what the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
The only survivors and remaining texts were the ones who misunderstood Hegel.
his misunderstanding of Hegelian Dialectics is the point. He's a dipshit tribal who read some entry-level philosophy and Caesar's Commentaries so he has an incredibly warped view of how Hegelianism and Ancient Rome. His Legion ironically more closely resembles the barbarian hordes that led to Rome's collapse than Rome itself
Dude made absolutely no effort to continue his empire after he dies. No son to carry on his lineage, no general to continue his conquest, nothing. Caesar lived so strictly on himself being king that he was too arrogant to pass those reigns onto someone else.
>word word word
the left can't meme
Recommend me games with "smartass who doesn't actually have any fucking idea what he's talking about" characters
Disco Elysium
he had lanius and arguably vulpes though
dude i fucking love rome
what does caesar do if you pass the speech check?
>spent seven years studying continental philosophy
>has nothing better to do than post le quirky reddit rants on a fictional character's misunderstanding of a philosophy text
I believe it. Don't post too late OP, they're gonna need you at the coffee shop tomorrow.
>leftist meme
>the last part is literally "OMG I CAN'T I CAN'T EVEN" tumblr faggotry
both of those guys don't strike me as able statesmen
He quotes the entire YWNBAW copypasta perfectly at you and your character has a 41% chance to immediately commit suicide.
the left simply CANNOT meme
lanius is just a brute more than a leader and vulpes is a backstabbing faggot.
the legion will die with cesear.
>NCR meme
>Legion meme
Luv' thesis
Luv' anthithesis
Luv' synthesis
'ate women, not sexist, just think they're weak
Simple as
>lanius is just a brute more than a leader and vulpes is a backstabbing faggot.
Kind of reminds me of marc atony and octavius, now that you lay it out like that. Probably what they were going for.
Reminder that if Obsidian was still based, Legion winning would make for the best sequel. House/Anarchy ending would not even be mentioned, NCR is boring, Legion are the only new and interesting players. Imagine what a Legionified Vegas would look like.
>imagine what legionified vegas would looks like
i'd rather look at legionified colorado but that was cut which is sad because it would have fleshed the fuck out of the legion
>what the fuck was his problem?
Same as Fallout New Vegas, bad writing.
Forgetting that the head of the Legion is the guy wordswordswordsing
Heres a hecking gold stranger!
And? The guy who rapes dykes is smarter than most of the NCR citizens
have you eaten his food? you have to be pretty smart to cook something so good.
Rapists tend to have high int, look at the average metoo target.
What did Bethesda mean by this?
>Avellone claims the Legion are bad because of rape
>Makes the rapist one of the smartest characters alive
What did he mean by this
Self insert
>right wing meme: concisely communicates idea in a humorous fashion
>left wing meme: you can kind of see the picture past the Great Wall of Text, 75% of which is irrelevant to the central joke, and 15% of which tries to bring up another argument at the same time
[Speech 100] Why don't you Le-get some bitches?
Marc Anthony was a faggot, but Octavius managed to leave Rome in a monarchy. How fucked was his policies?
The fact that he demolished the Republican institutions of Rome aside, Augustus did a decent job running Rome, and his rule was long, prosperous and stable once he had eliminated all his enemies. Of course, it only took a few generations of emperors for things to become shit.
marc atony atleast had charisma unlike lanius.
the definition of "let no crisis go to waste".
People put up with Octavian being a de-facto monarch because the alternative would be a third civil war in a row, plus he would totally win anyway (on paper at least - Julius Caesar managed to pull off his victory with truly horrendous prospects after all)
too long, stopped reading. googled hegel and it says thesis-antithesis-synthesis is hegelian dialetics 101 btw. checkmate NCRfags
He is pretentious faggot, notice that he uses his credentials to signal boost himself to intimidate everyone because most people don't know philosophy. He does not actually engage what Cesar is saying, he is just "dunking" on him for making a common mistake made by people for attributing "thesis, antithesis, synthesis" to Hegel.
>The Phenomenology of Spirit is the best proof for Christ and the Holy Spirit
What did Caesar mean by this?
joke is that Caesar is a retard who doesn’t know what he’s talking about
the other joke is that the joke completely flew over the other retards head
the final joke is that the retard took the time to make that picture and stated his credentials to a video game character
What else is somebody who spends SEVEN YEARS (HOLY FUCK) studying philosophy going to do besides tell people that's what they did?
Post on Yea Forums
To show people online that he did. Basically the Xbox Kid of degrees. Now THAT'S A PULL. Real history.
OP imagine is retarded because it misunderstands what caesar was saying. This is another case of an over educated midwit with no idea what he is talking about having a sperge out because "BAD MAN BAD"
He suffered from Obsidian wanting to spoonfeed the players by forcing hin to outright state his goals, rather than from placing key hints and letting anons actually figure out his goals on their own.
>53 emperors listed
>36 of them were killed
Christ on a fucking bicycle, how did Rome ever get anything done when they apparently constantly murdered the man in charge?
most people who have actually went to school for that long for philosophy end up in some field or another by proxy. Usually by knowing someone.
It's far more likely this is just some turbo virgin who's "studying for seven years" involves carefully trawling through wikipedia articles on topical philosophical bullshit in their free time while they sit at home eating tendies.
>claims to have speech 100
>uses "cuck" within the first sentence
funnily enough, murder is a great catalyst for change, one way or another. plus, biggest fish in the pond for quite a long time tends to make pushing your weight around really easy, when the rest of europe was busy living in mudhuts and fucking their sisters.
Caesar outright tells you that both of them would be terrible at the job, particularly Lanius who is a war machine utterly devoted to Caesar but holds no feelings for the Legion itself.
>a common mistake made by people for attributing "thesis, antithesis, synthesis"
Its really pedantic.
>HEGEL never ever used the terms...
entirely irrelevant.
I hate modders so much its unreal. Thanks for the UI overhauls though.
Because they had a functioning bureaucracy that just kept their head down and got on with the day to day stuff.
political instability and corruption played a role in the fall of rome.
he's worse than a tribal, he was born in the fucking NCR and was educated by the Followers, he should fucking know better but the tumor in his brain must have been fucking him up for decades before he totally flipped his lid
rome fell when caesar defeated the senate. The empire was an abomination.
>his misunderstanding of Hegelian Dialectics is the point.
define hegelian dialectics if you are so smart.
I think he meant to have him have 9 CHR and 1 INT, but that just bears the question why would a fucking Casanova who gets pussy by snapping his fingers need to rape to that extreme degree?
In that user's defence, you don't have to be able to define something to tell when someone is wrong about it. For instance, if you told me that a nuclear power plant was run by magical pixies pissing into a teacup then praying to Allah for energy, I could tell you that was bullshit, even though I couldn't tell you how nuclear energy works exactly. Credentialism and appealing to the "expert class" has been disastrous for public discussion.
How are half of these guys still so aesthetic despite being ugly as hell?
>for example...
i dont give a shit.
Define hegelian dialectics. feel free to use google.
I said "for instance", not "for example".
The NPC special stats are practically meaningless
>The fact that he demolished the Republican institutions of Rome aside
In my opinion, those institutions were dead the minute the marian reforms began to be adopted by every roman general. Don't forget that Caesar wasn't the first roman to take rome with an army loyal to him, Marius did it and then Sulla did it to Marius. Combine that with the senate doing nothing about the growing urban poor and it was just a matter of time before literally anybody with a good province and a penchant for ultimate power destroyed those institutions.
>rome fell when caesar defeated the senate
Silentium Cato
lol. are you the guy who wrote the mod in the OP? entirely irrelevant detail. Another pedant. Is there a puddle behind some trash bins you people are spawning out of?
he just wants you to /r/ELI5 Hegelian Dialectics to him because google is too hard
Actually read what I wrote.
Exactly, the people who say the Empire was bad because "muh civil wars" completely forget about the one hundred years before it was founded where the republic failed at every turn to prevent civil conflict.
They are. Hell, Boone- not the brightest bulb, but a trained sniper and spotter (which is more than just sitting on a rock looking through a scope, it turns out) who is also a decent strategist and even has some knowledge of the Rome that Caesar copied, has an INT of 3. For reference, the Vita-Tester describes 3 INT as "Cretin," and a player with only 3 INT is an idiot who gets special dialogue for being so dumb, and is in fact only one step above actually retarded (the descriptor for 2 INT is literally "Vegetable").
Feel free to use any source engine and any search result you can find to try and prove that the modder is not a total retard. A basic google search shows its exactly what Caesar says. Yes I'm aware of other sources that say the same thing with different wording i read them years ago.
I want to see a good argument backed up by evidence for how the modder is not a complete idiot for using a semantic argument.
>he's wrong because i don't like his faction
That's adequate to your explanation, or refusal thereof.
My entire point is that you don't need to fully understand something to know somebody is wrong about something, that is all.
"for instance" means the exact same thing as "for example" you mouth breathing reatrd. Kill yourself. i didnt read your whole post because i recoiled in disgust when i realized you had nothing worth reading after typing all of that. Try again or actually go through with killing yourself, thanks.
>Doesn't read the whole post
>Makes assumptions about content
I truly am on double yew double yew double yew dot boards dot fourchannel dot org forward slash vee.
My problem with people always bitching about the Legion being screwed once Caesar dies is that no one can read between the lines. For starters, Caesar puts the Courier on a coin after Hoover Dam which seems to suggest that at that point Caesar considers the Courier his heir seeing as how no one else is minted on their currency besides Caesar and the Courier. It just speaks to tradition, and knowing Caesar, it makes sense and it is the exact thing he'd do. Rulers are traditionally minted on currency.
All of that is redundant thought because the Courier is basically a Jesus-like figure and arguing with him/her as your point is dumb. Any faction, even the NCR, could arguably be saved or "redeemed" under the Courier if they're "built" right.
Taking the Courier completely out of the equation sets the Legion up the best to win. Benny hand delivers the chip to the Legion's fortress, far out of the reach of House seeing as how he recruits the Courier to get it back. The NCR is constantly shown to be too stretched out to do anything about the Legion, only having beaten them back the first time under Hanlon's leadership (which Oliver literally fired out of jealousy, lol). Legion is basically just waiting for the absolute Chad that is Legate Lanius to arrive to chalk an easy W.
Speaking of which, lets do a quick character study of the most misrepresented and misunderstood character in NV. There is an audio bit by Mr. New Vegas about how Lanius killed a bunch of his own men for weakness, and I swear to God every brainlet based their entire opinion on him around that one line. Lanius is brutal, but he is cunning too. If you do the Legion quests, you meet a dog trainer in the fort who tells you about how Lanius learned about his tribe's religion worshipping dogs, and used it against them by threatening to burn the dogs alive and condemn the tribe to hell. He is brutal, but he isn't some ragehead retard who is blinded by bloodlust. Oliver is the real retard.
Do you enjoy being called a retard? You must do, why else would you post such bait
I have no fucking idea about what he's talking about, and I don't care.
Philosophy is for cunts that think too much, and do too little.