Japanese gaming companies are healing

Square Enix just cut the western cancer from their company following Capcom who cut their western cancer a few years ago which means that Square will have hundreds of millions more now to invest in Japanese AAA games now instead of spending it on pozzed western devs for years, even Square CEO said that Japanese gaming companies should not make games with western culture, Forspoken will be the last western looking AAA game from Square.
YOU not buying western trash made this happen to Capcom and now Square, keep doing the good work anons, you are winning the culture war.

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Oh so when are SE gonna get rid of the ethics department then?
They shouldn't need them anymore now (:

Doesn't SE have some more capeshit in development?

They sold off the studios behind their capeshit titles to get money to invest on NFTs..

Why are weebs so easy to please/trick? Square is one of the worst companies out there, and now they don't even own the Eidos games anymore.

>don't even own the Eidos games anymore.
Good, recent Eidos games are pozzed SJW trash

ok nipooner.
it's actually the other way round but suit yourself.

>be me, square turdnix
>sell the only ip's worrth a shit
>fuck up the entire company

kek. topkek

Attached: rofl.jpg (506x339, 136.8K)

>cut the western cancer
>both still have "ethics" departments
Lel no.

>FF7R was a flop
>KH3 was a disappointment
>train already left for a Nier A sequel
>nobody cares about UE5 KH4
>FF16 might be good but doubtful
>Switch games all flops

They're using the western dev money for NFTs, which their CEO keeps pushing despite nobody wanting them.

New Deus Ex coming

New non-woke OLD FACE Lara coming
(link is... somewhere kek)

>Meanwhile, in Nipland

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I swear, those guys at Square Enix just hate gaming.

Deus Ex, Tomb Raider, Thief, finally resuced from the Nip scourge.

Square Enix is the worst thing that happened to these franchises. I would've said that it's good, them finally removing their stinking, disgusting paws from thief and deus ex. But i have 0 expectations for modern games, so whatever.

I unironically prefer Square spending money on NFTs than giving money to western devs to make SJW games to subvert the culture, even Lara looks like a man in recent games.

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>says this while having an "ethics department" and gutted tifa's design (only defended by ironic tomboyfags)

>Deus Ex, Tomb Raider, Thief, finally resuced from the Nip scourge.
Then prepare for transsexual Lara soon under the swedes lmao

Finally Deus Ex is free from SE's incompetence.
I think a AA budget would suit the series quite well.

Squeenix has for years been blaming their failures on their filthy gaijin studios and IP's
Plus, aside from Tomb Raider all these IP's THQ just aquired are essentially dead and unsuitable as far as AAA productions go

>I prefer square spending money on a literal scam than making games with women not attractive enough to my standards
You guys are as petty as you are retarded.

On the Nippon side you have:
- studios enjoying great freedom of development
- shitty remarsters
- sequel bloat
- FF14 given a full redevolepment, despite being dogshit and a financial bomb
- FF15 taking 10 years (and 2/3 complete redesigns) to release, burning millions each year, only to turn out one of the most mediocre FF titles
- the shameless cashgrab that is FF7 Remake, divisive even among FF fanboys

While on the Western side, the devs were faced with:
- extensive micromanagement from Squeenix
- unchangable deadlines
- unrealistic goals
- harsher crunch time
- small funding comparatively to their eastern cousins

However the western side of Squeenix has the one that had regular success (even if it didn't meet the japs hilarious expectations) and actual appeal outside east asia

those Eidos IPs just dodged a bullet.

>New Deus Ex coming
>Update: This was an out-of-context quote in reference to Eidos Montreal's beginning. Shacknews and the author regret this error in reporting.

>It's the west's fault Square hasn't been good in two decades

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>a bloo bloo bloo

ah, yes.
Good Japanese games with NO western influences like
>the one about an Italian plumber from Brooklyn
>that one series that's famously difficult and is in a world of European high fantasy
>the one about the blue hedgehog that loves chili-dogs and fights a caricature of Roosevelt
>the one about racing flying cars in the future with characters inspired by the developer's obsession with DC comics
>Earthbound, no western influences

So many Japanese-developed games ruined by western influence
>Jump-Force, the one about shonen characters crossing over. So western.
>Shinmu 3, extremely western that game is
>Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor, the super western mecha game
>every senru kagura game

you're a schizophrenic

In a little under two years they lost $200m on two Marvel games. Despite being utterly mediocre, the two Deus Ex games are better than anything the japanese side has put out since... well, ever.

If these games go full woke, it's likely to be the dev's fault since embracer has been pretty much hands off when it comes to all their studios.

cope and seethe westoid, no more japanese money no make western games for you lol

The western influences you mentioned are not what's in western games today.


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They should have kept Tomb Raider. Give it to one of their in house divisions.

was stranger of paradise a western or japanese cultured game? cuz YIKES

>Capcom who cut their western cancer a few years ago
>here's your nigger tranny monster hunter, bro

>SE is investing heavily into nft
>Capcom is going the gacha route
yeah, good job consoomers. keep supporting your favorite cancerous jewpanese corporation

>Square Enix just cut the western cancer from their company
Until I see proof the ethics department is gone I call bullshit

>here's your nigger tranny monster hunter, bro

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>square enix cut the cancer
Just announced a sequel to Outriders and more Marvel shit is in development.

Square Enix management is more western than their western studios combined.

>I unironically prefer Square spending money on not video games than video games.

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Isn't shitnoy planning on buying se and replacing everyone with protomagic girl?

>Japanese developers shouldn't imitate western titles
>"If Japanese imitate Western games, they will not be able to produce good ones,"
>Square Enix
Okay, so when are they going to start?

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>Forspoken is the pet project for Square Enix’s CEO Yosuke Matsuda
>Their internal expectations are that this will be their next big thing
So, when are they cutting out Matsuda cancer?

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>mainline games
all failing with only surviving game being a outdated model called the subscprition mmo
>mobile games
get kicked by based chinese and korean games like every other shit japanese company
>future games
pushing nft and trash like ffxvi that reached final production despite no news about even any gameplay
and you call it healing lmao
shit archaic company should die and make way for the future

>shouldn't imitate western devs
meanwhile capcom does the opposite and tries to imitate move Sony shit like the last of us with their nu RE games

>we wuz Monsta Hantas and sheet

Attached: wuz.jpg (640x360, 32.28K)

I think that he's talking about "Type 01 & 02" bodies, on the tranny part.

Square Enix is dead. I don't think they have the ability to make a comeback, like Capcom did.

>SE stupidly keeps trying the GAS their products, pretty much only FF14 is left alone and as a result is actually making money as stupid investor ideas are somehow thwarted.

>They sold fucking Deus Ex off and immediately got into NFTs, which is rapidly crashing and burning

Attached: gyroidaroidaroidaroid.gif (150x150, 147.13K)

>- FF15 taking 10 years (and 2/3 complete redesigns) to release, burning millions each year, only to turn out one of the most mediocre FF titles
Anything good that could've made it into FFXV got cut out to please Chinese censorship and the Western taste. Just let this nigger company die already.

While this is true, he talked down on the current form of NFTs, the speculative investment aspect. He's more interested in the technology itself

why do americans ruin and destroy everything?

what's this in reference to?

Isn't this the retard that took advice from a fortune teller to move a whole branch of the company to another city?

>new deus ex
>it's just nu deus ex
Shit's fucked
>non woke lara ever returning
The devs themselves only want to work on Nu Lara, and that's all you're getting.

This, Square's problem has always been from the higher ups

Life in zogged western countries? Western postmodern irony?

Enix should have let Square rot.

What's this got to do with Square getting into NFTs instead of just not trying to monetize the shit out of (what was) their western franchises?

she looks too white
the fuck are the nips thinking?

Good, now all SE has to do is cut out the Enix cancer

Somehow I don't think that Embrace/THQ Nordic will just dissolve entire studios behind those games including the leafs responsible for Tomb Raider.

don't mind him he just a retarded SEA monkey