Why can’t invoker be hard carry?
Why can’t invoker be hard carry?
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He can, build for WE and get a daedalus and desolator. If it doesn't work it's because you aren't skilled enough
because there are better carries
next question
his only steroid is alacrity and he doesn't really have a farming spell in his arsenal which is why he builds midas + bots and farms heroes
They keep nerfing him in various ways like his utility (for example, I'm STILL salty about the removal of pushback from Deafening Blast) whilst at the same time giving other carries which are just mindless left clickers all this OP stuff. Anti-Mage is just one example of many.
I refuse to believe anyone not currently dying for jews against the jews is playing or cares about DOTA 2
because heroes need to be fun to play against as well as fun to play
He doesn't do enough rightclick damage even with damage. And if you go full spell build the enemy carry will just bkb and kill you first.
*with damage items lol
Other carries either have built in crits, attack speed or something else to help them farm.
this. Only russians subhumans play it and they are getting drafted today death to them all
Kael struggles to carry primarily because he's an INT hero, which means all the AGI (and to a lesser degree STR) items are less gold-efficient because they don't give him attack damage in addition to their other stats; this is why Windrunner is also a less effective rightclicker than many would expect, especially outside of Focus Fire. additionally, going into midgame, BKBs start to come out, which means (among other things) that his solo core-killing potential drops off, and thereafter his unremarkable HP and lack of a defensive passive are big liabilities.
even so, you can surprise bad players by doing Alacrity + Phase Boots + Mask of Madness, but A) bad players lose to everything anyway, and B) earlygame rightclick invoker is probably less advantageous than one with Tornado/EMP/Cold Snap; the only benefit would be that the tower damage is nice, especially for a hero that has a fair chance of winning some mid matchups with that build.
Thanks icefr0g
flips still plays it
>its another NP tries to farm jungle and falls behind in gold ep
He was at one point but you needed to be good with him to do it. You could absolutely blow teams out of the water in a teamfight with the right skill level.
It's pointless now to play like this because of how games are structured and how much the hero has changed.
>one corrupt slavic kleptocracy declares war on another corrupt slavic kleptocracy
>the first world is supposed to care or even pay attention
>because raytheon needs to sell more NLAWs
we live in interesting times.
Call it a cope but it's too much work to do too little with him. The best invokers are megaminds who use every spell to its fullest potential Everytime but why fucking bother when you can pick any of the other heroes and just go UNGA BUNGA for better results
>The best invokers are megaminds who use every spell to its fullest potential
I always wished to be like that because I find Invoker to be a very cool hero both skill and appearance wise but I realized that it'd be for the best to put that effort in doing something useful irl
and playing less complex games that'd give me the same amount of fun and less stress than Dota 2
I havent played dota in almost a decade
is tornado+ss+meteor+deafening blast not an instakill anymore?
It's has been nered. It's still devastating but nowhere near 2012-2013. Here's a random video Youtube suggested me and look at the team fight here.
Compare that to a random combo in . It does nowhere near enough damage to wipe and the only kill scored was Axe ulting Morphling.
shit game desu
Yeah, still fun to watch Tis though. The game I linked is bad too mostly because it's SEA and Radiant managed to win that with how bad the TA was.
>bad farming
>mana reliant
>must get solo experience successfully but cannot deal with a 1v2 or many 1v1s
There is no reason to play him as a right click character, you can do it but its retarded.
Character has honestly just received too many nerfs and fallen to the sideline like meepo.
>mfw pausing just before the game ends to type ? and ezgame
Yea Forums is anti-Semitic because they're jealous that Jews are better than them in every conceivable way.
>needs lvls
>bad flash farming
Both are problems for a safelane
Why can't Omniknight be 1
if you dont consider dropping mantles higher prio than throne you`re doing somethign incorrect.
basically nudotaredditvalvefrog, in his infinite wisdom, declared semicarries haram.
thank you based abdul for watering down every aspect of dota 2 so i could quit this dogshit prisoner's dilemna game
>Outing yourself as the guy who routinely does nothing and gets carried
tf you on about he still has pushback on deafening blast
He is? EBlade + Rev Broche.
He can with his new Exort ability.
cuz he's a dunce that can barely remember a few spells
>laughs in storm spirit
>laughs in OD
have they buffed pb yet or is he still a waste of slot
>posts serial amnesiac
>midas first
>farm 80% of game.
>40 min game
>340 gpm
every time.
fuck invoker players.
>posts serial amnesiac
Do elaborate what the fuck youre on about
Storm isn't a "hard carry", it's a snowball abuser that just keeps oppressing the enemy team into not being able to farm
He's left behind from the insane power creep. Now every carry have a blink/dash so they can travel around the map in seconds and flash farm jungle, they have insane burst damage and scales better.
invoker isnt really that hard once you delve into the deep lore of the character
>remember good spell
>forget the rest forever
so basically spam sunstrike and tornado emp kek
Stop being guardian 2
>am literally guardian 2
Pushback stun/hard disable I meant. As the game goes on, BKB and other stuff comes out making various spells and combos muchmore useless.
Casters can't be hard carries in dota
This here
>he doesn't go desolator warlock
How are carries even useful? Wouldn't it be better to have one more hero that can help win the early game and contribute to the entire team snowballing out of control?
Maybe he can in the next update 9 months from now :)
make sure you buy both battlepasses to fund this increased rate of development time.
no i have to farm for 60 minutes and then kill the 30 and 0 zeus for 75000 gold and one shot the barracks
carries are for babies who have no mechanical skill and play pve for 90% of the game and get to feel all self important and have an impact for the last 2mins so they get that anime protagonist high their manchildren brains crave
carries are insurance
at some point people don't just die from a single combo and smarter players will know when to reel it in, having one guy that can consistently pump out damage helps with that
holy fucking true it's even worse when they farm the whole game and all our towers a down they attempt to take on the team and get absolutely anally annihilated cause the enemy team actually worked together and got good money fucking up our towers and team in the mean time
imageine playeing dota or lol in current year.
i miss being young and easily entertained.
>removal of pushback from Deafening Blast)
what the fuck man