Forspoken was formerly known as Project Athia. As we reported earlier...

>Forspoken was formerly known as Project Athia. As we reported earlier, this is a new IP that has the special attention of the Square Enix president Yosuke Matsuda, and the company has high hopes for it expecting it to be their next big thing
Also, Matsuda:

>Japanese developers shouldn't imitate western titles
>"If Japanese imitate Western games, they will not be able to produce good ones,"

What do you make of this lying chink?

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>What do you make of this lying chink
He's always just been a big talker piece of shit. Forspoken will flop like expected and Square will develop a second reason to never touch Luminous engine again.

> the company has high hopes for it expecting it to be their next big thing

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Black woman on cover? No buy

It highlights how out of touch and easily manipulated Jap boomers are they got convinced by someone that this turd has even the slightest chance of success outside of California.

i just dont like brown people or women

b-but Yea Forums told me squee trannix is le BASED for selling Tomb Raider

so that their Japanese studios can make nigger games

oh no no no no hahahahahha

The game has no identity except BLACK WOMAN so lmao
Unironically this

Predict how many copies it will sell.

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He is predicting failure so he made that statement to excuse himself

10,000 from twitterfags and retardera users

Actually, less copies than Stranger of Paradise.

Wait, this is actually being made by Japanese? I thought it was a Western studio game.

>square enix
>high hopes
so it's gonna be an NFT based video game

>japs uses black female for game cover
Not very good japs. Want the game to fail.

I doubt the actress even remembers she stars in this game

>Khan goes on to explain that Square Enix CEO Yosuke Matsuda is "really focusing on Athia," and that Sony is likely to "go hard on exclusivity and marketing for this game since it's "a big reveal and an important project" for Square Enix.
Ah, the usual culprit.

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Still not buying it.

If it weren’t for that godawful mcu-tier dialogue I would have given this game a chance.

Hes right though. Western studios make better western games and nips understand whats good about nip games.
I allways cringe when i see another modern western garbage movie that features a chosen teenager instead of making a new 300

I just wanna see more of the game before deciding to get it or not.

>has the special attention of the Square Enix president Yosuke Matsuda, and the company has high hopes for it expecting it to be their next big thing

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Funny how out of touch they are
I can understand if they make game about isekai nigger fucking white princess and queen but this one have literally zero audience

There's a guy here who will said he'd do a naked dogeza if Forspoken sells more than Jack's game.

the game could be good and i still wouldn't buy it for 79€ on steam.

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It's made by a new 100% japanese team assembled by SE

>Sony is likely to "go hard on exclusivity and marketing for this game since it's "a big reveal and an important project"
I haven't seen anything about this new AAA game coming out in 5 months anywhere save for gaming sites.

>It's made by a new 100% japanese team
I didn't know Gary Whitta was Japanese.

This is guaranteed to fail

Not even Sony wants this trash.

reminder that it was initially supposed to release this month. marketing plans probably didn't change much so you will see even less in the coming months

I think Squeenix getting rid of Wada, they thought their problems would be over. Matsuda makes the company seem more functional than under Wada, but there are still major problems under the hood and Squeenix is headed for a hard fall if they don’t wisen up.

Where did you find this photo? Mind if I save it?

How to save your trash game Square: make character selection not just Laqueesha.I still wouldn't buy it though.

millions, it's just a given that people will buy it regardless of it being shit or gold simply by virtue of it being the project of a mainstream company

is it gonna be kween kino? if not, not interested.


if Ella's character looked more like her and wore something like pic related I would have seriously considered buying the game. Especially if they also toned the quips way down

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I'd consider it if it wasnt 80€+denuvo. I cant buy a ps5 to get it cheap

I'd play this game just kidding I don't play games with forced protagonists

sauce me

Just pirate it and wait for nude mods. I never support piracy here because the usual crowd is so annoying, but it's the morally correct choice this time.

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Who is this semen demon?

>Is white
Writer of
>The Book of Eli
>After Earth
>This Game
What's with this guy and blacks?

Let’s get real:
The problem with this game is not that the MC is a black girl.
The problem is everything that surrounds her being a black girl
>Marvellian “humor”
>Swearing all the time
>FFXV but worse
>FFXV’s team
>FFXV’s fucking engine
This game is gonna fail hard cause there is no audience for it besides some Americans and Kabukicho’s bouncers.
In the name of G d I really think that the SE CEOs actually hate their own company.

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i shoot have jungle fever and this game looks like utter trash, there is no target audience for it outside of only the most advertising brainwashed consumer

She would like to be black but she is unable to. Also she’s way too old to come out as a tranny. So writing about blacks is the only way for her to be a special snowflake.

pattie cosplay

>Just pirate it
not with denuvo
>nude mods
wouldn't fix the problem that the mocap sucks, and besides nude mods would be far too vulgar

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Black characters have always been in FF and Square Enix games. I don't care that the main character is black. What makes me know the game is shit is that
>She is from DA HOOD NYC
>The game is a literal fucking ISEKAI
>The character designs look both woke and bland
>The trailer has fucking hip hop in it
>The story is literally being written by a Hollywood movie director

Thats all I need to know it will be hot garbage. Should have gone with Agni's Philosophy not this dogshite crap.

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She wants to be a special snowflake. She cannot turn black and she is too old to come out as a tranny.
But let’s ask ourselves this:
If no-blacks films like the Northman fail, will this game succeed because of the opposite?

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Thanks user. Thank G d that I have wide working clothes. I wouldn’t know how to hide my boner otherwise.

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They're gonna have to range block Melbourne when this game flops aren't they. Barry is gonna go full schizo.

It's going to flop because nobody likes negro females.

Would be nice if it didn't sell

Forspoken is the Morbius of videogames

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I do't watch Marvelshit, what does it mean to be the morbius of something?

>the discord trannies always desperately on alert to white knight the negro female
These threads are hilarious.
They'll probably kill themselves once it flops like pretty much everything that sheboon touches.

its development started years ago and it expected to be a flop
that's why square don't care about westernboo games never again

Jesus christ. This game will suck so hard

It's some shit movie about a literally who that flopped, which everyone could see coming.

Didn't this get outsold by a movie about a talking blue hedgehog?

Around a million and it won't recoup its cost. The engine will be abandoned after the flop and perhaps a new SE president will take over


It's going to need to sell a billion copies to break even. Not even snoy marketing is going to save this turd.

except it doesn't have an ironic post-Snyder following. Nobody cares about forspoken

>and the company has high hopes for it expecting it to be their next big thing
I still don't understand how. Do they even look at the gameplay of their own game?

What's with all the doomposting? All this negativity ruined 7R and SoP threads. If you don't like the game leave and let the people who are interested have discussions.

Who the fuck has anything positive to say about Shinaqua Simulator 2069: BLM Edition?

All that funding could have gone to something better; like Front Mission or another Mana game.

Jeroom, no one likes you and your subhuman species

SoP is kino while "We want that MCU money" Forspoken isn't

You’re a genuine fucking retard OP