Why does Yea Forums get so excited when a video game flops?

Why does Yea Forums get so excited when a video game flops?

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It lets them feel less bad about being failures when they see other things fail.

misery loves company

If everyone always followed this rule, women would never have gotten the vote.

i love to hate things

also the world would be a lot more shitty because no one would get correct or fix anything.
once again it's just media trying to shut the public up by using the soapbox that the public consumes to teach people to be quiet about what they don't like.

But they're making changes that I hate to the things I used to love.

Because this is a period of games made with minimal effort, and it shows, or games are largely made for a mostly casual audience, frequently falling short for veteran gamer's expectations.
Seeing something fail is as close to a victory as they'll get, considering no studio will just hear out a marginalized section of disgruntled gamers, regardless of how valid their point is.
Also, some games just suck and it's like watching a nascar crash

obsession with reliving the tortanic

I'm so fucking sick of seeing this overposted image I genuinely want to throat fuck her now

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>changing your md5 so people cant find out what an absolute sperg autist you are

Because despite everything, Yea Forums still cares.

They pay more attention when I hate something instead of love it

>you're boring me. it's boring. you're there to entertain me
>do what i say. talk about this not that
not exactly a genius when it comes to actually getting people to do what she wants i see

Whats not to love?

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>you will settle for mediocrity goy
>and you will love it

people talking about how much they love something can be really fucking boring and people talking about what they hate can be extremely entertaining.

because when shit game flops it discourages devs and publishers to make shit games, not a rocket science

Because i hate contemporary vidya gayme companies and wish they'd all just go under already.

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Lawbreakers is owned by Nexon?

I love not liking things. Kink-shaming is also my kink. Checkmate.

Anyway I hate the direction video games are going in so the worse they do, the more people lose their jobs and hopefully they'll stop doing it.

>(you) will BAIT everytime I post this

Was, the game was gonna go F2P, then the chinks decided to invest and required cliffyb to charge $30 for it

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i don't care anymore the modern consumer will buy trash if told to.

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Because I fucking told you it was going to flop but noooo, you had to have HOPE like a retard

they're all jews.

gatekeeping is a good thing

It's not enough for me to succeed but to watch others fail

>"Keep quiet about what you don't"
>Play game and I don't just dislike, I hate it.
I'll bitch about it all the way to my grave.
Get fucked

They didn't get excited about Battlefield 2042 flopping. Nobody does. It's easily the worst game launch in history and nobody cares.

Because Im fucking tired of AAA games making gaming constantly worse and I want them all to die.

The only games I want to flop deserve to flop. If they don't flop when they should or they do flop when they shouldn't, it's a sad day for the hobby.

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>t. boring

The industry is shit and it's nice to see getting what it deserves. Yea Forums is cope.

i've already talked about things i love, only like 2 games worth loving have come out in the last decade
if you don't talk about how shit things are nothing will ever improve. too many people love mindless garbage with no depth because they themselves are garbage with no depth

>Dude, just don't express what you think lmao!

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False hope that "AAA" companies will go back to making good games if enough bad ones fail.

>if you don't talk about how shit things are nothing will ever improve
dude they are STILL shitting out marvel shit even after (no joke) 60+ of them despite getting shit on for the past 8 years over how shallow and how bad the effects are

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what the fuck is that

We want to quit the Tortanic. It just won't quit us. If we didn't laugh and make memes and drink milkshakes about the shitty games we would just quit the hobby altogether. Now, with sincerity, FUCK OFF BACK TO RED-DIT.

A funny thing is that "Tortanic" didn't even sink, it still exists and just got an expansion this year.
Meanwhile plenty of games Yea Forums enjoyed (like MNC. MS2, Wildstar, UT4) have died.

I dont hate them because I think they're bad
I hate them because I know they are evil

A webm.

>stop hating the thing I like because I take everything personally and view your feelings as an attack on me

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Even if Cyberpunk or Fallout 76 were amazing games, I still wouldn't have bought either because the genre and aesthetic have no appeal to me. They would release and be enjoyed and I would have no interaction and forget about them. But because they were such disasters I could have a positive experience with the myriad glitch videos and developer drama.
So a bad game can bring me fun and joy where there would otherwise be none.

Woman detected

Opinion disregarded

Initiating rape protocol in 3....2....1

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200 million dollar cape shit #53748

>hate is "boring"
t. insecure person
if you fall for this bait you are a woman

don't ask questions just consume product and be excited for next product

it helps me live

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all in all the lack of shadows is what kills it, otherwise would be believable

no one is talking about reddit. settle the fuck down

Yea Forums isn't one person, tourist

Reddit meme

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It's not just the blurry lighting, it's the total lack of texture.

stranger happy me sad
stranger sad me happy

Love racism, hate black people

>Don't work
>No money
>Become ill due to lack of decent food
T-Thanks Lama