likes freedom?!?!
>He must be an anarchist just like Armstrong!!!