>people somehow came together and said this was a hidden gem that was overhated
the government must have supplied everyone crack pipes that day
People somehow came together and said this was a hidden gem that was overhated
There's an Unleashed mod for Generations that ports all the levels except for Eggmanland over, the Day stages hold up just fine. Hatred for Werehog is overblown but it's no secret that it's a shitty God of War clone (stretchy arms vs. Blades of Athena).
7/10 or so.
i was literally on the internet during the era this was out and I specifically remember the reaction was the same shit as it is nowadays. good daytime stages and shit nighttime stages. stop trying to revise history zoomer
I don't get it either. The game constantly flip flops from good to bad all the time, and I don't just mean because of the night stages either.
>Sonic fans are delusional morons with no taste who defend whatever garbage Sega shits out to their dying breath
What else is new
it's a bit like watching an abusive relationship
Being a hyperbolic faggot in the other direction isn't endearing me to the hate for it
>sonic fans try to convince people that adventure 1 is good
>sonic fans try to convince people that unleashed is good
>sonic fans try to convince people that CD is good
>sonic fans try to convince people that heroes is good
it never ends
in 5 years people will be saying "sonic 06 wasn't actually that bad, people just bandwagoned"
Day stages were mostly fine except when Sonic stopes being confined and can move freely in 3d space.
That said it was better than SA2.
sonic fans have already been saying 06 was actually good since 3 years ago
It's better then Colors, Lost World and Forces. By like a large margin
how much stock you put in that is up to you
Daytime stages are great. Werehog was garbage. Having the ending change based on the console version was retarded.
>Unleashed gets the love it deserves while everyone shits on Colors
This is the right timeline. Though I think everyone who praises Unleashed has forgotten how horrible the sun and moon medals were. Absolutely fucking horrible. Still better than Colors though
>unleashed GOOD colors BAD
Kill yourselves
I liked the werehog
Colors is fucking shit. It cant even do 2d right, which is like 90% of the game
what everyone think of those two?
Rooftop Run is the single best stage to ever grace the Sonic series
Good story, good music, shit gameplay
SR is an interesting predecessor to boostshit games hampered by a weird control scheme, haven't played BK
Kino plots but meh gameplay
The Day Stages are good, and the game's production values are pretty damn good for a 360 game.
But Werehog kills it to prevent me from ever comprehending a playthrough of it. Combat is okay but repetitive as hell. The battle music is grating after the 5th times out of 100.
Werehog platforming is inexcusably bad.
And then you fuck up and not collect enough medals, you gotta go through one of its stages again.
Just play the Generations mod on PC that ports over the Unleashed Day stages instead.
I enjoy going into sonic threads just to watch the fans argue over which game is the least shitty. It's kind of fascinating.
Xbox series s runs at 60fps
Bot post
*recommending, don't know how that happened
>PC users still on copium
>implying any of them are shitty
I'm gonna fuck that ghost
There are more good sanic games than bad ones
> s1
>S2 s3 s3k
Broken - had good ideas- needed more dev time
Same as shadow
> rings
>black knigh
>Lost world
>all gba games
>qll ds game
>3ds games
sonic fans like a good game. This is somehow a bad thing.
you forgot Rivals
And im tired of saying otherwise
Never played those so i cannot give a opinion on it
>>black knight
I would not know but the theme is baller.
I personally enjoyed Secret Rings a lot, it had a fun arcade like experience in how the limited controls worked while you rushed through the levels.
Black Knight I'm much more mixed on, while it switched back to Joystick controls, the sword doesn't really work when you are also on rails and the level design generally gave you much more narrow paths to traverse.
CD is the worst classic sonic game because you can't even play it as a classic sonic game. You're forced to jerk off in stages too large for the series and somehow sonic copists turn this into a good thing by saying it encourages exploration
most people recommend pouring most levels into combos to keep the combat fresh throughout and if you know a certain air combo, platforming becomes pretty fast paced. Can't defend medal autism and the battle music but these can help.
go play em
Mania stages are bigger than cd"s and i maked it as perfection
Sonic as a character is written great, Daylight stages are great, story is decent, game fucks in the visual department.
Sadly the Werehog is a mediocre and slow GOW clone that brings the pacing to a halt even when the design is cool and the night time stages are fun.
Wow look at all that shit Unleashed is just as guilty of
>It's bad becuz it's different
The storytime series would be peak Sonic if it was fun to play. Everything arround it is great besides the thing that actually matters.
>you can't even play it as a classic sonic game
you literally can though its less than an hour long even if you go for all the time stones. The CD hate has to be a meme or only from people that played through it once
I know about the air combo that give you some extra distance and air time, but its still a pain how much Werehog sections ask you to to rely on the lock-on of the stretchy arms to traverse over bottomless instant death pits.
Never had a single combat death from my health bar reaching zero in Werehog.
Many many deaths from falling into a bottomless pit (or shallow water)
I mean, the nightime VISUALS are fun
I'd say it was a great oportunity to make the Werehog a slower adventure sonic with a grappling hook, but execs at SEGA are retards
>god of war clone
outside of stretchy arms allowing for ranged combat the games play nothing alike.
This shitty argument only propagates because of shitty e-celebs pushing for it.
You're gonna sit there and try and tell me 80% of Unleashed is forced low quality 2D platforming and elevator riding? That's the post you're gonna send to me?
You need to replay both again
>Sonic CDs reddit defence force is back
You have not played sonic CD, zoomer.
So when did Sonic haters become more autistic anyway?
The only themes i dont like are sonic heroes and 06
>CD is the worst classic sonic game because you can't even play it as a classic sonic game.
There are only 4 classic Sonic games, 3K was the one to stood up to Mario while the other two were alright but not better than SMW by any means. CD is only second to 3&K. CD featured much more exploration and better branching paths and the music is significantly superior.
Nobody said it was 1:1
>shitty e-celebs
Name them or fuck off and don't bring them up again
>Exploration cope argument
>Musical argument
You guys are broken records
"Dude, I swear Unleashed is good if you ignore the night stages, the depthless combat, the tedious medal hunting, the controls, the stage length not even being mitigated by the speed like in other games with longer stages, Chip, the frequency of Sonic's voice clips, the first instances of Tails starting to suck, the hub world, the daytime stages running like garbage, the-"
Yes I have played and beaten CD multiple times. Clearly you played it like once and sucked ass at it and called it shit. Which is fine but don't try and make me out to be a fucking liar when I know what the fuck I'm talking about
>CD featured much more exploration and better branching paths
And also heavily discouraged actually checking out those branching paths since the only time you needed to investigate anything was if you were in the past to get a Good Future, and the time travel mechanic was hampered by the level design often putting speedbumps in your way expressly to make you flub a time travel
Spindash isn't even useful enough to warrant using since you can Peel-Out and roll, it's a half-baked feature that Sonic 2 would end up actually making useful
>music is significantly superior
Assuming JP soundtrack, sure, EN soundtrack is pretty weak comparatively
Everyone stops after saying the night stages are shit. Only autistic classic sonic fans care about the other shit