I can't believe the Exarch is gonna be in Smash Ultimate

I can't believe the Exarch is gonna be in Smash Ultimate...

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>threads aren't even popular enough to keep from getting bumped off the board
Yoshibros... Is our game dead...?

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you ever wonder if the guy that throws tantrums in the last 50-ish posts of a thread all the way up to its death is a janitor since he never seems to get in trouble for it


I can't believe he gets a Crystal Landmaster.


Child molestation ERP chats aren't videogames, silly.

Excuse me, let me derail this thread a bit

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shhh...she's asleep...

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>"Hey Stardust Rod is pretty cool, why dont I go grind for the replica to use it for my BLM glam?"
I regret fucking everything. The atma step wasn't bad but the one with the books is a huge pain in the ass so far since you need to wait for specific fates to pop


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I named my character Johnny Pompadour, and went around acting like a spastic schoolyard bully, calling people mutts and telling them to meet me behind the tennis court after school so I could beat them up.

30 minutes into a level 3 Pugalist, and I had an entire Guild (or whatever they’re called) /tell’ing me; saying they would make sure I would never be able to log on without being messaged because I’m a bully and a jerk. Never, in all my MMOs have I ever met a community so initially soft skinned and acting like gigantic pussy bitches.

It might have something to do with the people having probably ERP’ed in. The midddle of Ul’Ha (or whatever it’s called) as a Lalafel and the Rabbit race - but holy shit, is all of FFXIV this intense of spastic retards?

Even the Oceanside city, it’s all just weird faggot role playing as little girls, and spitting the dummy when you remind them that they are in an MMO, and can raid/instance - not pretend that they are a little girl.

Fucking freaks - the lot of ya. The classes are fun though. The majority of the playerbase are just mentally retarded.

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Still haven’t done it on Mythic. Do you actually need the Heart of Azeroth for him? That seems fucking retarded.

Nah, it's just bait

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I don’t understand the context to this image, so it doesn’t perturb me in the slightest. You do care though, because you took the time to respond to me; and for that, I love you - even if you do ERP. Kisses xo.

Somebody stop this man!!!

Did they hire Shonen Protag writers for Zoval and the ability descriptions? I understand this kind of narrative for FF, but this seems so out of place for WoW.

>passive aggressive female shit
You're on Yea Forums so I know you are a man, act like one fag.

They didn't tell you?

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>we're gonna have fun with this thing

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It's kind of annoying to do every time but honestly I stopped at the initial relic step for each ARR weapon and then just whip it out of my chocobo saddlebag if I want to glamour my weapon to it.

Zoomers can’t into confrontation, because they’re afraid of being judged for genuine displays of emotion. That’s why everything has to be wrapped in 7 layers of irony and sarcasm. The coping mechanism of an age raised on post-dialup internet and PS3s.

It’s our fault, really - as children, we would bully these squeakers to such a level that they’ve somehow evolved to cope with all the bullying in an odd way.

We created these little faggots, not their parents. We have only ourselves to blame, and no amount of repentance will ever make up for the sin we have birthed.

No, I don’t think I will. I’m going to continue to bully peedophiles and freaks roleplaying as children and cat girls up until 90. Then I’m going to keep doing it in endgame.

You cannot stop me.

I’m on a phone, I can’t view WEBMs. Didn’t tell me what?

Wait....I don't have to do this shit?

A lot of words for a bitch who trying too hard to project his insecurity on a Chinese noodle website

>it's a phonenigger

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Relic weapons are only for glamours and you don't have to do the ARR ones to get any other expac ones.

>went around acting like a spastic schoolyard bully
>The majority of the playerbase are just mentally retarded

So you fit right in?

>calling people mutts
>30 minutes into a level 3 Pugalist, and I had an entire Guild (...) saying they would make sure I would never be able to log on (...) because I’m a bully and a jerk.

So you came here crying because someone told you to fuck off when you were being an asshole?

What did you expect would happen?

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Nah. You can't dump these relics into your glamour dresser but you can use glamour prisms to make something else look like them just fine.

You've already upgraded them so you'll have to do the hydra shit again to get the base relic (not Atma or anything beyond) but you can just stop there and it's the easiest step to do.

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You can just keep the weapon in storage and glamour manually. It's slightly more cumbersome than getting a replica to put on your glamour plate but still.

That wasn't Shonen shit, that was capeshit.
Shonenshit is way cooler even if it just as stupid

Fucking nice

A lot ofReddit spacing happening here

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Such a lack of words for somebody using a templated response from Sseth “p-please notice me Yea Forums!” Toooldtobeon/v/. Eat my ass Zoomer faggot, and go back to being the victim of virtual molestation from a 40 year old pretending to be a rabbit women.

>posting or browsing anything other than porn on your computer
What’s your excuse? Shitty hardware, or shitty phone? I use my PC for PLAYIN’, not acting like a faggot on Yea Forums.

>pedophile grandstanding

I was trying to fit in; but then I noticed below the surface of people actually wanting to mess around or roleplay something fun - it’s all pedophiles and ERP freaks that have never felt a pussy.

No, I came here because I’m taking a shit and on my phone, and I saw the thread and wanted to tell a story. I didn’t actively seek out to come here to be upset, like you faglord.

pointing soijaks are the only good thing to come out of this shithole

I forgot New World existed.
Why did you have to remind me?

Schizojaks are art.

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actually no i can agree with that

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Hello fellow "Average Chud" enjoyer.

Those are the ones the AI made right?

barry really is a fucking lunatic isn't he

>mass replies with fake stories in a thread for a game you dislike
what mental illness is this?

You need some better bait if you want (you) that badly

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Cant believe elidibus is wol , steal exarch smash invitation and beated the fuck out of dragon quest hero meanwhile screaming CHAOS !!!!

Pretty much, he been making ff16 on Yea Forums recently so he left /vg/ alone, he must be seething about ffxvi potentially outshine ffxv

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I'd believe it, I liked Elidibus and seat of sacrifice was a work of art

>That moment when you hear RIDING HOME again
>Emet-selch showing up
>To me warrior of light
Truly the best trial, I can't wait for 6.3

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>I can't wait for 6.3
It's just gonna be Cagnazzo. There's no story finale this time, Endsinger was it.

Well, shit. I was always hype for .3 trial in each expac, what about Golbez then, surely his trial would be dope

Depends on if the Void is a Bozja-like zone or not but he might be the focus of a raid if so

What's GNB supposed to be good at in PVP?
bad damage, no CC, no defensives and a shitty LB.

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I thought Corvos would be the new Bozja, the void would just be an instanced like-zone or a dungeon like the Burn

Golbez with Azdaja as his shadow dragon might be cool. But I think the alliance raid series is gonna be the star of this patch series.

Could go either way, they describe the Void as being taken place in an exploratory mission from a base-camp pretty closely to how Eureka and Bozja worked.

So who will be thunder god Cid of this Alliance Raid? Halone or Thaliak?

You flip around between the three role mimics as need be (and as your enemy team makeup allows), you're basically Monk with a sword and you're intended to be a harrier rather than a direct attacker.

Every thread hits 300+ posts.

>fighting Nymeia
>she uses Fate Calibration

They shred other tanks.
That's about it.

Yeah but those two example in the past weren't reference in the MSQ unlike the void, I also imagine rescuing Vrtra sister and visiting the void would be too important to be side content

Books are the worst. Once you get past that, you're fine.
And once you do the entire relic process once, you can speed it up on subsequent relics (you can grind alexandrite, tomestones, etc easier)
I've done it FIVE times.

Everytime GNB uses Continuation, they get a buff from Junction.
Replace your normal combo with the gnashing rip and tear shit. Just always be doing that and GNB can shine just a bit brighter.

And change up your junctions, don't just junction the healer and decide you're gonna throw aurora on the dying BLM for the whole match. If your team's pushing, snag a DPS Junction and slap shit. Kinda wish it had less of a cooldown for changing shit up more often.

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>Fighting Nophica
>She used "Matron test"

Well we're not beholden to the MSQ structure quite the way we were before, either, I think anything goes

I'm sorry but Visual Novels are games too

>that .webm

Just use the uwu one

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I doubt they would change MSQ structure that much since they still need to stick to their work flow
>4 trials
>12 normal raids
>3 alliance raid
They also have deep dungeon and new explore zone as well as island sanctuary to work on.

I think this time they gonna end it 6.5

Aren't all expac end at .5?

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>that bit where he nearly breaks down because he can't remember who he made that promise to
Elidibus was the best villain in ff14. Emetfags need not apply