>addicting gameplay loop
>good story
>amazing characters interactions
Why the fuck didn't you guys tell me this game was good?
>addicting gameplay loop
>good story
>amazing characters interactions
Why the fuck didn't you guys tell me this game was good?
Other urls found in this thread:
Aren't there niggers in it? I hope not.
Everybody was discussing it here for a long time when it released?
Are you new?
Another shill thread.
fuck off. there were tons of threads praising the game on release
The gameplay is really good but the character interaction are cringe.
isn't it bedtime in NA? what is schizo /pol/ doing shitting up threads at this hour? or do you tards just don't have jobs so you don't have nothing to wake up for? would explain a lot actually...
>culturaly appropriating Greek mythology characters and blackwashing them
it's shit
Ah yes, the threads when it was EGS exclusive for a year and no one gave a fuck about it
it's pozzed garbage, imagine wanting to play this globo homo tier shit, greeks weren't fucking gay this is just some jew tier conspiracy bullshit to turn you into a glowie faggot kys
>beat meg with full mirror
>cries and complain about it
>beat her again without mirror
>"i-im sorry senpai"
this is pretty cool
Game is good, only complaints are from pol fags who are angry about "muh dark skin" when the imaginary gods obviously have European features
You aren't human faggot kike. The day of the rope can't come soon enough
No one played when it was epic exclusive because it was an early access you disingenuous retard.
Was going to buy and then saw the woke garbage, so I just bought Little Witch Nobeta instead
explain why you say gameplay loop instead of just gameplay
pedo is woke
go to sleep little /pol/tard, otherwise you won't wake up for you 20th job interview this month!
two different things
define gameplay loop and how it is different from gameplay
I liked it a lot, though I think the story's payoff was pretty weak by Supergiant's standards.
The actual gameplay was easily their best yet though.
no. also immersion sims >:D
cuz the gameplay is pretty solid but what makes it stand out is the loop.
next time just google it if you don't know what gameplay loop is
Shill thread.
Slippery movement
Unresponsive and bland combat
No build freedom and you have to LOSE powers, making it a bad roguelike
No enemy, stage and boss diversity
2-3 good weapons
Wasted resources on shit coomer fantasy larp bullshit
It's terrible
I play on God Mode because my reflexes are fucked. I've liked it up until the point where I need to catch a rare fish to get the final true ending.
man you need to go outside immediately
I tried to beat it with enough practice but all I can get to is after the Hydra. Apparently that section has you meet a new character but I keep dying before meeting them so I can't progress story
>sell game before its ready
>no its not released, its not okay to talk shit about the state of the game until its 1.0 !
Hell, even at 1.0 its ensemble of bosses has got to be some of the worst in popular roguelites. They got that 1.0 out and dipped.
No one talked about it because it was bad, same reason no one talks about Darkest Dungeon 2.
Is max heat even possible?
The hydra? Isn't that the second area?
Being triggered by cultural appropriation is reddit as fuck, user.
I thought that was porn being posted, specifically tentacle porn. God I hate my brain
>No one talked about it because it was bad
lol this guy
redit game
a game having multiple mechanics that you cycle through doesn't mean it's a "gameplay loop", it's just gameplay. people who use that term are just offering unnecessary nuance to a term that's already been well established for a long time.
boss of the second area, yes
Gameplay loop should be used for game design process not for game criticism. You can simplifiy every roguelike to the same loop.
Every supergiant games release is good.
Hades is my least favorite of them.
So I didn't tell you because:
>A: I expected you to know it would be good
>B: I think Pyre is still their best work, not Hades.
>what makes it stand out is the loop
How does that stand out at all? You do the same shit in every RPG ever made.
Fuck you nigger, you got me seeing tentacle porn in the thumbnail too
What are you using? I found the spear with ricochet to be pretty strong and safe early game
Except it was
>t. didn't play 2018 Hades
It played much worse than now, if you can't tell there was a solid delay after a dash before you could move again.
>noooo you can't criticise my sub par roguelike with terrible combat (which is whole point of the 40 dollar game that never goes on sale). You HAVE to say it is good!!!1!1
Touch grass incel, you will never have a seductress gf
>gameplay loop
>good story
>amazing characters/interactions
Because it's not. It's just another shitty rogue lite skin for the same shitty style of games that have been overhyped for the last decade with souls shit
Flip flopping between shield, bow, and sword. Finding myself very iffy with spear because I get real bad boons
I'm glad that Supergiant got a big win with Hades that will probably be enough to fund their next few projects on its own, but it also makes me sad that everyone just completely slept on Pyre.
Reddit: the game
>word: the game
The artstyle sucks dick so I never played it and never will
There's one in your mirror.
I couldn’t do it because the camera is so zoomed out you can’t see shit. My vision is perfectly fine but it’s just uncomfortable to play and makes hitting things not feel good among other issues
ok i might play pyre next
>addicting gameplay loop
Loop is right. The roguelite aspect of this game really has knocked it down a notch in making the genre even more casual. It should have a new "rogue-suffix" to describe itself.
It's so lacking in variety and number of pick-ups, you can pretty much play the same run for most runs.
Controversial opinion, the gun is the worst weapon in the game and the Spear is the best.
>I think Pyre is still their best work
Very nice
>tfw we never got that Oregon Trail-esque management system
rent free
Unironically forced me to put on my glasses to play and I'm near sighted to play, I thought it was a me issue though
It even says in your picture it's been on Steam since 2020, and pretty sure its early access was on there before. Plus, it's been on Switch since 2020, and on other platforms since last year. It's your fault you missed all those threads
Pyre would be my favorite game if it wasn't half-baked.
>all of the Oregon Trail-style resource gathering and stat managing completely taken out because play testers didn't like it
>game still pretends that living in the Underside, or whatever it was called, was grueling and everyone talks about being there like it's torture or something despite it being a beautiful place and all the grit taken out
>replays of the game are arduous because of fucking unskippable tutorial matches and all the dialogue
>replaying game is always the exact same for entire first run because of this, so it takes like 2 hours before you get to a part where you can actually make a new choice from other playthroughs
>forced to do these grueling replays if you want to get to know all the characters because most of the dialogue opportunities, in between resource gathering and while sitting on the Moon Shelf after an ascension rite (or whatever it was called), was taken out when the Oregon Trail stuff was gutted
Still a really cool game with my absolute favorite art style from them and probably overall strongest OST. Tough to choose between it and Transistor for music.
5 more years amirite?
I’m surprised more people don’t complain about this. It’s pretty common these days like all the pixel games with a dinky character on the screen. It’s worse in this game though because it’s mostly melee combat
Because it was an EGS exclusive for several years and I refuse to purchase it.
I play games in chink runes for practice. Learned a lot but still missed out on tons of details which other anons clearly appreciate.
Edutainment is a curse.
Purchase? When uncle Tim already paid for your copy?
I honestly dread the day that Supergiant makes "The one". You know, the "bad one". You know this can't continue, one of these days they're going to make a bad game, even platinum games, who I used to fucking worship, has made a bunch of shovelware trash since MGR and Bayonetta to the point that I think Automata was a fluke because Automata was just an amalgamated recycling of their best gameplay work with yoko taro probably walking in the studio half drunk saying "hey you know XYZ game you made? make that again but just give me the parts I like"
I like Supergiant games because everything they've made has been different in some way while maintaining their signature great soundtracks and art style. Bastion was a kind of sort of diablo-lite, Transistor was a "*teleport() behind u* Heh, nothing personnel kid" action game and it was great (I'm sad we never got multiplayer for transistor even if it's just local because that last boss fight demonstrated how fun it would be), Pyre was medieval folklore NBA Street, and Hades is a roguelite.
I hope they do an final fantasy tactics-like game of some kind next, but I'm almost afraid to "want" them to do anything in particular for fear that my idea would be shit in execution compared to whatever they actually come up with. Even Hades is an undeniably good game IMO, I was just kinda burnt out on roguelites when it came out.
first bait best bait
What kind of retard buys early access games, specially on the epic store? They were smart to pump and dump tim.
Yes there's niggers and tumblr art westerners have no nuance.