I honestly want Starfield to succeed. I only made the Shazam edits to manipulate Yea Forums into wanting Starfield to succeed despite Bethesda and Todd Howard's past failures. It's reverse psychology at its finest.
I honestly want Starfield to succeed...
I too have zero doubt that Chadd Howard will make Starfield one of the best game in history.
i dont hate bethesda i just wish they would make a really great product for once, i feel like they've just been on a downward spiral for so long
me too, i don't want games to fail, i want to have more modern games instead of replaying old ones. im tired of replaying skyrim.
Every big Western game is bombing now so this probably will too.
>Todd Howard's past failures
You're a liar, Todd never has failed me.
I WANTED Cyberpunk to be good. It was just fun to laugh at it when it was obviously going to be dogshit. I always want games to be good. If they are bad, I get a good chuckle with Yea Forums, but if they are good, I get to play that good game.
I hope Starfield is good, I just kinda doubt it.
massive disappointment
the first trailer was hype
its ok bud
You wish you could release a half-baked title to critical acclaim and get swarms of cucknerds to fix it for you, free of charge
You will never be that alpha, or a woman
because todd releases solid frameworks that nobody makes except for him.
I still don't know what shazam is or supposed to represent. Google says it's a music search thing. What's that got
Do guys think we're going to get 10 years of Starfield re-releases? Or are they going to so that with Skyrim2?
shazam is a chracter from DC.
the original shazam poster pointed out what was removed from cyberpunk and used shazam because he looked smug.
I can't believe these retards are still using gamebyro
I would love to be pleasantly surprised but I have no reason to expect that given Bethesda's track record
gamebyro is perfect for their games.
only retards will spot the jank without context.
The pronoun thing is making me hesitant to embrace the hype. Is Bethesda.. no.. is /ourguy/ Todd embracing the POZZ?!
I thought he used it because he was sipping some kind of HOPIUM beverage like some braindead consoomer.
I mean the beverage is literally called "BIG THIRST"
Day 1 pirate
I think it makes no sense to reinvent a wheelchair.
The way Todd thinks i can assume he just looks at it and like "well it works, fuck it".
In the end they'd probably spent more time making a new engine than making a new title.
I actually believe he's thinking in the right direction. He's there to make actual games, not benchmarks. I just wish he'd spent more time polishing his games instead of doing this
>mods will fix it
bullshit. Over and over again.
As for him telling sweet little lies meme, he actually never really lied. He simply did not mention certain things and people on the interviews NEVER bothered to ask him anything in detail.
For instance with Fallout 76 he literally said "it's going to suck and we know it, we never made an online game before, this is experimental".
But people still hated Bethesda and Todd and called them scammers or something like that.
I mean, you KNEW what you were buying. HE WARNED YOU.
todd is a pure PR guy, im sure that those dialogues they recorded are no longer than this post.
not to say he's ourguy but i don't think he cares about brownie points.
its gonna suck ass and I will laugh at bethesdrones once again!
I want it to fail but with no hard feelings as I enjoy Bethesda games. I just want to get the next TES installment faster, look how fast CDPR announced Witcher 4 after Cyberpunk's mess.
I'm tired Yea Forums, first I was supposed to have the BIG FUN in Cyberpunk, but it got cucked
then I was supposed to have BIG FUN in 2042, but it got mega cucked
then I was supposed to have BIG BIG FUN in Elden Ring, but it got ultra cucked
when does it end
>when does it end
When they finish Valheim and when EDF6 is released. You're welcome.
Even 76, user-tachi? Aside from actual Starfield gameplay being shown, I hope we see the MachineGames Indiana Jones game Todd is producing in the upcoming June showcase.
There's a chance CDPR gets funded with taxpayer money.
>Every game is bombing now so this probably will too.
wasn't directed by him but it is dissaponting how he shilled it.
Well you made Elden Ring one of the biggest games of the last decade. So chances are good you'll get it again.
I'm not sure TES VI will be any good, Bethesda's state lately is worrisome and they're still dealing with Fallout 76 lawsuits.
Some developers work better under pressure, like when Bethesda almost went bankrupt and they produced morrowind as a hail mary and it saved them.
successes dose that. skyrim was a mistake.
yes it was
retards keep coping that 76 wasn't by the main team but it took ALL of bethesda to make
The funny thing is the shazam meme was never funny, nor is it funny now as if it has any effect on peoples opinion.
But let me ask you is it still the 5 trannies that keep pushing that meme?
who said it was supposed to be funny you faggot
better than retards posting gigafaggot all the time for liking trash garbage
I have to agree with the other user. The fact that it gets you people so riled up is why it gets posted, not because it's funny.
so it's just shit posting. ok
I mean I have a feeling that Shazam edits probably changed nothing: Anons will buy Starfield day one because It's a Bethesda game, and Yea Forums secretly loves Bethesda despite saying they hate it.
Honestly, no. 76 didn't disappoint me.
It's my least played game out of Todd's bunch, sure, but that isn't out of the game's story, content, or anything, just out of the fact that I don't tend to play Multiplayer games that much.
Here's the thing and most people don't realize it. Bethesda fans are the biggest chads in videogaming. We do not care what people say or think about Bethesda games. We know they're amazing works of art. The bugginess we enjoy. Bugs in games are funny as shit. Every single Bethesda game and launch has more soul than the last 10 years of gaming combined. People tried using the Todd Howard memes as a way to make fun of Bethesda but the fans reversed it joining in on the joke.
This will be the turnaround for the decade
People can only think in terms of decades. Notice how the best games are either released near the beginning of a decade or near the end of a decade. People will then use those games to compare the rest of the decade against. Skyrim did it in the 2010s. Elden ring/Starfield will do it in the 2020s
The person I replied to is a Chinese “person” doing a very poor job of posting in English. There’s a lot of them on here lately. Either the shill firms turned over a lot of employees or China bought back in so they could shitpost again.
This has been a civil thread until you showed up m8. Fuck off to another thread if you want to be racist.
Nah man I'm not Chinese, and English is the only language I know. It's hilarious how people come to conclusions like that though like you can actually decipher an anonymous post.
Here comes the hive lmao when will they learn that this just confirms they’re chinks too anybody that’s lurking? Leave it to bug “men” to lose sight of their entire purpose on the site whenever somebody vaguely insults them.
Please seek medication.
>pic related
Hello yellow man.
Leave it to user to see the chinaman around every corner. It's almost as bad as my Uncle and Communists.
You have never seen an Asian in your life.
>Be me
>be hahhhhd-ah-working america-joe
>me drive car arr way to macadonarousama's
>wait rong time in macadonarousama's rine
>get bored, me so tired!
>finarry get to yerr-box to order macadanarou's mear
>"Oh herro, missah ordah-man, is order time now yes?"
>*bzzzrrrt* *ffrrzzzt* "ah-yes, ah-prees continue with your ordah very much"
>"Okay I have ah-one macadanarousama coffee... Ver Hot!"
>grab coffee wif my yerrow hands
>prace coffee for temporary moment by peepee nono spot
>"ok, time for me to ah-return to raundrooomat for rest of work day"
>coffee spirr! it everywhere!
>"oh owie! ahhh, huht ah-rear bad, ahhh herp me macadanarousama"
>no herp
>not even reprace coffee
>I sue them fo everyting they have
Why does america work rike this?
>I was just pretending to be retarded
Based Englishman, poking fun at America from across the pond. Why can't more posters be as cultured as him?
many frower for you comrade whiboi sure scared of orientar man, rawrrr big scary tiger! Tiger of arr of Asia! Rong rive China!
explain this, even the wiki confirms it.
>explain this
His ancestors didn’t know how to spell “Gardener”
with Fallout 76 he literally said "it's going to suck and we know it, we never made an online game before, this is experimental".
But people still hated Bethesda and Todd and called them scammers or something like that.
I mean, you KNEW what you were buying. HE WARNED YOU.
You can very much tell that while most of Bethesda worked on Fallout 76 at one point or another, that this was almost entirely done by a B-team.
You have most of the Typical leads at Bethesda still in "lead" positions, but they also for some reason usually have a second lead which is taken from one of the nobody developers from their earlier games, which indicates that while Maryland BGS had oversight, they weren't as involved in the day-to-day aspects of the game as these secondary leads were.
holy based
>oh owie
>huht ah-rear bad
On one hand I cannot stand bethesda games (not the ones made by other studios). On the other hand maybe MS will make their games tolerable.
look at that, another chink-poster. What gives? did they summon the entire hive lmao
>implying this isn't falseflagging to get people to hate the game via annoying everyone
No, this thread no farse-frag, this thread real, genuine, BIG poster count. Maybe too much fat in your stinky America brain make you not notice?
>schizo ranting about Asians still
>chink still seething about getting outed by his shamefully poor English
No wonder you are loser shill with LOW money
user, your brain seems severely damaged. Please seek a medical professional.
>No wonder you are loser shill with LOW money
now you sound like an ESL third worlder.
Maybe if user was in wonderfur CHINA, which recentry entered modern gorden age, he courd get prentifur Chinese state hearthcare instead of be America get shot by FAT gun!
I’m making fun of how you lot talk lol
>barely literate counter-shill constantly spamming the thread by calling everyone else shills
Why am I even surprised that this would happen in a Starfield thread with even slightly positive vibes.
>he's still using improper grammer
ESL as fuck.